Shared Summons


Search your library for up to two creature cards with different names, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Quickspell on Build a Deck with Me …

2 months ago

If I may add a few other notes to your thought process.

At this point, you are already on the track of using known combos and putting them into a Naya shell. There are many other combos that can go with this, you just need to tutor for them.

Note that haste is an important aspect to this. Zealous Conscripts is much better than Hyrax Tower Scout or Sparring Mummy for this reason, even though both have cheaper mana value. Without haste, your million tokens will just be board-wiped. You could argue for redundancy, but the truth is that tutors and recursion such as Eternal Witness and Skullwinder are much better, because they add to your strategy with more flexibility.

Most creature tutors are green non-creature spells that search for green creatures. However, you want to keep the amount of non-creature spells low, because Ghired's ability doesn't apply to them. But there are some great tutors that can help you find your pieces:

Most of these cards use ETBs. If you can give them haste - ideally with creatures - you can cast them, make use of their ETB, and directly tap them with Ghired for value. Anger comes to mind, Hellraiser Goblin is great (you won't be attacking, because you are going to tap your creatures with Ghired), Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods can be okay. As for non-creature spells, you have Mass Hysteria, Concordant Crossroads, Fervor, Rising of the Day. Though I would probably only consider Hammer of Purphoros as it can create tokens.

As for the token doublers, I'm not sure if they really fit the deck. Sure, they are staples for token strategies. But what's the point of making infinite tokens go double? Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip will put a bounty on your head which is not a good thing in a combo-deck. You want to stay under the radar until you can go off.
Mondrak only doubles creature tokens, so you are not making more treasures. And the other doublers like Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives etc. will not tap with Ghired. Since you also want to put in all the other Naya-staple enchantments like Smothering Tithe and Guardian Project etc., you will just fill your deck with non-creatures that don't synergize with your commander.

Some cards worth mentioning are:
- Illusionist's Bracers - Cloudstone Curio (create a creature token, return a creature with an ETB to your hand). - Helm of the Host

Azoth2099 on Henzie

3 months ago

You need more mana, dawg! Have you I'd recommend running both rocks and dorks here since the deck relies on relatively high costed creature cards. A few tutors like Gamble & Shared Summons could be great without breaking the bank as well. I'd also consider Sneak Attack as a value piece, it was just reprinted not too long ago & is super cheap right now! Cloudstone Curio too. I have other recs like Timeless Witness & Mindslicer too, but I'll stop here. Cheers!

capwner on Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant Combo (EDH)

5 months ago

Nice list! I've been playing Sasaya for a long time and just wrote a full primer for my own version of the deck. Looks like we had a lot of similar ideas, and I think I have got the list pretty nearly optimized. Here's the page if you want to check it out!

I really like your include of Shared Summons btw, I did not have that one in my list and may have to try and find a slot for it, as it's very versatile and good.

Azoth2099 on Galadriel, Blinker of Valinor

9 months ago

Hey man! Sick Commander choice, been meaning to get around to my own brew of this one.. Have you considered Shared Summons here? It seems like it could win you tons of games with the direction this list is going. Fauna Shaman & Survival of the Fittest as well!

Azoth2099 on Snake Lady is Back

1 year ago

drader Hey man! So here are my suggestions:

Number one, I think you need way more mana dorks. Arbor Elf, Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic,Elves of Deep Shadow & Deathrite Shaman are all great options. Other cards like Farseek, Nature's Lore, Three Visits, Dark Ritual & Culling the Weak are also always great to have access to.

It looks like you need a bit more card draw as well, I'd recommend Necropotence, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage, Ad Nauseam, Toski, Bearer of Secrets & Scroll Rack.

I know they can get expensive, but a few Tutors are essential for a smooth game plan. A few cheaper options are Diabolic Tutor, Profane Tutor, Time of Need, Beseech the Queen & Shared Summons. Diabolic Intent & Worldly Tutor are also relatively cheap due to recent print runs.

Metallic Mimic could also work wonders here, allowing your Snake tokens to host more -1/-1 counters, helping the deck power itself. Young Wolf accomplishes something similar.

Let me know how you feel about these recommendations!

Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

Instead of the mana doublers, i would add something like Bear Umbra, untaps your land if you swing with your commander, plus totem armor. Get some protection aswell, Lightning Greaves Yeva, Nature's Herald (just cast commander straight back when he gets destroyed, keep it in your hand). maybe a few spells like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Tyvar's Stand, Gaea's Gift, Momentous Fall, Shared Summons, Wrap in Vigor some other creatures i didnt think of before: Oracle of Mul Daya, Silverback Elder, Apex Devastator, Cultivator Colossus, Ghalta, Primal Hunger, Cankerbloom, Topiary Stomper, Regal Force

For cutting cards, i would just cut cards that arent creatures or synergize with creatures, or dont do alot most of the time. something like Exponential Growth is gonna be a dead card in your hand most of the times.

Also dont understand most artifacts in your deck. Diviner's Wand for example, 3 mana to cast, 3 to equip, 4 to draw 1 card, 10 mana to draw your first card, and 4 mana for each card after that doesnt seem worth it at all. Id also cut 1x Mirage Mirror, Staff of Compleation, Helm of the Host, Lithoform Engine, Book of Rass

Id also cut: Vigor, Ironscale Hydra, Seeker of Skybreak, Viridian Joiner, Nantuko Mentor

And i would add 4-5 lands. playing a land per turn is stronger then playing an arcane signet or sol ring and then miss a land drop. (id cut arcane signet and sol ring aswell, they are bad draws past t4)

DemonDragonJ on Rune-Scarred Demon or Sidisi, Undead …

1 year ago

griffstick, DreadKhan, I understand that, but the majority of tutors simply replace themselves, so I like tutors that have an additional effect, such as Primal Command, Shared Summons, or Rune-Scarred Demon; or, if I use a tutor that is simply one-for-one, I use it in a deck where I can copy it, such as me having Solve the Equation in my Riku of Two Reflections deck.

Icaruskid on Azusa, Lost but Seeking Cthulu [Primer]

1 year ago

Thank you Profet93!

Fierce Empath replaces Time of Need. I like the early blocker and the classic synergy with Woodland Bellower.

Seek the Horizon replaces Kodama's Reach. Three lands per card is better than two.

Gaea's Cradle and Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun are pretty good here. But this deck goes tall with a few creatures rather than wide as you said about Eldrazi Monument. Even though I have the card and there is no budget technically, I can play this deck in more pods when not running the more competitive card that is not at its best here anyway. Leaving it out for now but mostly because I want to play this deck as often as I can.

I'm keeping Shared Summons in for now as well because I like the cast triggers of Kozilek and Ulamog which are my most tutored Eldrazi. I'll try to find a spot for Tooth and Nail too as it helps with velocity even if I don't get the cast trigger.

Harrow and Springbloom Druid effectively give Azusa extra lands, just from the graveyard. They help with consistency when I don't hit Lotus Vale, Lotus Field, or the fetch lands and help justify Ramunap Excavator, Crucible of Worlds, and Perennial Behemoth. Speaking of, Perennial Behemoth's unearth ability is handy when Eldrazi Monument is out and even when I don't have it on the battlefield there are usually some other fodder like Tireless Tracker, Springbloom Druid, or Ramunap Excavator to buy three or more turns of indestructible flying Eldrazi which make the monument more than just a flavor win. If I cut the monument I would still need some protection from boardwipes in that spot. This is why Planar Bridge is so useful as I can grab Eldrazi Monument or Akroma's Memorial to get damage through. And using Planar Bridge to get Mana Reflection is also a near game winning play too. These cards are imperfect but they are hard to replace with single cards. Like Heroic Intervention or Asceticism or even Wrap in Vigor don't give multiple turns of indestructibility and evasion (flying).

I hear you on Desolation Twin. It does do work after a boardwipe though and I don't want to diminish organic threat density too much. Maybe this is where Tooth and Nail belongs. I'll try it out.

I really appreciate your ideas!!

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