Searing Blaze


Searing Blaze deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker and 1 damage to target creature that player or that planeswalker’s controller controls.

Landfall — If you had a land enter the battlefield under your control this turn, Searing Blaze deals 3 damage to that player or planeswalker and 3 damage to that creature instead.

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish

5 months ago

Ahh! Thanks, legendofa! You're catering to my tastes even though they may not be the most 'optimal' or 'meta'! Thank you for that! Funny you noticed that they all start with S, haha.

wallisface, that makes sense, but I consider that if Satyr Firedancer isn't killed in the beginning, and stays on the field, I can destroy 6 toughness creatures with just two burn spells. Plus, I can die very quickly to creatures if I don't have it, and it's a card I can deal damage to the player if need be. Monastery Swiftspear is only one mana less, and isn't as good as most people think, contrary to popular wisdom, and requires being drawn in the beginning of the game. I'd rather run 2x Vexing Devil for that purpose, which makes far more sense in her stead. If the player chooses the creature chocie of Vexing Devil because he/she can remove it, there isn't anything lost nor gained if Monastery Swiftspear is in its stead. I would like something good that isn't in my deck, or even new to the archetype. I know there's Searing Blaze and Searing Blood, but they aren't as useful as I'd like them to be. I also don't know which one to choose, either. Landfall isn't the greatest, and neither is dealing 2 damage, especially if I draw it later in the game. I'm trying to cover all of my bases in the early and semi-later game, and that isn't what I'm looking for.

wallisface on burn deck help to refurbish

5 months ago

9-lives While having some variance to a deck from the established meta can be useful/powerful, your deck doesn’t need to go more off-script, it needs to be reigned-in closer to the meta-list. It would be unhelpful & actively-harmful suggesting more cards that deter you even further from what burn is supposed to look like, because it’s just going to worsen a list that already has a lot of issues.

Satyr Firedancer is not “really useful” in burn, it is actively a detriment to the deck. It’s going to cost you more games than help you:

  • it immediately dies to either Orcish Bowmasters, Wrenn and Six, and the various other cards that can prey on X/1s. Bowmasters in particular are in 35% of decks and’ll just immediately dunk on this card.

  • ever nonland card in burn needs to deal at least 3 damage to justify this card is never reliably doing that - and even if it can accrue 3 damage, the earliest it can do so it turn-5, which is already longer into the game than burn wants to be.

  • spending turn-2 casting this card and only this cards puts zero-pressure on your opponent and gives them a LOT of breathing room to establish their gameplan. This card being 2 mana makes it very slow in terms of burn.

  • burn has never really had an issue with creatures, as they already have Searing Blaze main and access to Searing Blood sideboard (note, there’s a reason they don’t bother running both main - it’s unnecessary).

This card is a prime example of something which will lead it to underperform, and a prime example of why the deck is top-slow.

amarthaler on Pauper Izzet Assault?

6 months ago


Removed 1x Lightning Bolt and 1x Lava Dart to fit in 2x Searing Blaze

RockIV on mono red burn needs help

1 year ago

there has been some changes on the deck :

added :

Hellspark Elemental x 4 - maybe Keldon Marauders will be better ?

Searing Blood x 4 - not shure about these one , are there better alternatives or its ok ?

Flame Rift x 4 - as replacement of Eidolon of the Great Revel

Shard Volley x 2 - i only add two because it cost lands , and i dont have a lot of them

Skullcrack ended up in sideboard , i always feel that its not that good if your opponent dont gain life.

so, with these changes i have some new questions

is Hellspark Elemental a good card for these deck ? or Keldon Marauders or Vexing Devil would be better. I also was thnking in adding maybe 1 or 2 Grim Lavamancer-

is Searing Blood ok, or are there better cards that i dont know ? i know about Searing Blaze but decided for blood, because i will need to wait for lands for the other one.

Shard Volley i decided for only 2 of them, im shure 4 of them would be to savage for my lands.

Browbeat didnt enter the main

what do you guys think about these changes

ty for the help

Mousemke on Bombardier Gold

1 year ago

dunno if you will try to port this type of thing to modern, but for comparison, here are some comparative upgrades you could make

-Disfigure => Dismember (not a clean swap, may depend on your usage)

-Lightning Strike => Lightning Bolt

-Play with Fire => more Lightning Bolt?

-Searing Blaze?(how important is the scry)

-Morbid Opportunist => Grim Haruspex

-Seize the Storm => hard to replace 1:1, but it's expensive. maybe Dreadhorde Arcanist or Magmatic Channeler

also lands. i wont dive that deep here but ofc the land base standard => modern are quite different

nbarry223 on In defense of Veil of …

1 year ago

I would actually argue that powerful but niche cards like Veil of Summer and Aether Gust is something the format needs more of. They aren't strictly better than other counterparts, but give some "narrow" hate that can be quite powerful in the right matches. We need more hate-cards in the format which are relevant in this manner. Wedge hate cards like this are great, and it's a shame that they aren't all at the same power level.

Cards like Devout Decree, Celestial Purge, Noxious Grasp, Deathmark, Fry, and Rending Volley just aren't powerful enough. White does get some decent creatures that fit the mold like Auriok Champion and Sanctifier en-Vec but those require a little more than a slight splash.

So in conclusion, rather than argue that Veil of Summer (a fixed Autumn's Veil) is too powerful, I would argue that the counterparts from other colors are just too weak, being outclassed by normal removal options.

We need more narrow cards that fit into what the color wants to do, and hate against what its enemy colors want to do better. For example, maybe some kind of Searing Blaze type of effect (deals with creatures and goes face) for against , and a effect against that punishes them for swarming and is a form of removal.

wallisface on Boros Modern Soldier

2 years ago

I have the following suggestions:

To make room for those 16 cards, I’d suggest removing the following:

  • 2x Solar Blaze. You don’t need a janky board wipe, and generally you want your curve low. Dropping these’ll mean you can run less lands

  • 2x Land. You should only need 22 at this point

  • 1x Feather, the Redeemed. You have almost nothing that can even target it, making it fairly useless

  • 3x Legion's Initiative. You don’t want to waste a turn with this - you need to be spending every turn either presenting threats, or removing your opponents.

  • 2x Boros Signet. Same as above. I see no need for this.

  • 2x Boros Swiftblade. These guys are fine, but Monastery Swiftspear is better.

  • 2x Justice Strike. I think keeping 2 could be good for big problem creatures, but running 4 is overkill - generic burn spells should be able to deal with most things.

  • 2x Response / Resurgence. Its just too situational a card to be useful

zapyourtumor on Rakdos Scourge Burn

2 years ago

Omniscience_is_life Searing Blaze actually "turns on" on turn 2, since it counts a land played before it was cast. The main advantage it has over other burn to face cards is because it's a 2 in 1, and burn decks care a lot abt cards.

On another note, have you considered maybe dropping 2 Flame Rift (its cute but you have a lot of self damaging lands and eidolon, so idk) and then move the 2 Searing Blood mainboard? It does almost as much damage to the player and also removes something. It would also make it a bit easier to achieve delirium I think, since you balance the number instants and sorceries.

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