Shard Volley


As an additional cost to play Shard Volley, sacrifice a land.

Shard Volley deals 3 damage to target creature or player.

SufferFromEDHD on Imodangggg that *** SPICY!

9 months ago

Satyr Firedancer the opposite of Imodane.

Fiery Impulse, Fiery Temper, Shard Volley or Reckless Abandon are worth considering.

Thunderclap and Fireblast are free.

Icbrgr on

10 months ago

Great advice all around DreadKhan!

Meekstone seems like a great tech card I like it!... I also love Ball Lightning too and think I would gladly reduce my Thunderous Wrath count for some... I'm definitely gonna up my Fireblast count too... I was just nervous about playing it alongside Shard Volley but maybe it will work out... I'll make some adjustments thank you!

Icbrgr on Sideboarding Silence in Burn

10 months ago

I think because in my decklist in particular i'm running Shard Volley the mana would probably be relevant and come up a lot. Silence in general just seems like a really odd card; ive known about it for years now but I have never really been sure how to use it outside of Isochron Scepter abuse in Turbofog decks shotgunning the spell at the beginning of the opponents upkeep... I've never used it strategically before.

can you think of another relevant scenario silence could be used in burn? or is it pretty much a cascade hate card? because that's something about Hallowed Moonlight that kinda bugged me.

RockIV on mono red burn needs help

1 year ago

there has been some changes on the deck :

added :

Hellspark Elemental x 4 - maybe Keldon Marauders will be better ?

Searing Blood x 4 - not shure about these one , are there better alternatives or its ok ?

Flame Rift x 4 - as replacement of Eidolon of the Great Revel

Shard Volley x 2 - i only add two because it cost lands , and i dont have a lot of them

Skullcrack ended up in sideboard , i always feel that its not that good if your opponent dont gain life.

so, with these changes i have some new questions

is Hellspark Elemental a good card for these deck ? or Keldon Marauders or Vexing Devil would be better. I also was thnking in adding maybe 1 or 2 Grim Lavamancer-

is Searing Blood ok, or are there better cards that i dont know ? i know about Searing Blaze but decided for blood, because i will need to wait for lands for the other one.

Shard Volley i decided for only 2 of them, im shure 4 of them would be to savage for my lands.

Browbeat didnt enter the main

what do you guys think about these changes

ty for the help

Alcolitox on Mono Red Elemental

2 years ago

The explanation behind that setting is that you can burst your opponents down quick with an unblockable attack. If you wanna go more on the burn route you could pick up burn spells, which will pump your creatures the same way, but making sure some of the damage goes through

  1. Lightning Bolt
  2. Shard Volley
  3. Shivan Fire
  4. Shock

Or you could play some mix in between. I can't find any reason to add green to an elemental deck outside Thicket Crasher, and I wouldn't run auras in the deck cause they counter Goblin Smuggler ability.

I'm not suggesting cards via tappedout interface to avoid flooding you with those annoying "accept or decline" buttons haha :D

Hope my opinions are somewhat useful to you.

t5686monroe on Budget Burn - Chandra's Incinerator

2 years ago

Barbarian_Sun_Pope i agree that the first stage wouldn't be a huge concern, the last stage seems a bit redundant w Chandra's Incinerator but i like the inclusion of some card draw in the deck.

coleslaughter the land count is down to prevent flooding since fetch and shock lands just wouldn't make budget, but Runaway Steam-Kin seems like a great inclusion.

i'd love to bring both those cards into the deck i'm just not sure what to take out. rn i'm thinking of dropping Shard Volley for The Flame of Keld and pushing Eidolon of the Great Revel to the sideboard to make room for Runaway Steam-Kin in the maindeck. maybe dropping Searing Blood out of the build completely ?

TheVectornaut on The Burn deck

3 years ago

The best way to power up this deck would probably be to find lower CMC alternatives to Lightning Strike and Searing Spear , plus something a little stronger than Shock . Lava Spike and Rift Bolt are some popular options. With Thermo-Alchemist being an easy source of damage on demand, spectacle cards like Skewer the Critics and Light Up the Stage would be my personal choices. You also have a lot of lands for burn, so maybe Shard Volley or Searing Blaze could be on the table. Finally, any cantrip becomes a lot better with all of your creatures caring about them. In mono-red, the best options would probably be Manamorphose , Tormenting Voice / Cathartic Reunion , or Needle Drop .

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