

For each nonland permanent, choose a player at random. Then each player gains control of each permanent for which he or she was chosen. Untap those permanents.

Exoflo on SIX

4 hours ago

Avarice Totem is a bad card

Soulless Jailer and Chef's Kiss are too specific cards that are not synergistic

Negate can be replace by a general counter spell

Brand is useless imo

Contested Game Ball just ask people to attack you

Harmless Offering and Wrong Turn are useless if zedruu stick on the field

Scrambleverse is pure chaos. It throws game and does not make it fun anymore, neither for u or your friends

Jinxed Idol is anti-synergistic cause you give creature

You have to many creature-focussed removal and not true "remove all" (like Witness Protection or Path to Exile. Keep enchantment, they are synergistic with Zedruu)

You have to many wincon, choose how you want to win and remove the other (keep them appart and modify you deck if you want to try new thing)

Remove more that 18 cards and add some lands

Consider adding some protection for Zedruu

After that, remove some bad gift and some "givers"

I don't like giving creature to opponent cause they can just sac it, or kill it during combat. That's just my opinion.

I don't like bad gift zedruu, again that's my opinion

Very good choice of commander

More important : play the card you like the most

mtgApprentice21 on https://www.madhouse.dek/troll

1 year ago

Sigh... Sumradagnoth, you were right. Squee and Goblin Assassin are actually kind of amusing. I didn't see it right away 'cause I'm just dumb like that, I guess? I also put in two basic lands and took out Scrambleverse and Thieves' Auction. The former was a headache that couldn't be resolved in less than 30 minutes (trust me, I've tried) and the latter was just a 15 minute minigame that does essentially nothing for the most part. I kept Warp World in the list, though.

legendofa on Devil Rant

2 years ago

So far, Devil creatures show up in just three planes with any regularity: Ravnica, Innistrad, and New Capennaland. Philosophically, they represent or are aligned with random chaotic destruction on the first two, and work as construction and demolition in the last.

I believe this isn't mechanically represented by randomized effects because the player-planeswalker is assumed to be directing their actions, and not letting them run rampant and act on their own.

I think randomizer cards are best in small doses, or when directed to a goal of finishing the game. On one hand, a Scrambleverse led to one of my most memorable game moments, and Wild Evocation + Possibility Storm + Grip of Chaos holds a place in one of my Horde Magic designs (where it's almost always publicly announced). On the other hand, these effects make it more difficult and unwieldy for the person using them to win, and often the winner comes down to whoever gets the best/least bad random effects. If you enjoy that playstyle, go for it! Just expect that not everyone will, and some people will be actively opposed to it.

hellokitty6666666666666 on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

legendofa I guess just decks whose main theme is causing chaos for the table lol. Shuffling permanents or spells around, cheating others' creatures or permanents out, randomly countering spells, just causing general chaos.

Cards like Grip of Chaos , Planar Chaos , Possibility Storm , Hive Mind , Eye of the Storm , Chaos Warp , Scrambleverse , Warp World , Wild Evocation , etc. come to mind.

Searching decks and forums on here brings up quite a lot of results. I would consider my deck here: Giving Good People Bad Permanents a chaos deck. EDHREC has a 'Chaos' theme hub as well if you're interested in looking there.

Neotrup on What happens if I cast …

3 years ago

Another note, if you wait until after blockers are declared, blocking creatures that are removed from combat don't cause the attacking creature to become unblocked, that is, if Cowl Prowler attacks and you block with Hypersonic Dragon then cast Scrambleverse , which unfortunately ends up just giving away your Hypersonic Dragon and letting them keep the now untapped Cowl Prowler , it will still be blocked and deal no damage.

Rhadamanthus on What happens if I cast …

3 years ago

It depends on exactly when you cast Scrambleverse and what changes control during the resolution.

Changing control essentially resets the clock on "summoning sickness" for creatures. If you cast Scrambleverse before your opponent declares attackers, only creatures that stayed under their control or creatures with haste that they gained control of can be declared as attackers.

If an attacking or blocking creature changes control during combat, it gets removed from combat. So if you cast Scrambleverse after your opponent has declared attackers then any attackers that changed control won't be attacking anymore. The game doesn't back up and make your opponent "re-declare" attacks. Note that any attackers that didn't change control will be untapped by the last part of Scrambleverse's effect.

izzetjhoria on What happens if I cast …

3 years ago

I play a Jhoira of the Ghitu Deck, and I have cards that remove time counters at instant speed, and Hypersonic Dragon allows me to do this otherwise. If an opponent atttacks me, what happens if I cast Scrambleverse in response to them attacking or during their attack? can they re-declare attackers or does their attack step end?

mtgApprentice21 on Game staling Chaos

4 years ago

I recommend Jhoira of the Ghitu, Teferi's Puzzle Box, Knowledge Pool,Dream Halls, Pyxis of Pandemonium, and Paradox Haze. They seem like they would like to meet your deck. Also, maybe Goblin Test Pilot?

The only card I WOULDN'T recommend is Scrambleverse. Other cards like that are fine, but Scrambleverse is definitely NOT OKAY. XD

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