Sidar Jabari

Legendary Creature — Human Knight

Flanking *(Whenever a creature without flanking blocks this creature, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.) *

Whenever Sidar Jabari attacks, tap target creature defending player controls.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Flanking Troops
Divine Retribution
Champion Lancer
Auspicious Ancestor
Mtenda Herder

justavictim82 on Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

6 years ago

enpc I never at any time said Gwafa is a tier 1 or 2 build but putting him the same category with useless commanders like Huang Zhong, Shu General or Sidar Jabari or overcosted ones like Chorus of the Conclave or Lu Bu, Master-at-Arms is also not a good assessment. If you took the time to look up I said specifically that Gwafa should be Tier 4 maybe tier 3. I admit that he is conditional but he is good at what he does. There are a lot of reasons for this.

1) Maybe the best combination of control colors in magic. By being pillowfort, you buy time until you find your answer and grind into a game win. I cannot tell you how many times against competitive decks that I have done 10+ commander damage with Gwafa as we as slow down creature based strategies.

2) He is instant removal. Yes the opponent nets a card but it can shut down a win-con which is more important. Voltron strategies groan heavily when I flip Gwafa because they know they will have to work extra hard to get in.

3) Backed by removal and counters. YEs they net that extra card but after you bribe them, any good blue deck has a counter suite to handle what comes next. By buying time, you let a good control deck stabilize. If Gwafa didn't net a card, every U/W conrtol deck would be using him as a commander