Sheltered Aerie

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant land

Enchanted land has ": Add two mana of any one colour."

Necramus on Hand of (Sythis)

2 years ago

xram666 thanks for the suggestions!

So, hear me out here; I don't run O-ring because I don't run any flicker effects. I have some identical removal enchants in the sideboard, but haven't found myself needing more removal, atm. I don't have a particularly good reason why I've selected the other two over Oblivion Ring, except the Banishing Light is foil. Lol. Sheltered Aerie - this effect I have in spades in my Arena Historic Brawl version of this deck. It's a pretty cool effect to have, but I'd cut them all day long for a 2 cost rock that produces both/either colors. The luxury of ramping on t2 is just too nice! Sphere of Safety I actually just cut. So, there's a high density of low-cost enchants specifically so that you can churn through the deck with any one of the enchantresses in the deck. Because of this, I'd rather be able to play 3-4 enchants a turn than a couple of fat ones. When I originally built the deck I had a lot of higher cost enchants in the build like Sphere of Safety, Elspeth Conquers Death, Phyrexian Unlife / Solemnity - cards and combos that took way more investment and it just didn't feel as smooth. I had originally run Ghostly Prison, as well, but found the effect to only be handy when I was already behind. On an average board, I didn't find myself missing that Prison style effect.

I'm glad you enjoyed the deck, though! I really appreciate the input!!

xram666 on Hand of (Sythis)

2 years ago

No Oblivion Ring?

And maybe Sheltered Aerie could replace the Signet or the Talisman. Cost one more but is an enchantment.

And last but not least Sphere of Safety maybe can find a place in the deck.

Great Deck. Plus 1 from me.

channelfireball12345 on Tuvasa’s Enchanted Whore House

3 years ago

Sure thing!

For Utopia Sprawl, I'd probably add a few more forests, and cut either Dawn's Reflection or Market Festival, as they are both fairly expensive as far as ramp goes; four mana for a ramp spell is usually only passable if its fetching lands/providing additional utility. Otherwise, you could consider cutting Sheltered Aerie, or MAYBE Fertile Ground, though I wouldn't recommend doing so over the other options I mentioned. Of these cards, I think that Sheltered Aerie should probably go, in addition to the two four-mana auras; the aerie only ramps you by one, and doesn't provide any additional value/utility, unlike both New Horizons and Gift of Paradise, which are both still pretty weak. Maybe if you're adding Utopia Sprawl, you could consider replacing another of the enchantments I mentioned with something like a Nature's Lore to help find more forests and maybe fix your mana by fetching a dual, though it is a sorcery. It's all too bad that Trace of Abundance can't be run in this deck as a further alternative.

Toxicology on Thrun, Voljin's Chosen

3 years ago

As an enchantment deck, I think Might of Oaks and Giant Growth can be replaced with an enchantment that is equal, if not superior, like Armor of Thorns or Hydra's Growth. I think your Natural Connection has better alternatives, there's far better spell based ramp, and you should use an enchantment, like Sheltered Aerie.

Cool deck though! Definitely like Sight of the Scalelords and Oath of the Ancient Wood. Have you considered Nylea's Colossus? You have far more ramp than my deck does, so it could be an absolute all-star in here.

CJH123 on Uril, the Dollar Store Yeti ($50 Budget)

4 years ago

I'd focus on enchantment ramp (à la Wild Growth, Wolfwillow Haven, Overgrowth and Sheltered Aerie) over the artifact ramp and things like Rampant Growth. This could be supplemented with things like Arbor Elf, Voyaging Satyr and Blossom Dryad.

To my mind, if things like Ancestral Mask, Soul's Majesty and Rishkar's Expertise are working out, it's because you're already winning. I'd rather run things like Gryff's Boon, Messenger's Speed and Madcap Skills - I'd also work on reducing the overall CMC of your enchantments.

I'd switch Winds of Rath out for Gravitic Punch.

I'd also think about adding something else you can win with (if Uril becomes uncastable or is otherwise removed). Fleecemane Lion could carry a handful of aura's. Alternatively, Siona, Captain of the Pyleas + Shielded by Faith with Emblem of the Warmind or Fires of Yavimaya.

Sprung01 on Pantheon Of The Gods

4 years ago

Suggest more ramp 3-7 more for more consistent game play and a more advantageous early game, as far as land enchants go i'd suggest the following Sheltered Aerie Trace of Abundance Abundant Growth Dawn's Reflection Market Festival New Horizons

lifemtg on Tuvasa's Codex of The Enticing of Endless Murder

4 years ago

There are some sweet just overall cool cards in this deck, as of right now my understanding is that, cast tons of enchantments, use Tusava as a draw engine, and just win by the enchantments themselves. Removal and responses are a necessity in every deck, and you seem to have more than you need, considering this is an enchantment deck. I suggest cutting almost all the counterspells except one, according to your choice. As said above interaction is must in almost every EDH deck, yet you have exessivly to many of them. I would also cut some removal, if you were to have removal, I would put in a form of enchantments, such as Darksteel Mutation , which you have, or Deep Freeze or something of that sort, even though the instant speed of instant card are always nice, I feel like enchantments in forms of removal would be better. Next considerable enchantments to cut. I would cut the theft enchantments, considering how much people hate gettijg their stuff stolen, and also I think you should use most enchantments to benefit yourselves, just an opinion, considering who you play with or your meta. Sheltered Aerie and Wild Growth are not good, even if they are enchantments. They could be easily cut, or replaced by better cards. Same goes for Dawn's Reflection , or Fertile Ground , If you like, I would keep about a third of the "Land" enchantments that tap for extra mana, and add some other form of ramp such as Birds of Paradise . As for the creatures, Nylea's Colossus CMC is quite high, and overall I think should be cut.

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