Scaled Wurm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scaled Wurm

Creature — Wurm

legendofa on Why Have Creatures in Recent …

6 months ago

This rule has never been more than a guideline. Savannah Lions breaks it in Alpha, as a 2/1 for .

Still, creatures have been getting better. In the first few years of the game, creatures were generally pretty weak and inefficient. Mold Demon is a 6/6 for that requires a two-land sacrifice, and that's one of the more cost-efficient creature cards from Legends.

Since is the most creature-centric color, it's seen more "creature power creep" than other colors. It also tends to have much heavier color weight and more expensive creatures. Craw Wurm and Scaled Wurm fall below the stats = mana value curve. In fact, it isn't until 1999 when green Trained Jackal got a creature above this curve with no drawbacks or restrictions, and that's it until 2002's Elvish Warrior. Those are the only two green creatures from the pre-Modern era to be that efficient. So even vanilla creatures in the color of big efficient creatures were generally below the curve.

Current creatures tend to be more efficient, but still stay close to the rule. Out of almost 600 creatures across all colors, Brokers Initiate, Cabaretti Initiate, Cavern Stomper, Civil Servant, Cogwork Wrestler, Goblin Blast-Runner, and Goblin Tomb Raider are the only common creatures in Standard that have a stats-mana ratio above 1, so the spirit is still very much present.

Mythic rare cards are explicitly made to be powerful and have a "wow" factor, so they're going to see a higher ceiling. Even so, very few mythic rare creatures break this ratio, and those that do generally stay close to 1. The exceptions are pretty much exclusively expensive green creatures that either are multicolor or have a heavy color weight. So the efficiency of large, expensive creatures is amplified in green, the focus color for large, expensive creatures.

griffstick on Card creation challenge

10 months ago

I was playing back in 5th edition and I remember the very first time I saw a HUGE creature. That creature was Scaled Wurm

But I stopped playing that day. I played maybe on three occasions when I was young. I didn't start playing again until after the military when a good friend reintroduced me into it. At that time the set was gatecrash, and the first card I remembered wasn't from gatecrash it was from zendikar it was Vampire Nighthawk. But since you are asking for a card that I remember from gatecrash that card is Rubblebelt Raiders. It was my 1st pack rare

griffstick on Card creation challenge

10 months ago

I was playing back in 5th edition and I remember the very first time I saw a HUGE creature. That creature was Scaled Wurm

But I stopped playing that day. I played maybe on three occasions when I was young. I didn't start playing again until after the military when a good friend reintroduced me into it. At that time the set was gatecrash, and the first card I remembered wasn't from gatecrash it was from innastrad it was Vampire Nighthawk. But since you are asking for a card that I remember from gatecrash that card is Rubblebelt Raiders

Gleeock on Twenty Years of Playing Magic!

1 year ago

Haha! I had a feeling you were a fellow dinosaur... Scaled Wurm for me :) First legit card was Mountain ice age - A sign of things to come.

TheOfficialCreator on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

enter image description here

Scaled Wurm

Repeat challenge.

Kjartan on

6 years ago

Assueming Scaled Wurm is supposed to be Elderscale Wurm?

smackjack on Ethics Question

6 years ago

cdkime well, mothers are also in a position where they they don't know, or should know, the value of their kids Magic cards. Especially in this situation where the grieving mother probably don't have the emotional energy to check each end every card for value. And even if we don't count them being grown ups vs kids.. I have a friend in my age (33) who just started playing. I would argue that it would be morally wrong for me to knowingly trade my Scaled Wurm for his Snapcaster Mage and justify it all with "you are grown up, you should know the value of the card".

Sure, you could argue that because its a grown person, the deal sticks if you have a deal. But its still morally wrong to not inform the poor grieving mother about the value of her deceased sons possessions, and willingly buy them for less than a thousand of its value. Legal? Yes, but morally wrong.

smackjack on Ethics Question

6 years ago

Rzepkanut with that logic it would be morally ok to trade a Scaled Wurm for Snapcaster Mage as long as the kid is unaware of the value of his snappy.

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