Sensor Splicer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sensor Splicer

Creature — Artificer

When Sensor Splicer enters the battlefield, create a 3/3 colorless Golem artifact creature token.

Golem creatures you control have vigilance.

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.


Krogania on Ich-Tekik, Golem Boi

3 years ago

I agree with the suggestion for Rebbec, Architect of Ascension or at least include her. In no particular order: They are reprinting Three Visits, which is strictly better than rampant growth. Nature's Lore is good too. Cavalier of Dawn can be used on your own artifacts. Guardian Idol is a good ramp card early and doubles as a Golem. Land Tax is rarely going to be worth it in a green land ramping deck. Maul Splicer is expensive, but trample is good evasion for decent sized golems. Sensor Splicer gives vigilance. Vital Splicer gives the ability to regenerate for 1. It's not great, but is another creature you can bounce for more golems. Ichor Wellspring is a great target for both self destruction and recursion, in case of opponents having no artifacts to destroy. Arcbound Reclaimer for ensuring you get a good draw. Ancient Stone Idol for a really big boi. Ancestral Statue can replay splicers or get rid of bad auras. Also you have a lot of stuff like myrsmith, palladium myr, and I think those might be better served by a couple more treasure/clue/food generation cards. Treasure Map  Flip, Prying Blade, or Tireless Tracker, Ulvenwald Mysteries, or Gilded Goose (replacing Avacyns pilgrim). Any decent equipment, but especially a Bloodforged Battle-Axe. Maul of the Skyclaves, Heirloom Blade. Swords are good. And as always: Lightning Greaves Swiftfoot Boots Skullclamp Running a bunch of basics is always cheaper, but if you have a couple of bucks consider the following mostly budget additions. Homeward Path Scattered Groves is cheap and fetchable. Gavony Township for more counters. Gingerbread Cabin for an artifact with your land. Krosan Verge/Myriad Landscapefor mana fixing ramp. Command Tower because it's better than a basic. Path of Ancestry because the splicers are all human. Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse/Fabled Passage Blighted Woodland Sungrass Prairie Opal Palace

abby315 on Meren to Nethroi

4 years ago

The above comment about sums it up for me, unless you were planning to take it in a combo or other kind of direction! Here are some good Nethroi targets that have low power but make tokens or have good effects when they enter:

Biogenic Ooze Blade Splicer Master Splicer
Maul Splicer
Sensor Splicer
Noosegraf Mob
Chittering Witch
Creakwood Liege
Akroan Horse
Deep Forest Hermit
Deranged Hermit
Nut Collector
Geist-Honored Monk
Ghave, Guru of Spores
God-Eternal Oketra
Hornet Queen
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
Tendershoot Dryad
Trostani Discordant Trostani's Summoner

Most of the above cards create creature tokens, so you'll probably want the usual: Doubling Season, Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives if you include a lot of them.

Here are some 0-power utility creatures to consider, because they're free to reanimate if they get killed:

Arboreal Grazer
Birds of Paradise
Devoted Druid
Incubation Druid
Faeburrow Elder
Custodi Soulbinders
Embodiment of Agonies
Golgari Grave-Troll (also a great include because Dredge can fill your GY)

And you'll also want at least a few additional Mutaters in case you have Nethroi out and want to trigger it again:

Auspicious Starrix
Cavern Whisperer
Dirge Bat
Migratory Greathorn
Sawtusk Demolisher

...all seem like good includes.

Hope this gives you a good place to start and a list of interesting cards to consider. Many are very affordable. Now I kinda want to make a Nethroi deck.

Have fun!

Ize19 on Pattern Recognition #139 - Lords …

4 years ago

I enjoyed the article, nicely written as always.

Obviously there are too many Lords for you to list them all, but my personal favorite are the Splicers (Blade Splicer, Master Splicer, Maul Splicer, Sensor Splicer, Vital Splicer, and Wing Splicer).

I think they're really flavorful (roboticists who specialize in working on golems, can apply their specialty to any golem, and who always bring one from the shop whenever they show up) and fun to build around. They're a strong example of what I most love about Lords.

Darth_Savage on broke god deck

5 years ago

There are probably two ways to do golem tribal, the first, which is in RB would be reanimator effects Trash for Treasure and Endless Obedience probably being your best options, with Platinum Emperion and Mycosynth Golem as the creatures you want to cheat into play. The second option is the splicers, primarily these appear in GW; Blade Splicer, Master Splicer, Vital Splicer, Sensor Splicer and Maul Splicer (for completeness there is a blue splicer Wing Splicer). in addition to these, white also gives you access to Tempered Steel.

If you want a straight up Golem agro deck then that is a little harder. You almost certainly want Lodestone Golem and Golden Guardian  Flip, but early plays are difficult in tribe Chronomaton and Keeper of the Lens are the only 1 mana golems and Soultether Golem the only 2 mana option.

You certainly have set yourself a challenge, the tron lands and cavern will eat land hate and your chosen tribe doesn't have much support, particularly if you aren't playing white or blue. I recently helped another player build an artifact deck Sai and tezzy demo, the aim of which is basically to spam thopter tokens. One card that stands out as not really fitting is Hollow One, since Smuggler's Copter isn't enough support for it. I wish you luck with your brew and hope I've been of some help...

MrTristan19 on Flickerwisp, Golem Trainer

6 years ago

No problem! Consider Sensor Splicer might be too expensive but its an option.

ArcherUBW on Golem Strike

7 years ago

wasianpower,Thank you for the sugestions. I removed both Sensor Splicers for a additional Blade Splicer and Master Splicer.

I will must likely add some Serum Visions for that first turn play. Both Restoration Angel and Path to Exile are a little bit pricey.

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