Shield of Kaldra

Legendary Artifact — Equipment

Equipment named Sword of Kaldra, Shield of Kaldra, and Helm of Kaldra have indestructible.

Equipped creature has indestructible. (Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.)


SilencedDax on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

Hi DreadKhan!

Than you for the ideas! I really like the ones you mentioned, seems great Vorthos targets for the Lich, a so much valuable object like the Crown it's perfect target haha Following the "empire" cycle you mentioned: Hand of Vecna, Eye of Vecna and The Book of Vile Darkness seem great and flavour objectives.

I like all the indestructible artifacts: Stuffy Doll, Creepy Doll, Darksteel Axe, Darksteel Citadel, Darksteel Forge, Darksteel Ingot, Darksteel Juggernaut, Darksteel Pendant, Darksteel Plate, Colossus of Akros, Darksteel Colossus, Darksteel Myr, Darksteel Relic, Kaldra Compleat, Shield of Kaldra, Necron Monolith, That Which Was Taken. I do not note the worse indestructible cards

The arficat lands as you say it would be great, at least I can be use the mono-black artifact lands (maybe there's only one).

If it was dimir or golgari I could use more liches but I can't, it's a pitty

Thank you for the ideas!

awesomedude20 on Shirei's Army of Weaklings

1 year ago

So, Shirei as a deck, has one fatal issue you gotta overcome:

If Shirei dies, so does your entiiiiiiire gameplan, so protecting Shirei is absolutely a must.

I see you're running some indestructible-enabling equipments. Darksteel Plate is... okay, but Shield of Kaldra should probably be scrapped. That's 8 mana you gotta dump into it for it to do its thing.

I would run more cards like Professor's Warning, Without Weakness, or Gift of Doom (which is especially fun since you don't care about saccing creatures, and you'll always play it for its morph cost, which is 3 generic. Not too bad at all.)

These let you survive removal which WILL be pointed at your commander, while also trading the expensive benefit of having continuous indestructible applied to Shirei, for the chance to make your opponents WASTE removal on you.

A Darksteel Plate is great and all, but it gives other players all the time in the world to try and play around it, and THEN blow up Shirei. Reactionary protection lets you waste their resources, which is fun.

Also, this is my own personal view on the game talking, but I think you have WAAAAAAAAAY too many tutors. Your entire sorcery/instant lineup is tutors, and then a few more.

I think you'd be better off replacing almost all of those cards, with cards that you'd be happy to draw anyways, because as soon as every card in your deck is a good draw, you really won't need those tutors.

Ideally you'll want to add more sac outlets, more Shirei protection/ramp, and DEFINITELY some instant-speed removal.

I might add more thoughts later, but uh, laaaast thing.

Marionette Master is INSANE and is capable of dealing like 50~ damage or so to a player in just one turn rotation. So uh, yeah lol.

Also Tree of Perdition is fun.

And Bottle Gnomes best card 10/10

Optimator on You break it you buy it.

1 year ago

Plague Wind - Attrition - Gift of Doom - Darksteel Plate - Hammer of Nazahn - Kaldra Compleat - Shield of Kaldra - Kaya's Ghostform - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Armor of Shadows - Boon of Erebos - Feign Death - Supernatural Stamina - Undying Evil - Undying Malice -

I know you're not trying to go for board-wipe-tribal but here are lots of other ways to save your commander. I know you know about a lot of these.

You should seriously consider Blasphemous Act; it's one of the best wraths period.

Asder on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

I got Shield of Kaldra

Melira, Child of Thrun

Legendary Creature - Human


, : Another target creature gains hexproof until end of turn.


Meant to be Melira, Sylvok Outcast before the phyrexian invasion when she was just chilling with Thrun, the Last Troll.


CommanderNeyo on Commander Metalcraft

1 year ago

You have the Sword of Kaldra and the Helm of Kaldra, have you considered adding the Shield of Kaldra?

Entari0 on Draconic Rage Upgrade

2 years ago

Breath of Fury and Aggravated Assault could be good fits for finishers, especially given how Savage Ventmaw goes infinite with the latter. I would recommend some ways to give your commander indestructible. It seems like you want to do damage to him a lot, but you can only do that 3 time each turn before he dies without a buff. Darksteel Plate, Hammer of Nazahn, and Shield of Kaldra come to mind as equipment that fill that role, but you could also go the totem armor route. Cards like Bear Umbra or Snake Umbra both buff and protect your commander.

As for ways to get additional value, cards like Eternal Witness, Creeping Renaissance, or Regrowth let you get your stuff back from the graveyard, which can definitely be useful.

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