Shadow in the Warp


The first creature spell you cast each turn costs less to cast.

Whenever an opponent casts their first noncreature spell each turn, Shadow in the Warp deals 2 damage to that player.

Elhoggerino on Blood Blatter Beast of Bhaal

2 months ago

I also don't really understand Fog or Spore Frog but I know you like politics so maybe they'll be fun in order to get favours from people. Loads of card draw which is nice but again I can see you running out of creatures to sac for Village Rites and Deadly Dispute type cards. You generally need to draw cards while behind and while behind you might be suffering from graveyard hate agaist your skeletons or other effects - just something to consider. Also Damnation might be something to consider switching for a different boardwioe if you are gonna put some regenerate creatures in (Toxic Deluge turns off regenerate aswell - but it's such a good card it's probably worth it)

In terms of cuts to make to make space for more dummies, Shadow in the Warp doesn't really fit much in the deck - you have so many cheap creatures that you'll probably be casting more than one a turn and it will rarely help that much - and the 2 damage is pretty insignificant compared to your other effects. I would favour Llanowar Elves type cards over Fertile Ground as again, creatures are what you want and they give you the oppurtunity to sac them if you need.

Some good cards to consider:

Victimize - brings back your Sakura-Tribe Elder type cards and is a sac outlet at the same time

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - just great value aswell as triggering Bhaal. A good reanimator target aswell.

Recurring Nightmares - Reanimator + sac outlet + it doesn't die? This card's great.

Dread Wanderer? Not the best but helps you out in a pinch if you have a Village Rites and nothing else

Nether Traitor - I don't know why this isn't in there already

NV_1980 on King Stranger, Make Me Strong! *PRIMER*

4 months ago

Hi Profet93, appreciate your card suggestions, but I would prefer if you don't use remarks anmymore like 'IF YOU LISTEN TO ANYTHING' or 'DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS CARD'. This comes across as incredibly condescending; especially to a player who's been at this game since more or less its inception. I appreciate that you're trying to make decks as good as you can make them according to YOUR view, but please keep in mind that you're not the ultimate authority on MTG and that there are other views than yours out there. Suggest what you want to suggest, but if you're tired of people not listening to your advice, please vent your frustration about that someplace else.

All that being said, I think Greater Good is an excellent suggestion and would probably replace Shadow in the Warp; I like Warp but it's not really required in the deck as it's fast enough at casting creature spells without it and the damage it deals is fine but not impressive. I also like your Castle Garenbrig and Ancient Tomb suggestions for some additional mana advantage. Lastly, I think I'll give Guardian Project a shot in here as a replacement for Xenagos, the Reveler. As a sidenote, I've recently acquired an Anzrag, the Quake-Mole; he'll replace Combat Celebrant.

The additional suggestions (especially the sorceries) on card-draw you made are nice, but I think I'm now sufficiently covered on this front and I want to keep this deck as permanent-rich as possible. Thanks for your help.

Dimir_Unseen on How to Train Ūr-Dragon

10 months ago

I think Shadow in the Warp would make a good addition to this deck, as would Dragon's Hoard, and Sarkhan's Triumph.

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

Henzie is such a cool commander. One of my good friends put together a Henzie deck, and it has so much value that he manages to find some new value lines every time.

Something that his deck makes good use of are a variety of ETB destruction effects. I'd recommend checking out:

multimedia on Miirym Dragon Tribal Deck

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far for a first deck with a $500+ budget.

34 lands and only 9 reliable ramp sources is low for Dragons. The land count is fine, but only if you add more low mana cost ramp. Add more lands or add more ramp? Tempt with Discovery relies on opponents to be ramp and Thaumatic Compass  Flip relies on you controlling seven or more lands to be ramp. These aren't reliable as ramp and they cost too much mana for what you get.

In simplest terms there's two areas you want most with Miirym, ramp and Dragons. Ramp to first cast 6 mana Miirym and Dragons to cast after Miirym. Of course you want other areas too, but most important are these two. Consider expanding on ramp?

Nature's Lore, Farseek are more good two drop land ramp like Three Visits. Cursed Mirror is excellent with blink, if you blink the copied creature then that blinks Mirror which can then ETB as a copy of some other creature including an opponent's creature. You can also choose to have it just ETB as a mana rock which is needed for a combo.

Jade Orb of Dragonkind gives protection from targeted removal until your next turn for the Dragon you cast with it. This effect is helpful since paying a lot of mana to cast a Dragon to then have it killed is feels bad. Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner untap ability is versatile, any permanent you control, it's also repeatable draw when a Dragon ETB including a token.

There's 100+ of different Dragons you could play with a $500+ budget and having Old Gnawbone as a price point? Consider upgrading some Dragons?

These Dragons can be parts of wincon combos and they're made much better thanks to Miiryn copying them. All these Dragons don't break the bank and adding them can really increase the power level of your deck.

What's nice about these combos are they all use a Dragon. All the cards are good by themselves, but with the Dragon and/or Miirym they're much better. Tandem Lookout can be repeatable draw that can change creature it's bonded too. Bond to any creature you control before Miirym, then bond to Miirym and when you're ready bond to Niv-Mizzet. Bond to any Dragon who can do repeatable noncombat damage to opponents such as Scourge of Valkas for lots of draw.

Getting more value: ramp, draw or removal from Dragons can help gameplay. Steel Hellkite + Old Gnawbone/Savage Ventmaw mana can wreck especially when you have multiple Hellkites.

If you're interested I offer more advice in another comment. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

Blackheart426 on Ur....Dragons?

1 year ago

Love this! Have you considered Garruk's Uprising and Ferocity of the Wilds for helping with card draw and chump blockers? Boros Charm is always a nice thing to have in hand to deal with board wipes. Rhythm of the Wild, because speed and nobody likes having their biggies countered lol. Fellwar Stone, Shadow in the Warp, and Chromatic Lantern are good for expensive decks (though you know I'm a sucker for the lantern lol). What do you think about Ganax, Astral Hunter, Thunderbreak Regent and Korlessa, Scale Singer? A lot of recommendations, sorry lol

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