Shefet Dunes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Shefet Dunes

Land — Desert

: Add .

, Pay 1 life: Add .

, , Sacrifice a Desert: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn. Activate this ability only at any time you could cast a sorcery.

BioProfDude on Mono White Vigilance

6 months ago

I think if you have the budget, you need to at least upgrade the mana. Include 2x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, 1x or maybe 2x Castle Ardenvale, 1x Shefet Dunes (you'd be surprised at how effective that +1/+1 thing can be at istant speed!), and maybe 1x Cave of the Frost Dragon as a place to sink mana for attacking if you get wrathed.

Guardian of Faith also nicely fits your theme and is an underrated card that can be extremely useful. I get that you're trying to stick with humans, but I think there's already a really, really good humans deck, so I would exploit the vigiliance and worry less about the humans aspect (see below).

On that note, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip would be a solid addition, if at least for the sideboard.

While it doesn't have vigilance when activated, maybe Smuggler's Copter? Ha! I know, we're jamming it in every deck to see if it will work, but in this type of aggro deck it just might and it provides you a nice way to draw some cards.

Last suggestions for the main are Brave the Elements and maybe something like Temporary Lockdown or Ossification in the main board. I get that you have humans, but I think these are just better than Sanctuary Lockdown or Collective Effort. Even Get Lost would be a great addition, or possibly Declaration in Stone in the sideboard.

Your sideboard should probably include Rest in Peace to deal with Izzet Phoenix and Amalia Combo, and probably should have Damping Sphere to deal with Lotus Combo. Containment Priest is also another solid sideboard consideration.

Oh, a fun card that might be cool would be Rally the Ancestors (or Return to the Ranks, maybe). For surprise blocking? Just a thought.

Cool deck idea! +1 from me!

FernandosGoat on Lifelink Cats

2 years ago

Kazierts thank you so much for your input!! The wall of text was just what I was looking for :D

A few questions, if I may:

  • Since it's a companion and a legendary and thus will be available as needed in the game and can only have one at a time, how many copies of Kaheera, the Orphanguard should I run? (I'll also most likely follow your other recommendations, if it helps)

  • The removal substitutes are a good shout. They're more limited as you mention, but I can change the removal to the sideboard and vice versa as needed.

  • as for the mana base, I'm thinking of going with the playset of Shefet Dunes . Is it too much? altough I have bit more experience, I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to the manabase. Are 21 lands too much or too few lands for this type of deck? (I'll update the deck with your suggestions which should help with calculating the manabase)

Kazierts on Lifelink Cats

2 years ago

Hope this wall of text doesn't bore you to death!

legendofa on Zombie Hunt Companions [Budget/Casual/Jank]

2 years ago

Shefet Dunes would be a good choice, and an excellent budget card. I might try and replace a couple of the more niche lands. Thanks for the idea!

Kazierts on Zombie Hunt Companions [Budget/Casual/Jank]

2 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to answer.

I gotta say, I LOVED your suggestions, but they really are above the budget :( I want to go back to a more "expensive" version with Lurrus for added bluff with the conpanions (also is recursion). I probably won't add your suggestions to the deck here, but I'll definitely consider one copy of each of those for when I buy the cards physically. I'm just gonna keep this more budget so more casual players don't get scared by the prices and people who like meme decks can pick a cheap list to toy around.

Also, since you plugged your own list and since yours play white, have you ever considered Shefet Dunes as maybe a less expensive or a second way to break stalemates?

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