Shrine of Boundless Growth


At the beginning of your upkeep or whenever you cast a green spell, put a charge counter on Shrine of Boundless Growth. {T}, Sacrifice Shrine of Boundless Growth: Add 1 to your mana pool for each charge counter on Shrine of Boundless Growth.

DemMeowsephs on Crew is Big

3 years ago

Hey there! I'm usually the land and ramp helping guy, and you wrote that is one of your issues, so here, I hope I'll be able to clear that up a little bit. Let's start off with lands.

I see shock lands, fetch lands, and of course horizon lands, along with a few stand alone multicolor lands. Not bad! Keep ALL the shocks, and keep ALL the fetches. Fetches can search for shocks and shocks are really good. Usually I like to recommend filter lands (like Mystic Gate) or fast lands (such as Seachrome Coast). Horizon lands are also some of my all time favorites, but playing four of magics colors can be quite tough. For three, four, and definitely five colors, I usually recommend more multicolor lands. Your average CMC is also quite high, so maybe 1-2 more lands would be pretty good if you think you can. That said, consider some of the following lands.

So basically, consider much more things that can add a color of your choice, they give you much more options! The other lands are very good too, so you have to decide which one would be more beneficial in your opinion, though to me, I would cut Horizons and triomes for the ones I mentioned.

That said, let's move on to some ramp! Arcane Signet, Chromatic Lantern, and Sol Ring are pretty good, but I might have some you find better. Green is amazing for ramp, so by adding amazing green ramp spells, not only are you now getting the best ramp options, but also you are evening out the color pi for your deck! Consider some of the following

Tylord2894 on M21 Shrines and other "Shrines"

3 years ago

Cards like Shrine of Boundless Growth are not Shires, and will not affect your "Shrine count".

Having the word "Shrine" in a card's name doesn't make it a Shrine in the game's eye. Similarly, a card doesn't need to have "Shrine" in its name to be a Shrine in the game's eyes. Sanctum of All shows this well. Sanctum will affect your "Shrine" count because it has the Shrine subtype (which is an enchantment type). Since Shrine of Boundless Growth doesn't have the Shrine subtype (due in part to it not being an enchantment), it will not affect your "Shrine count".

Hope this helps!!

StuPickles on M21 Shrines and other "Shrines"

3 years ago

Hi there, was looking into building a 5 color shrine deck seeing how there are technically 11 in total now. Honden of Cleansing Fire Honden of Infinite Rage, Honden of Life's Web, Honden of Night's Reach, Honden of Seeing Winds. as well as the new ones from M21 Sanctum of All Sanctum of Calm Waters Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest Sanctum of Shattered Heights Sanctum of Stone Fangs Sanctum of Tranquil Light

Now I pretty much know the answer to this question will be No, but im hopeful regardless because shenanigans. Do cards like Shrine of Boundless Growth Shrine of Piercing Vision Shrine of Limitless Power Shrine of Loyal Legions Shrine of Burning Rage count towards the number of shrines you control? Technically they are shrines and in the enchantments text, looking for "Shrines you control" doesnt specifically state whether it needs to be an enchantment or artifact, only that it is a shrine. I know this is a stretch but are there any other instances of cards that have a similar or relatable technical problem like this that it can be compared to?

Kjartan on 9(colossus format 3 (somewhat contradictory ) )

6 years ago

I don't really get what you mean by "Noncreature artifacts that only contain mana producing and mana manipulation effects that only influence mana producing permanents."

It would seem that Shrine of Boundless Growth isn't legal then. Furthermore Everflowing Chalice seems unplayable, if you have to invest 8 mana into it.

If cards like Shrine of Boundless Growth are legal however, I think you can make a pretty powerful dragon deck.

Otherwise Dark Depths is probably the best deck in the format.

On the top of my head, this seems pretty bonkers ->

ThinkJank on The Gall Ta Play Artifacts in Green!

6 years ago

guardianhunter19, glad you like the deck! Unfortunately, Mycosynth Lattice, Golem, and All is Dust are a bit outside my price range at the moment, but I'll be sure to find room for them the moment I get a chance. Nevinyrral's Disk does a decent job at imitating All is Dust, though. Inspiring Statuary definitely is a must, however, and I've removed Shrine of Boundless Growth to make room for it.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Welcome to Skund

6 years ago

Thanks Wolfrage76.

I'd agree that It That Betrays is much better than Breaker of Armies, but the Breaker is there to open the door for an alpha strike from my tree army. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is one of my favorite cards and more importantly acts as spot removal which is rather lacking in mono-green. That being said, the idea of stealing my opponents sac'd lands with ITB and then beating them down with those lands does sound quite fun. I have some rather lackluster cards like Ovya hanging around that could be replaced so I'll have to give it a try.

I have never been a big fan of storage lands as I find them too slow, but Shrine of Boundless Growth might be an interesting option as a fail safe in case I lose all of my lands.

Wolfrage76 on Welcome to Skund

6 years ago

Nice build! I've actually gotten to prefer It That Betrays over Breaker of Armies or even Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, though you can't go wrong with Ulamog really. The thing about ITB is that if you go against an opponent that likes to Sac then it works to your advantage.

And a great ramp card is Shrine of Boundless Growth, as a thought :D If you make a lot of tokens, you might consider City of Shadows.

GlobalDynamics on Atraxa, Voice of Infection

6 years ago

I like Archfiend of Ifnir, but I'm not entirely sure it's doing much in a deck that has only three cycling cards. Shrine of Boundless Growth has just been slow, as has Briber's Purse. Orochi Hatchery doesn't really belong, and I could do better counter spells than Disdainful Stroke.

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