Shelkin Brownie

Creature — Ouphe

Tap: Target creature loses all "bands with other" abilities until end of turn.

legendofa on Will Someone Please Explain this …

1 month ago

I think it's obscure, but pretty shallow. Shelkin Brownie removes the "bands with other" ability, and this post makes that a parallel with a hypothetical "partner with other" ability.

Obligatory yet interesting trivia: The "bands with other" is the benchmark for incomprehensible and pointless mechanics. No tournament-legal card natively has it; it only appears on tokens from Master of the Wild Hunt and the land cycle that FormOverFunction mentions. Old Fogey is an Un-card that has it, too. Despite the limited and restrictive usage, it received two dedicated hosers in Shelkin Brownie and Tolaria. So that covers the "pointless" part. The "incomprehensible" part comes from the rules text description. Banding by itself is a combat ability that changes based on whether you're attacking or defending. The basic summary is that you can group creatures together and decide how combat damage gets assigned, but evasion abilities become less relevant. "Bands with other" modifies how the band creation process works.

McSleuthburger on None

8 years ago

Shelkin Brownie and the only reason I know about this card is that it was in a binder that was given to me

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