Shaman's Trance


Until end of turn, other players can't play cards from their graveyards, and you may play cards from other players' graveyards as though they were in your graveyard.

watokosha on Chainer, The Rakdos Reanimator discard

4 months ago

thanks for the feedback! I hope you can get a good running deck, it is definitely one of my favorites to play. I definitely tried to look for unusual ideas such as Shaman's Trance and other discard payoffs outside of madness. it still certainly could use further refinement but happy that you found the deck to have some inspiration.

the hardest part of the deck has been balancing discarding with payoffs. Would highly recommend Words of Waste if you can make it work.

my decks are more creature focused as opposed to others in in my play group so I have removed a bit of mass reanimation. since they didn't pay off much, but they are certainly excellent if you get the force discard train moving.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Your favorite, wait this works! …

11 months ago

Chainer, Nightmare Adept and Shaman's Trance.

They do work together, don't they? Because everytime I think it should work I simply assume I have to missing something.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Slough of Slaughter

3 years ago

Bolas's Citadel could be a great lategame finisher. An awesome card for Chainer in general is Shaman's Trance. It has no synergy with your minotaurs, but the possibility of Sterling a creature with Chainer and casually negating Yawgmoth's Will/Underworld Breach and any flashback shenanigans is a powerful option.

MagicMarc on Deathkeeper, shaman spellcaster- looking for …

3 years ago

Juuluk, about your Finale of Promise + Shaman's Trance jank;

It is up to you. You already acknowledge it's not an optimized play. But if its fun for you and you like it, then keep it in.

I don't know if I would bother adding more support for it though. It is still a secondary win condition for this deck.

It may have a home in it's own deck...built around using your opponent's cards and creatures to win.

MagicMarc on Deathkeeper, shaman spellcaster- looking for …

3 years ago

I am all for using fun or flavorful combos instead of just building a perfect "I win every game" deck.You have to first decide how much you like the janky combo of Finale of Promise and Shaman's Trance. Is it more important than your main win condition? Is it important enough to fill the deck with cards that support it?

The honest truth is, if you like the combo then keep it in. The hard part is deciding how much or how little to support it. Every card you add just to fill your graveyard with instants and sorceries could instead just be a card that advances your main win condition.

If I put an alternate win condition in a deck, and it's janky or just for fun, I generally won't put any cards in to support it. If it goes off, yay for me. If it doesn't, I still have my main win condition and my main strategy happening anyways.

Juuluk on Deathkeeper, shaman spellcaster- looking for …

3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion MagicMarc I'll do that. I saw that the rats and dwarves wouldn't work with succession. That's too bad about the thrumming stone, but I see what you're saying. I thought about using it with mortuary and something like Plaguecrafter, but I don't know if that would work either now.

Could I also get your opinion on the Finale of Promise and Shaman's Trance combination? I decided that I really can't deny the flavor of th trance, even though it's hot garbage. I don't want to only be using it as an interrupt though, or having to rely on my opponent having flashback or escape cards i can play that turn, that's why I made that jank. It's not optimal, but it's basically throwing cards into my grave with an Underrealm Lich or cycling a Decree of Pain, then just making things explode. I thought it would be cool if it worked with Sins of the Past too, but I feel like I should bring that to a rules board.

Juuluk on Deathkeeper, shaman spellcaster- looking for …

3 years ago

TriusMalarky I see, thank you for the advice. I mostly have the finale combo because I wanted to include both Shamanic Revelation and Shaman's Trance because, honestly, my Vorthos outweighs my Johnny, but I think you might be right.

As for ramp, I have Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro who makes all my shamans dorks for double green, and then I was considering a gemstone array because ashnods altar and sachi can both make two mana to start throwing counters on it. Along with Molten Echoes and cards like Burning-Tree Shaman I can make a lot of mana through the mortuary trigger as well. Of course, the elder was one of the first cards I chose, as he’s perfect for the role, being in my tribe and all.

I really like the combo potential with thrumming stone tho, and the suggestion of commune with the gods as well. Thanks a lot :)

Juuluk on Deathkeeper, shaman spellcaster- looking for …

3 years ago

Decklist: Sek'Kuar, Shamankeeper

Hello everyone, this is my first post. I'm looking for some advice on a few of my combos in my Sek'kuar the deathkeeper edh deck. It's my first edh deck and the first time i've built singleton as well, so i hope to gain some insight from some more experienced deckbuilders.

First of all, it's shaman tribal, and i have most of my creature slots handled. My main combo in the deck is Mortuary coupled with Verdant Succession. Together, those two can get me infinite if I have my commander or Judith, the Scourge Diva and any green creature if it sacs itself, which shamans are good at. I think this one is solid, but i'd like a second opinion if anyone can see a flaw i can't.

That's my main win combo, but i have a blow your top off style combo for the win as well. This one i'm mainly focused on instants and sorceries being in my graveyard. It involves Finale of Promise and a Shaman's Trance, as well as two valid targets in my graveyard to cast, or yours. This one i'm more concerned about, and I'm juggling several spells to include. Right now I have Sins of the Past and Decree of Pain as well as Searing Wind and Haunting Hymn in the instants pile. Also considering Worst Fears and Wit's End.

The idea with this is to either use an emergence zone to do it on my opponents turn or to do it on my main phase, thats why I thought the hymn would be good. The Sins of the Past is a questionable replacement for a Yawgmoth's Will, but if I copy it with the finale, I could target multiple spells in everyone's graveyard with it, correct? Idk though, it feels janky. If anyone has some streamlining suggestions for either win condition I'd really appreciate it, thanks.

Also: whenever I try to link my commanders card it pops up with decklists. He gives 3/1 graveborn tokens with haste when nontoken creatures die in case anyone doesn't know. Hence why the Mortuary combo would be so effective, since they can't really stop all the sac triggers. At least, i dont think it can be interfered with really. I'm just getting back into magic after a four or five year break, so sorry if I seem especially dumb rn.

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