Sen Triplets

Legendary Artifact Creature — Human Wizard

At the beginning of your upkeep, choose target opponent. This turn, that player can't cast spells or activate abilities and plays with their hand revealed. You may play cards from that player's hand this turn.

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Because I Have Willed It
Bow to My Command
Choose Your Demise
Know Evil
Make Yourself Useful
My Forces Are Innumerable

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Consuming Aberration …

1 month ago

Gidgetimer, that is very good, but how do you feel about Esper Sentinel? I have been looking for a reason to put that card into my Sen Triplets deck, and this seems to be a good opportunity, to do so.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Consuming Aberration …

1 month ago

Gidgetimer, I already have Myrel, Shield of Argive in my Sen Triplets deck, so are you suggesting Grand Abolisher for redundancy?

Gidgetimer on Should I Keep Consuming Aberration …

1 month ago

The Mimeoplasm seems like the type of deck that Consuming Aberration would thrive in. I would cut it from the other 2 decks.

I'm not sure how much my replacement suggestions are going to be to your liking since I feel like your decks need mana ramp and you have been resistant to that suggestion in the past. So I would add a talisman to each deck. Since they are replacing a UB creature Talisman of Dominance is the easy one to name off, but any from the "pain lands, but as artifacts" cycle would do. To fulfil your "preferably creatures" requirement I'd say Grand Abolisher in Sen Triplets and Plaguecrafter for Thraximundar.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Consuming Aberration …

1 month ago

I have a copy of Consuming Aberration in three different EDH decks of mine: The Mimeoplasm deck, my Thraximundar deck, and my Sen Triplets deck, but I am wondering if I should keep it those decks; it is very useful in The Mimeoplasm deck, as that deck uses graveyards as resources, but the other two decks typically do not care very much about my opponents' graveyards, so I am wondering what other cards I could put into those decks in place of Consuming Aberration (preferably creatures with a mana value no greater than 5, so as not to raise the mana curves of those decks).

What does everyone else say about this subject? Should I keep Consuming Aberration in those decks, and, if not, what cards do you suggest as replacements for it?

DemonDragonJ on Diabolic Revelation or Rune-Scarred Demon?

1 month ago

Most of the users here seem to be suggestion that I use the demon, and I agree with them, but I simply wished for reassurance, so I shall make that change, since Diabolic Revelation is a nice card, but I would need to spend at least 2 mana, ideally at least 3 mana, on to truly receive good value from the spell, which may leave me with no mana to cast any of the cards that I find, whereas the demon shall provide me with a sizeable creature for attacking and blocking while I wait for my next turn, on which I can cast the card that I found, presuming that I do not have sufficient mana to cast it, on the same turn that I find it.

RiotRunner789, my Sen Triplets deck does not have major focus on reanimating creatures, as it is a control deck, so I shall need large and powerful creatures to protect myself while I assemble my forces and then finish off my opponents, once I have sufficiently established my presence in the game.

Niko9 on Diabolic Revelation or Rune-Scarred Demon?

1 month ago

Hmm, I think in general I'd say Rune-Scarred Demon is better, but in your deck you have a lot of interaction and a lot of cards that are good for specific situations, and I actually think Diabolic Revelation might be better to set up multiple plays, or get something to counter another player and something to further your board at the same time.

I almost hate to suggest it because it may be too mean, but what do you think about something like Overburden or Mana Breach to load up opponent's hands with lands? Expel from Orazca is a favorite card of mine and might also work, return a card you want to play with Sen, or if in ascend, then it's brutal because you remove a threat and screw up their next draw.

Also, there's no way it works, but Patron of the Moon doesn't work with Sen Triplets does it? It does say your hand, so I assume you can't play lands with patron from an opponent's hand, but maybe? It would just be a fun play to bounce lands back to their hand and then jam them out on your field. Doubt it works, but hey, the patron kami's will get their day!

DemonDragonJ on Diabolic Revelation or Rune-Scarred Demon?

1 month ago

I have a copy of Diabolic Revelation in my Sen Triplets EDH deck, although I am considering replacing it with a copy of Rune-Scarred Demon, since I like having a powerful 6/6 creature with flying, which I could potentially summon repeatedly, to use its ability multiple times.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I replace Diabolic Revelation with Rune-Scarred Demon, or keep the sorcery in that deck?

DemonDragonJ on Which Card(s) Should Replace the …

2 months ago

I have also considered putting Tivit, Seller of Secrets into my Sen Triplets deck, but I feel that I should save him for a deck that is dedicating to voting, if I should ever build such a deck.

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