Savage Stomp

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Savage Stomp


Savage Stomp cost less to cast if it targets a Dinosaur you control.

Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Then that creature fights target creature you don't control. (Each deals damage equal to its power to the other.)

lhetrick13 on Spared No Expense!!!

1 year ago

NonetheWeisser - I love the dinos. The Enrage is a really fun mechanic that is seriously underrated in my opinion.

You are not wrong that lowering the mana curve would be ideal but it is hard to. Dinos are just so BIG and EXPENSIVE! The amount of creatures that drop the cost of dinos mixed with the addition of 4xUtopia Sprawl does help get things out fast. An example of an ideal hand I have played would be:

T1. Play something like Temple Garden and cast Kinjalli's Caller.

T2. Play a land that produces and cast Marauding Raptor then cast Ranging Raptors and reap the benefit of enraging Ranging Raptors.

T3. Play another land and cast Regisaur Alpha pumping Marauding Raptor and perhaps dropping Reckless Rage or Savage Stomp on Ranging Raptors to clear the way to swing for damage.

I am pretty excited for the The Lost Caverns of Ixalan set to drop in 2023 to get some more dinos. Not to many in the tribe to choose from but very fun somewhat janky deck to play!

lhetrick13 on Dinosaurs Tribal

2 years ago

This deck looks like it plays very similar to my dino tribal (Spared No Expense!!!) in the main theme is to trigger the Enrage ability of the many dinosaurs. Main difference is yours focuses on pumping the dinos with +1/+1 counters with either Bellowing Aegisaur or their own ability and then multiplying the effect with Hardened Scales.

The main thing I would suggest is this deck needs some speed...Your average creature cost is roughly 3.5 CMC and you are only running 20 lands. You do have 3xOtepec Huntmaster to lower the cost of those dinos but generally, I feel like you are consistently going to be hurting for land to cast dinosaurs if you do not start with or draw Siegehorn Ceratops or Otepec Huntmaster.

You are also running a lot of great instants/sorceries/enchantments for your theme but I think you are going to have to sacrifice some of those to make room for some extra lands and maybe even some more cards to lower the cost of the dinos. Right now, it just seems like the deck will take until like turn 4-5 to start hitting a stride and you do not have any interactions besides Savage Stomp or some spells that deal a targeted 1 damage or a general 1 damage to really slow down an opponent.

I love the idea of the deck as a you can make Siegehorn Ceratops a monster on turn 3 with a Rile followed by a Savage Stomp when Hardened Scales is in play but that is an ideal hand...I am trying to make suggestions for when you do not get that hand.

A card you might consider instead of Gut Shot would be Marrow Shards. Both share the no cost ability and instant speed but Marrow Shards can be used for defense or a mass enrage trigger when your dinos attack. The loss is you can not hit a player for 1 damage any longer...pros and cons.

lhetrick13 on Spared No Expense!!!

2 years ago

Squee_Spirit_Guide - Thanks for the suggestions!

Ghalta, Primal Hunger is pretty easy to get out for dirt cheap, under ideal circumstances I can drop him easily by turn 4 with haste. He started in the deck as one of my big guns but I wanted to experiment with some others.

I had not really even considered Deathmist Raptor and its ability to recall itself from the grave. That may have some merit! I do like the deathtouch and with Savage Stomp, that might be a good removal of something much bigger than Deathmist Raptor.

I feel you about Polyraptor. I love token creation but I quickly discovered the infinite loop of token creation triggered by Marauding Raptor + Polyraptor . If Marauding Raptor was not one of the main pieces of this deck, I would totally run Polyraptor for the exact reason you mentioned. I mean, can you imaging Forerunner of the Empire + Polyraptor for like one or two turns? Epic!!!

Thanks for the food for thought!

lhetrick13 on Prehistoric Rumble!

2 years ago

Some pretty significant changes! I am surpirsed you are dropping Savage Stomp, I love that card and it is so effective in a dino deck for removal and triggering enrage. I like the adding of Etali, Primal Storm he is a great cheating card to play some stuff for free. I also like that you added in some acceleration with Otepec Huntmaster. His ability to provide haste to a fresh cast dino can really hurt...Etali, Primal Storm is a good candidate for that combo.

Did Atzocan Seer not work well for you? I feel like for his cost, it is a little underwhelming; hence why it has not made it into my deck.

BTW, just look for me in MTGO for a prehistoric rumble! I would love to play against this deck!

lhetrick13 on Prehistoric Rumble!

2 years ago

Radiant_Draconis - Ya, I have only been doing MTGO for a few months but Ixalan is one of my favorite sets aswell. I just enjoy a lot of the cards and mechanics introduced in that set.

I will have to try out Temple Altisaur. Seems like there is potential there as that essentially makes the dinos indestructible. Given their bulk I would prefer hexproof but I will take it...thinking of running something like Shapers' Sanctuary to accommodate for the removal I expect to see via MTGO.

I will totally hit you up once I procure the last few pieces of the deck I have posted here. Would be fun to playtest it against another dino deck!

Glad some of my comments/suggestions have merit! When you start a game with Kinjalli's Caller in hand, things just go so much smoother I have found. I think you will enjoy that change but losing Savage Stomp is rough as that is such a good card for this deck!

wallisface on Dinosaurs go wild!

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • i’m surprised Ripjaw Raptor isn’t in the deck, as it’s one of the best dinos out there, especially backed-up by cards that can let it fight. Similarly, Ranging Raptors is better than most of the other dinos you’re currently running.

  • you should defo be running the full playset of Savage Stomp.

  • your mana curve is waaay too high. Look to run some lower-cmc cards.

  • you’re currently running what i would consider to be a bunch of “trash dinos”. I’d suggest removing the following: Snapping Sailback, Thrash of Raptors, Raging Swordtooth, Cherished Hatchling, Crested Herdcaller. I’d also consider Raging Regisaur pretty “meh”.

  • other cards to consider adding are Drover of the Mighty and Rile, though you’ll get your biggest upgrade by adding a third colour to the deck (white) - there are loads of strong dino effects in that third colour.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Dino Deck

3 years ago

Savage Stomp and Commune with Dinosaurs are literally Made for it, so I'd go with them. A card I like in my Dino deck is Rite of Passage, but I don't know if it is on Arena.

Narueled on Enraged Dinosaurs! (Budget R/G)

3 years ago

Hi mobizque Thanks for the updoot. You are right, Lightning Bolts would make this deck able to deal with a lot more decks early game, I will just be sad to switch it in for some great trigger cards, Reckless Rage, Savage Stomp ect. More testing will be required. Yeah the manabase could be a lot better, read expensive… haha… But yeah adding Rootbound Crag would be the cheapest way to enhance it. Not sure about adding an additional land, but perhaps I will try it out.

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