Sheltering Word


Target creature you control gains hexproof until end of turn. You gain life equal to that creature’s toughness.

legendofa on Pauper and PDH combos

3 weeks ago

Nomads en-Kor or Spirit en-Kor + Daru Spiritualist = Clerics you control get +0/+inf until end of turn. Add Severed Strands, Sheltering Word, or something similar to turn that into infinite life, or a P/T switch like Inside Out or Transmutation to give a Cleric infinite power.

Crow_Umbra on Heroic Test Build

10 months ago

Heroic was one of the first decks I ever put together about 10ish years ago lol. The variant I built was G/W though. I don't have the deck list anymore for whatever reason, but I'd suggest checking out some of the following:

  • Emerge Unscathed - Could work in your current build, especially great with Rebound.

Stuff I used in the G/W build:

Newer stuff in Green that I would have loved to have played with back then:

Also, I wouldn't worry much about the competitive meter. No one is sure how it works tbh lol

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

Taking a quick look at Scryfall, looks like there's only 18 humans that have Heroic. Artisan of Forms and Sage of Hours are definitely some fun jank picks. A lot of them put +1/+1 counters on themselves, so it could even open up a +1/+1 counter subtheme if you wanted to go that route. Wild Defiance used to be a centerpiece to my old GW Heroic deck, adding some additional beef behind combat tricks like Vines of Vastwood, Sheltering Word, and Ranger's Guile. Tyvar's Stand is something I would've loved for that old deck lol.

Yeah! So the deck definitely has stuff like Conspiracy, Maskwood Nexus, and Shared Animosity, plus various Aristocrats and death triggers. There's about 10 Saproling creating effects in deck. I shifted away from having more, as most felt a little too janky & slow for my tastes. I figured I might as well let Squee & Slimefoot attack to make the saprolings, and also benefit from some tribal shenanigans. I'm currently at 93 cards in main list.

Yogie on Flight of Dragons

1 year ago

kamarupa - great suggestions!

I agree with you on Tamiyo's Safekeeping and I'll make that swap. The extra life from Sheltering Word is nice but not necessary. Tamiyo's Safekeeping is a fairly new card, right? I probably missed it when I skimmed through Kamigava: Neon Dynasty.

I play Draconic Disciple mainly as a versatile mana dork but you bring up some fair points. The problem I see with Llanowar Elves is that it produces only green mana and the dragons need a lot of red mana. Ignoble Hierarch, however, looks very interesting and Fertile Ground is another good suggestion. You make a good case for T1 spells which puts Ignoble Hierarch as the stronger candidate at first glance. I'll playtest and see what I end up with.

Great land suggestions as well! I'll likely add copies of Haven of the Spirit Dragon when I make tweaks to this deck. Lands are honestly the card type I have the least knowledge about, which is why my decks all play essentially the same set of lands xD

kamarupa on Flight of Dragons

1 year ago

Nice deck.

A few suggestions: Tamiyo's Safekeeping seems better than Sheltering Word, providing Indestructible in addition to Hexproof while also working on any permanent you control instead of just any creature and all for only half the MV. The only downside is less lifegain, which I acknowledge may be a big attraction for you.

Fertile Ground seems as good or better than Draconic Disciple. If you had more Forests and a higher budget, I'd suggest Utopia Sprawl. That said, Ignoble Hierarch (and of course Birds of Paradise) would be great fit(s) as well. I think even a plain old Llanowar Elves might be better than the Disciple. It's seems like the game would have to go on a long time before you have 7 mana best spent on a 5/5 token, and 3MV seems steep for a dork. I also get that it can be more about flavor than efficiency.

On that note, I notice you don't have any 1MV spells. Now I myself have a number of decks without any 1 drops and I think scrying T1 is about as good as it gets without any spells to cast, but it's a tough pill to swallow that a ramp deck isn't going to start rolling until T2-T3. Since none of the ramp spells are dragons, your best ramp card doesn't help you get more ramp into play. I'd really like to see a 1MV ramp spell here, but even a Lightning Bolt would be useful.

Other possible budget-ish lands: Secluded Courtyard, Unclaimed Territory, Haven of the Spirit Dragon, Field of Ruin, Scavenger Grounds

Alpine Moon could be useful in your sideboard.

Drestlin on Unblockable Counters

2 years ago

Snakeskin Veil would be better in this deck maybe instead of Sheltering Word?

Samothrace on Halana & Alena - Stomping Ground (retired)

2 years ago

I have a mono-green deck that cares a lot about commander protection. Here are some of the cards in Green that I've left in, though certainly not all of them are worth a slot here. Anyways, hope this helps:  Alpha Authority  Ranger's Guile  Sheltering Word  Stonewood Invocation  Vines of Vastwood  Alpha Authority Canopy Cover  Molting Skin  Snake Umbra  Archetype of Endurance

Strangelove on Big lifegain, big creatures - Willowdusk

3 years ago

Hey Walrighti, +1!

@your post

Congrats on your first deck! You have a lot of fun cards in here and it looks great! I imagine you want to tune and make it even more efficient so here are some ideas...

Add 3 categories: #Combo, #Lifegain, and #Evasion; and then sort your maybeboard the same way you've done your mainboard to easily rank your choices within a category (By "combo" I mean all your "if-then" cards like Trudge Garden that are slower and don't work by themselves). Remove #Creatures (most of them are #Combo).

Avoid most cards above 4 cmc... Willowdusk is fast and fragile, so play into that... Also, prioritize cards that can do 2 or more things or that give value on ETB... If you have pet cards that don't really fit and that hurt to cut, put them in a "I'll build that theme later" list.

(All under $3)

+1 Devoted Druid ... this card is a beast

+1 Rampant Growth

+1 Arcane Signet

+1 Golgari Signet

+1 Talisman of Resilience ... #Ramp

+1 Elves of Deep Shadow

+1 Elvish Mystic

+1 Fyndhorn Elves

+1 Llanowar Elves ... #Ramp... the elves enable Willowdusk combos on turn 3.

+1 Marwyn, the Nurturer

+1 Viridian Joiner ... #Ramp... #Combo

+1 Boompile ... its a gem (hint: don't tap it on your turn) +1 Nightmare Unmaking

+1 Killing Wave

+1 Massacre Girl ... #Wipe

+1 Kenrith's Transformation

+1 Beast Within ... #Removal

+1 Swiftfoot Boots

+1 Inspiring Call

+1 Oblivion's Hunger

+1 Rush of Vitality

+1 Sheltering Word

~1 Slippery Bogbonder

+1 Golgari Charm ... #Evasion

+1 Haunted Cloak

+1 Chariot of Victory

+1 Charge Through

~1 Tuskguard Captain

~1 Rancor ... Trample and haste are important... #Evasion

~1 Destined ... the choices are really good.

+1 Deepwood Ghoul

+1 Mischievous Poltergeist

+1 Soul Channeling ... #Combo with Willowbark and stick to the board...

~1 Phyrexian Processor ... fun?

~1 Lurking Evil ... maybe?

~1 Solidarity of Heroes ... #Combo

~1 Ooze Flux ... tokens at instant speed?

~1 Retribution of the Ancients ... removal?

+1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

+1 Mindless Automaton

+1 Thought Gorger ... (leaves)

+1 Life's Legacy

+1 Return of the Wildspeaker ... #Draw

~1 Essence Harvest

+1 Bloodspore Thrinax

+1 Triskelion ... #Combo

+1 Nighthawk Scavenger ... #Fatty

...Always play at least 10 ramp spells under 3 cmc.

...Playtest and make sure Willowbark consistently makes a fatty (with evasion) before turn 6-7.

Here's another Willowdusk thread.

Happy building :)

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