Shred Memory


Exile up to four cards from target player's graveyard

Transmute (, Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost as this card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play only as a sorcery.)

Adny888 on MossyFungoid

6 months ago

Hey unleashed Havoc

Thanks for looking over my decklist and for the suggestions! The Tendershoot Dryad looks like a solid addition, and I will add to my potential buy list.

The Tutors sound like a good inclusion too, (along with the sac outlets) but they are all pretty spenny here in Aus... what do you think on these guys as cheaper alternates? Dimir House Guard, Shred Memory and Fierce Empath

Thunderfoot Baloth looks ace too, just... its like $15.00 here or not avaliable anywhere, so ill keep an eye out

I actually forgot the wording that focused on premanants going in to the graveyard, so maybe I should look more closely at teh instants and sorceries there for sure.

Madcookie on Pattern Recognition # 288 - …

1 year ago

Transmute is one of my favorite mechanics precisely because of how flavorful but also fair and limiting it is. You mention tutors that cost less than 4 mana have a drawback and make transmuting for 3 sound OP, while the main downside of the mechanic is its extremely limiting scope - you can only get a card of the same CMC. On top of that everything except Muddle the Mixture, Dimir House Guard (only in some K'rrik cEDH), maybe Shred Memory does not have any meaningful effects for the mana cost and excluding the transmute ability, is essentially unplayable.

Most tutors that are played in various formats are very versatile either grabbing almost any card you want like Demonic Tutor(deck) or Fae of Wishes(sideboard), or can get a card type that synergizes with your deck like Buried Alive or Fabricate. Transmuted cards can only grab a card with certain CMC usually a specific combo piece, which means in the majority of situations they can't be used to tutor for something else like an answer or a different combo piece, increasing the chance that they are dead cards in your hand.

Sure, Transmute is uncounterable but in situations not involving storm you are better off countering the stuff your opponent searched for, instead of the tutor itself. Last but not least most of the Transmute cards have black in them and generally black tutors do not reveal what you search for, unlike Transmute which always makes you share that information with everyone.

Because your topic bled into "Are tutors bad for the game" I'll touch on that too. No. If you ban tutors then cards that overflow with value take their place - Consecrated Sphinx, Rhystic Study, Esper Sentinel, Smothering Tithe. Prices skyrocket even higher. Then you probably ban those. Then what? Where do we draw the line? When 99 Colossal Dreadmaw becomes the meta?

If anything players should discuss power-levels and have some consideration for their playgroup when deckbuilding.

TijuanaBachelorParty on Date Night with Phage

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestion CruelEntertainment. I honestly had not thought of transmute cards and now rereading, they are quite versatile. Out of them, Shred Memory might be a great addition to the list as instant speed graveyard hate and a tutor for several 2cmc targets such as Torpor Orb and Netherborn Altar.

I also enjoy Dimir Machinations and think it would make for interesting games. Also being able to grab things like Yawgmoth's Will, Black Market Connections, and Toxic Deluge seems quite strong too.

BEDECK on Chattering Ordeal

1 year ago

Ah, Myr Retriever + Heartless Summoning + Bitter Ordeal. A person of culture, I see. Btw, The Meathook Massacre is tutorable with Shred Memory and can win the game through endless retrievering

chivalruse on dakkon planer birth

1 year ago

Suggestion to play Codex Shredder for self-mill and value down the line. Shred Memory and Dimir Infiltrator can also tutor up Planar Birth.

ImNora on Cheapo Super Skullbriar

2 years ago


I removed a few cards to make room for some cheap Tutor-type cards. This was done to help make the deck function a bit more consistently. IE, before the changes, some games you might get a ton of things with trample but no deathtouch or unblockable would show up. Things like that... Now with Shred Memory, Dimir Machinations, Dimir House Guard, Diabolic Tutor, Jarad's Orders, and Mastermind's Acquisition, you can sometimes just search your library for whatever keywords you still need on your Skullbriar, the Walking Grave.

All those benefits and the deck actually costs less money than before.

Saccox on Vizier of black goblins Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

2 years ago

Hi nathanielhebert,thanks for the comment! Shred Memory it's really useful,i put the 4X in the deck.

nathanielhebert on Vizier of black goblins Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

2 years ago

Ooh, an infinite persist combo in unlikely places! I've got most of the pieces from the Goblin Suicide deck, and I'm intrigued to see what happens when the Vizier of Remedies visits the goblin armies. I made room for 4 x Shred Memory — helpful to tutor up both sides of the combo, cleric or goblin. I'm also dressing up the battlefield thematically with Swamp and Isolated Chapel to make way for the Vizier.

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