Sea Gate Restoration


Draw cards equal to the number of cards in your hand plus one. You have no maximum hand size for the rest of the game.

8netherwind8 on Talion, Deadly Nightshade

1 month ago

I love how intensely Faerie-centric this is! =D One of the best I've seen... my only concern would be hitting your 4-drop on-tempo with that Land Count... maybe replace a couple with equivalent MDFC (lands on back)? eg. Overflowing Insight < Sea Gate Restoration  Flip (Glasspool Mimic  Flip - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Agadeem's Awakening  Flip would be the others) Cheers mate, nice deck!

Rasaru on Merfolks Counting

8 months ago

At first glance, I'd up your land count.. I run a total of 36 (33 lands and 3 mdfc) in my merfolk deck. IMO MDFC's like Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Sea Gate Restoration  Flip are easy includes. If you don't need the lands, these are pretty sweet spells. I also like to include Glasspool Mimic  Flip in tribal decks to take advantage of all of the etb's, static effects, and triggers (and if you don't, then it's a tapped land).

Personally, I'd swap out Arcane Signet for a ramp spell like Three Visits. "Thin" your deck and protect your board, while in green (arcane signet is more likely to be destroyed before your land would)

When a have a moment later, and know your budget, I'll make some additional suggestions!

Azoth2099 on The Lonely Loner (Seems to free his mind at night)

10 months ago


Wuddup! Vadrik, Astral Archmage is so busted, man. Probably the best Commander p4p imo. I've been brewing him for a while now.

I see you're already running Seething Song, which is great. I'd highly recommend adding Desperate Ritual & Pyretic Ritual as well. Functionally having 2 copies of Dark Ritual in a deck is insane. Mana Geyser is pretty decent, but at Sorcery speed and at a minimum cost of , it's really not worth it compared to the others.

I would also recommend Mystic Retrieval & Mizzix's Mastery over Call to Mind & Finale of Promise respectively. As well as adding Past in Flames.

2 pieces of Equipment that I noticed shone very brightly with this Commander are Conqueror's Flail & Commander's Plate. The added bonus of cost reduction makes their power here difficult to overstate.

Buyback is a popular mechanic in typical Vadrik decks, but the only ones that are truly worth consideration are Capsize, Reiterate & Clockspinning. Haze of Rage & Seething Anger are obviously great, but they don't facilitate wins with the same frequency as those other ones. Sorcery speed sucks.

Never doubt that you need those Tutors, son! Solve the Equation, Reckless Handling, Merchant Scroll, Fabricate, Bribery & Acquire are all pretty much too good to pass up here. Reshape can also be great, depending on your Artifact list.

Free spells like Misdirection, Blazing Shoal & Commandeer can be pretty great here, given that they are likely still cheap to cast if you can't cast them for free.

Lastly, try to get yourself copies of Sea Gate Restoration  Flip, Shatterskull Smashing  Flip & Jeska's Will for this one if you can. Amazing!


ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

11 months ago

Minor Tweaks:

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

11 months ago

GHoag, thank you very much for the compliment! A lot of time and effort went in to considering these changes. Also, thank you for your perspective, it is incredibly useful to talk through decisions more thoroughly.

I agree on Solemn Simulacrum. I think it is a pet card of mine that I need to let go of. I would much prefer to have faster ramp in this slot. 4 cmc feels like such a high cost every time. I'll have to do some math when considering Mox Opal. I am not sure how frequently it will be online in the early game, obviously it is still great in mid/late game though. I like the idea of throwing Metallic Mimic back in because of the low CMC. It helps with the beat down plan, and helps with getting more FoF's.

I am also still considering Cryptic Command as a possible cut. I think it's actually good because of the different modes, even at 4 cmc. It is a very versatile card. Unsubstantiate is an intersting proposal. In that vein we can also consider the 1 cmc Unsummon. I am hesitant on An Offer You Can't Refuse, because allowing another cEDH deck 2 more mana could be a big swing in their favor.

I think you might be right about Sea Gate Restoration  Flip. Having actual islands is important to the deck. I can understand why shutting off High Tide in the early game could be the difference between winning and losing. You can actually draw more than 7 without max hand size. My thoughts were if you hit that card during a big chain of sphinxes, you could draw many many cards. But at 7 CMC I think you definitely want to doing something else. Reward is not worth the risk here. The other thought I had, if it is in your discard when you cast Scholar of the Lost Trove, you could get great value by casting it for free. Then again, I think casting the artifacts/instants from your graveyard for free is more valuable. I'll likely put an Island back in this slot.

For the fetches, the main positive is deck thinning. My thought is, the biggest negative is that it makes all of your Islands more valuable during FoF's. If you make your islands TOO valuable, your opponent could starve you of lands on your FoF's. I might be overevaulating this threat right now, but I am not sure. I definitely need to play test this more.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

11 months ago


Here is all the big changes I've made to this list, and an explanation for each. Guide edits will come in a little bit!

  • Replaced Burnished Hart with Mistwalker. Burnished Hart feels too slow, Mistwalker is a cheap sphinx that makes the deck go fast. Mistwalker is a nice addition because it benefits from the full 2 cmc reduction from Unesh. 1/3 and flying on Mistwalker makes it the best changeling when it comes to combat.
  • Replaced Guardian of Tazeem with Aetherflux Reservoir. Aetherflux Reservoir is a new win condition in this deck. With all of the added changelings and ability to bounce changelings to your hand, it is easier than ever to play a lot of spells on your turn. In addition to being a 50 lifepoint cannon at instant speed, it is the only lifegain in the deck. It can make up for all the health you lost from Mana Crypt and Ancient Tomb. Guardian of Tazeem's effect is underwhelming most of the time. Having the other cheaper sphinxes there is still 20% sphinx, and are easier to play.
  • Replaced Leyline of Anticipation with Narset's Reversal. Leyline's effect is honestly underwhelming at 4 CMC. It's great if it starts in your opening hand, but it is Force of Will fodder otherwise. Debatably it is worth for synergy with Sphinx of the Second Sun, but adding emergence zone (description below) gives you a cheaper Leyline effect at the cost of it only being one turn. One turn with the effect is all you need to win the game though, or to get very far ahead with Sphinx of the Second Sun. Narset's Reversal is a great card because it can be great in a counterspell war, but it can also be used to augment your other cards such as Frantic Search or High Tide or Ghostly Flicker. I love Narset's Reversal because it is great on it's own, but also sees some great synergy.
  • Replaced Myriad Landscape with Emergence Zone. Myriad landscape is noticably too slow, similar to burnished hart. The utility from Emergence Zone can be outstanding. Emergence Zone is a more easily accessible Leyline of Anticipation essentially. It is less mana to use at the price of using it for only a turn. Presumably the turn that you would use it you would also win the game, so you don't need it more than once anyway.
  • Replaced Treachery with Cloudstone Curio. Treachery is a clunky card that rarely resolves. If the mana doesn't untap after this card is played, it feels very bad. Cloudstone Curio is an engine in this deck. It really keeps the BFOF's coming. Playing this card with Universal Automaton on the field means you get to double all of your BFOF's that you play. Additionally, it works particualrly well with the newly added Aetherflux Reservoir.
  • Replaced Long-Term Plans with Chain of Vapor. If you are playing the deck right you are seeing enough of your deck to get your game winning cards without using long term plans. Long term plans also scuffs one of your BFOF's because your opponent knows which card it is. Chain of vapor has many uses. As well as being spot removal, it can be used to protect Unesh, and to return other cheap sphinxes to your hand to be played again which grants additional synergy with the Aetherflux Reservoir win condition.
  • Replaced Sphinx of Uthuun with Sakashima of a Thousand Faces. Sphinx of Uthuun is expensive for what it does. It will normally be chaper to play Sakashima, and it becomes a second Unesh which doubles all of your BFOFs rather than getting you an extra regular FOF. Having a second Unesh on the field also grants you protection from spot removal targetting only one Unesh.
  • Replaced Riddlemaster Sphinx with Bloodline Pretender. Riddlemaster Sphinx's ETB isn't as good as the others (Enigma Thief and Dream Eater). Bouncing one creature isn't super great because your sphinxes already have combat superiority most of the time. It feels expensive for what it does, which means it is too slow. Another cheap sphinx in this slot speeds up the deck, and provides extra synergy with the other added cards.
  • Replaced Island with Lotus Field. I want to try this out. I am skeptical that it is actually better than an Island, but we will see! Let me know what you think here.
  • Replaced Island with Sea Gate Restoration  Flip. Becasue why not really? Worst case scenario, you pay 3 life to have it enter as an untapped island. Having it your hand later game can get you a lot of cards in a pinch.
  • Replaced Imprisoned in the Moon with Gilded Drake. Gilded drake is 1 mana cheaper. It not only takes your opponents creature away from them, it also gives it to you, at the cost of them having a 3/3 flyer. In cEDH this trade is insanely good for you. Imprisoned in the moon can be removed to return the creature back to their side. Nothing happens when Gilded Drake dies. He can also be easily blocked by one of your sphinxes, which means it might be chip damage to a different opponent. To me Gilded Drake is a no brainer here.

Joker4242 on Day's Recasting

11 months ago

Minor changes. Added Thing in the Ice  Flip back into the deck. Works well as an early blocker and can act as a finisher all on it's own. Combos will with Snapcaster Mage, Narset, Parter of Veils, and Day's Undoing. Having multiples might seem iffy, but it gets better when you can sacrifice one to Force of Negation. Plus, it will become a major target for kill spells once on the board. Nice to have a few lying around.

Because I have added Thing in the Ice  Flip I am considering removing Riptide Laboratory. It's a fun land, but I need to make sure I have enough blue at all times to cast spells like Archmage's Charm.

I also upped the Sea Gate Restoration  Flip count to 4. That way I can now more easily stabilize with lands. Narset, Parter of Veils can search them up off the top of the deck because they are considered spells.

fluffyeel on Yuriko, The Tiger’s Shadow

1 year ago

Ninjas are awesome: one of my EDH decks is a Yuriko deck that makes people "very happy". And it's a good start that you have! Some thoughts about things to add that vary in budget-friendliness:

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