Shapers' Sanctuary


Whenever a creature you control becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, you may draw a card.

BlobHobbit on

1 year ago

In terms of your maybeboard Shalai, Voice of Plenty is a worse version of Sigarda, Font of Blessings at this point so I wouldn't bother with it. Surge of Salvation is cool but it would be a mostly dead draw if you already have Sigarda and you're probably going to be sidedecking Shapers' Sanctuary anyway as an Angels deck.

Metropolis Reformer is cool but it doesn't do enough for you compared to putting in Skyclave Apparition. Personally, I would swap alll copies of Metropolis Angel for copies of Skyclave Apparition. That way you get a more broadly targeting removal than Fateful Absence while putting another creature on the board to make the most of Righteous Valkyrie.

Errant and Giada doesn't do anything for you that Sigarda isn't already doing and you can get away with adding at least one more copy of Sigarda since it's such a high priority removal target for your opponenent that getting two in one game is okay in most match-ups. Also it let's you play Bishop of Wings from the top of your deck which Errant and Giada doesn't.

Aside from that I would say that putting in a fourth copy of of Kayla's Reconstruction and another copy of Nykthos definitely needs to be done. Additionally, if you're taking my advice and getting rid of Errant and Giada then you no longer need the blue mana and so you should really play some combination of fast/pain lands along with at least one copy of Mutavault to help kill your opponent. Emeria's Call  Flip is another possibility mana wise as it has good late-game utility while expanding your land base a little.

I feel I may be a bit harsh but that would be my advice for improving this deck.

VitsEco on UW Spirits feat. Katilda

1 year ago

Icbrgr Great suggestion just a bit slow at 3 CMC, I ended up settling with Shapers' Sanctuary to get me the extra card advantage against removal heavy decks.

Definitely need to clean up the deck description

thefiresoflurve on A Big Box of Chocolates

1 year ago

Looks a little bit light on sac outlets:

Pyrohemia would be great as a "sac outlet" to sweep your board clear of eggs, and also do some bonus control against your opponents. It also happens to synergize really well with the Enrage mechanic (which you aren't running a lot of, but it's a bonus still).

Idol of Oblivion was made for Atla Palani, excellent draw card here.

Having played Trostani Populate as an edh deck before, in my opinion Growing Ranks is just too slow to be worth it. Depending on your table, Runic Armasaur or Shapers' Sanctuary might be good cards to up your draw power some more. Wolverine Riders is also another possibility if you want more token generation in that slot (note: each upkeep), but it can't make eggs.

lhetrick13 on G/W +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

Drestlin - If nothing else, any feedback is good feedback so you have some direction! But I am not actually surprised to hear that. I mean I think I'll Raise you +1/+1... is floating around $450 via Cardkingdom and yours is floating around $160 and the real only difference is the lands. I have fetch lands, shock lands, filter lands, and pain lands at my disposal that do not come in tapped and all allow me to "force" the mana I need when I need it, which is especially important for the three colors. I think keeping yours more green or white focused with the lands at your disposal is a solid play. Also in your defense, it seems like half my games getting like at least two lands in my opening hand (like a 70% chance with 21 lands in a 60 card deck) is a success as I still fight with the random number generator!

I also hear you with the training ability. Some games it is super awesome and literally crushes my opponent. An example is Hardened Scales + Hopeful Initiate + Luminarch Aspirant out and attacking with those two on turn 3. Savior of Ollenbock is also a love/hate relationship as he has to train to be effective and you are right, it is tough to trigger that at times. Thinking I might swap him out for something that fills a similar roll but is easier to do.

I look forward to seeing the new version of the deck! I have mostly just been playtesting stuff for mine so you have not seen much updates. With my recent addition of 4xEsper Sentinel, I no longer have need of Shapers' Sanctuary as the two are similar so trying out Driven / Despair...I like it for its upside but have not actually drawn it yet.

Drestlin on G/W +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

It's generally the artifacts removal i'm more interested in. But you are absolutely right, i'm not EXTREMELY sad to see him go, since he saves something else that gets bigger.

I have Shapers' Sanctuary and Lifecrafter's Bestiary that i want to try instead of Tezzeret's Gambit!

lhetrick13 on G/W +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

Drestlin - On the bright side, at least a one drop is pulling the attention of your opponent's removal spells right? They spend a likely 2-3 CMC to exile/destroy your 1 CMC sounds like a trade in your favor. Mix in Shapers' Sanctuary and you will even get a draw out of it to boot! With Collective Effort and Dromoka's Command I am usually running enough enchantment hate to not need Hopeful Initiate but he is my only way to deal with artifacts and I have used him successfully for that many a time. Usually because their are bigger threats on the board than him.

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