Savor the Moment


Take an extra turn after this one. Skip the untap step of that turn.

SufferFromEDHD on Atraxa super friends

2 months ago

Honor-Worn Shaku

Sword of Truth and Justice

Norn's Annex

Ward of Bones

Savor the Moment

Oath of Teferi

Oath of Teferi

A few of the Vraska planeswalkers seem good in here.

Cut some creatures, the creature tutors and Reanimate.

SufferFromEDHD on Super Cat

8 months ago

I also have a Jesksai Super Friends list. I fluctuate between Commodore Guff and Leori as the commander. They are both good but Leori leads to surprising and explosive turns were as Guff slowly ramps and feeds the strategy. Just gonna spitball a few ideas:

Resourceful Defense no loyalty wasted.

All Will Be One loyalty now burns.

Flame Fusillade similar tech as Honor-Worn Shaku.

Search for Glory an efficient tutor for the strategy.

Mobilized District a free manland is nifty.

Deserted Temple to filter the three colors but more importantly to reuse Karn's Bastion.

Reject Imperfection > Arcane Denial

Gatewatch Beacon > Fellwar Stone

Norn's Choirmaster > Third Path Iconoclast

And my super secret tech for planeswalkers... Savor the Moment. Wins games.

SufferFromEDHD on S U P E R F R ! E N D S

9 months ago


The playset of board wipes is my favorite thing about this deck. Resets the board...but not for me :) Savor the Moment is similar tech that planeswalkers can exploit.

The Elderspell is the ultimate cantrip in this deck. You running this outside of planeswalker strategies is making me assess my current meta and the potential tricks and value it could potentially make.

SufferFromEDHD on Jodahs Super Friendship

1 year ago

Big fan of super gimmicky decks like this.

Oath of Gideon and Oath of Teferi legendary enchantments that Jodah can dig for and speed up your planeswalker strategy.

Luxior, Giada's Gift legendary equipment that Jodah can dig for and turns your planeswalkers into beaters.

Ward of Bones not legendary but it's static ability in this list is LEGENDARY.

Inexorable Tide again not legendary but proliferating for playing planeswalkers just speeds up your clock.

Savor the Moment I have a few Super Friends lists and I squeeze this card into all of them.

OberstHati on Atraxa walks all over You

1 year ago

I guess cutting Savor the Moment for Carth the Lion makes Most Sense,…

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (MH3 updates)

1 year ago

Yeah, the mana swap seems to work. Probably slightly less downside than wanting the Reflecting Pool turn one or tapping Gemstone Mine 3x was (the fetch can be a basic if needed).

I've also found that Savor the Moment is almost like an overpriced, off-colored Explore worst case scenario, but when it is decent, it's actually quite good, and it can just straight up win if you have enough presence out already. This puts it dangerously near the win-more category for me, but it enables stuff you couldn't enable otherwise, similar to Mosswort Bridge. So even though you could consider it a win-more card, it isn't strictly a win-more card, and actually enables some novel lines of play.

TheOfficialCreator on Pride Month (LGBT+ Tribal)

1 year ago

For reference, those cards are Sol Ring, Mana Confluence, Bearscape, Savor the Moment, Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, Collective Voyage, Heartbeat of Spring, and Triumphant Reckoning.

Liliana, Saheeli, and Huatli are also queer, and Anhelo, the Painter's daughter marries another girl in the SNC story. That daughter is Errant, Street Artist.

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (MH3 updates)

1 year ago

This is what I came up with. It's a little tricky to be able to play Savor the Moment on its own if we draw into it without a win condition that just gets us ahead anyway with the current manabase. I went back to a fetch + triome, because it enables more plays with Elvish Reclaimer and the ability to bounce the triome and cycle if needed.

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