Servo Schematic


When Servo Schematic enters the battlefield or is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, create a 1/1 colorless Servo artifact creature token.

KongMing on cEDH Arcum Dagsson

1 year ago

Nimblewright Schematic gives you value, and you can go infinite with a few other cards; Servo Schematic works the same way. Sai, Master Thopterist also works well in this regard. Freed from the Real and Pemmin's Aura allow you to repeat Arcum.

Emry, Lurker of the Loch lets you recur your artifacts, and Scrap Trawler gives you great efficiency as well.

Summoning Station and Intruder Alarm allow you to go infinite with Dagsson and pull out all your noncreature artifacts.

TriusMalarky on Favorite Cube-Card

2 years ago

A lot of the boring stuff, actually -- Riftwing Cloudskate, Ravenous Chupacabra, etc. Just cards that are cool but not quite good enough for, say, Modern.

I'm really enjoying Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor and Fain, the Broker in my cube as part of my artifact-aristocrat theme. They make Ichor Wellspring and Mycosynth Wellspring pretty good. Pair with Oswald Fiddlebender and a couple other tools like Servo Schematic, Implement of Malice, and the all-powerful Deadly Dispute for ALL THE ARTIFACT VALUE!!

wallisface on Affinity Pod

2 years ago

Nice brew. The only card i’m skeptical of is Servo Schematic , which feels both out-of-theme, and sub-par

GregariousG on Gonna Need A Bigger Playmat | *Primer*

3 years ago

To BloodDragon,

Thanks for stopping by my hot mesh of cards I like to call Naya Tron. I really appreciate when other players ask me in-depth questions about my deck. It makes me evaluate what I’m trying to do. In the midst of answering your questions, I found some flaws that I feel like I was able to correct.

How many Tokens/Treasures do you find you are actually getting it to play? In games are you actually closing it out with a Tall-Commanders, or just going wide with Thopters and Golems? Some combination of Tall-Golems thanks to Ich-T? Or are you closing games out more combo-style with the mentioned R.Fireweaver, Terror of the Peaks, or Alibou?

I am finding that I can produce a moderate amount of token. However, this deck is called “Gonna Need a Bigger Playmat”, not “This Can All Fit Just Fine on the Playmat.” I've been debating with myself if I need three token doublers. I think that answer might be no. Because of that, I added Servo Schematic to the main deck. This creates precious artifact creature tokens on ETB, LTB, and is an artifact itself. I thought about adding Pia Nalaar or Pia and Kiran Nalaar for the Thopter tokens. However, I wanted something that was loopable with things like Daretti or Goblin Welder . Tangent aside, this deck, generally, closes out the game with a combination of burning out the table and applied pressure with tokens. There is a line where Ich-T and all the golems get infinite +1/+1 counters, but I haven’t put that to use yet. Also, Chandra, Torch of Defiance is another burn outlet and gets ultimated more often than you think.

I feel like I am not understanding all the Pop-rocks you have (Lotus Petal, Chromatic Sphere, Etc) are you managing to get Teshar/Osgir consistently? Does this deck go in for the kill extremely fast? Or am I missing the point all together here?

This deck isn't a fast kill deck. It has more infinite combos than intended, but this build is meant for the mid-game. Like in Modern Tron, I want my mid-game much faster than everyone else at the table. For example, I've gone Ancient Tomb into Mana Vault , played Lotus Petal , then played Hour of Promise . Now, this was the absolute nut draw, but that was capable due to fast mana like Lotus Petal . The pop-rocks are like artifact-based cantrips. I can't count the numerous times I've played Ancient Stirrings off of a Tron land due to Chromatic Star or Chromatic Sphere .

For me, Teshar and Osgir play different roles. Teshar is more for recurring my low CMC creatures during the grindy mid-late game. With Teshar, I want to loop cards like Goblin Engineer and Blade Splicer for value. The exception to this rule is if I have a way to sacrifice or put Dockside Extortionist in the graveyard. If I have that setup, I'm going for that line of play immediately. Osgir, on the other hand, is more for explosive lines of play. This could be ramping hard with multiple Mana Vault s for Sol Ring s. For me, the synergy between the artifact lands and Osgir is too good to pass up, even without a token doubler. Though I save the bombs of this deck for Feldon of the Third Path , there are times when exiling them with Osgir is an option. For example, I don't need Wurmcoil Engine or Verdurous Gearhulk if I'm Feldon looping Triplicate Titan . I've gladly sac those options to get two token copies of those beaters. If Alibou, Ancient Witness is on the field, I'm more inclined to go for this option.

And between all the Land/Urza synergies you seem to be aiming for did Tireless Tracker or Crucible of Worlds end up not performing well? Have you considered Wrenn and Six for land recursion?

At one point, I consider using both Tireless Tracker and Crucible of Worlds in the 99. However, they both didn't make the cut for one core reason. This deck, besides Hour of Promise and Sad Robot, makes one land drop per turn. Thus, making one clue token per turn is ok, but there are better things I can be doing at three mana. As for Crucible, Eternal Witness is my answer if I need lands back.

TogbusPrime on

4 years ago

I'd definitely drop Implements of Sacrifice and Treasure Keeper, and recommend dropping Cathodion, Order of Whiteclay, and Feldon too. Seems like it could use more sac outlets like Arcbound Ravager, Goblin Bombardment, Culling Dais, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Fanatical Devotion, Jinxed Idol, Krark-Clan Shaman, and Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer. I'd also think about any of the creatures that make Treasure when they enter or die, Brass's Bounty, Smothering Tithe, Hangarback Walker, Hoarding Dragon, Scrapyard Recombiner, Servo Schematic, Bloodfire Infusion

TheSimikBOat on Welcome to The Shattergang Brothers curiosa(Apart)

4 years ago

One of my favorite commandants actually are the Shattergang Brothers , and I think that you can add somthing in this deck:

  • Savvy Hunter : I like this one so much in decks like that, because she offers artifacts to sacrifice with the Bros, but also she can offers some card-draw.

  • Servo Schematic : I think that is one ob the bests atrifacts to sacrifice,because it gives a total of 2 servos (that can be more with things like Doubling Season .

  • Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist : the classic aristocrats finishers, probably can do something here.

  • From Beyond : The big brother of Awakening Zone , the tutor ability is useless, but works well to generate tokens.

  • Taste of Death : Sometimes, this will be devastating to your opponents (but not for you, thanks to your tokens), and also creates Food that you can sacrifice for the Brothers or some life.

  • Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast : Gives tokens, destroys artifacts, and can copy artifacts that you sacrificed. This is pure value in this deck!

  • Korvold, Fae-Cursed King : This can be a finisher, but the most useful that it has is tha amount of cards that we can draw with it. The control player will be sad with that.

I hope I helped you, I liked so much this deck+1!

hungry000 on

5 years ago

Isn't Servo Schematic better than Cogworker's Puzzleknot here? It makes 3 sacrificable artifacts total while Puzzleknot only gives you 2 at most since you don't get another servo when it isn't sacrificed to its own ability. There's also the niche situation when you go Sharuum --> Cataclysmic Gearhulk with a Puzzleknot and a servo on the battlefield; if you had a Servo Schematic out instead, you would come out with one extra servo after Gearhulk's ability resolves. I guess the ability to create 2 servos can be useful too, though.

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