Saproling Cluster


(1), Discard a card: Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token into play. Any player may play this ability.

tbone2072 on

3 years ago

Alright, I looked over your deck, and hear are some suggestions that I would make

  1. I would be wary of cards like Sprout Swarm and Shamanic Revelation that care about how many creatures you have because your deck is focused on sacrificing creatures.

  2. I'm curious as to why you have Vance's Blasting Cannons  Flip in the deck because I don't see a way to easily flip it.

  3. I would replace Verdant Force with Tendershoot Dryad as the dryad is cheaper and can also buff all your saprolings if you have the city's blessing.

  4. I think your deck needs more land. 28 lands seems really low, even with all the ramp that you have.

  5. Adding more nonbasic lands like Savage Lands and Rugged Highlands to help with color fixing would greatly benefit your deck.

  6. I would recommend removing Saproling Cluster because paying 1 mana and discarding a card to get a 1/1 is a very bad deal.

  7. You might want to consider adding more removal. I would recommend Malicious Affliction as you can easily trigger morbid with your commander, Putrefy, and Dreadbore.

  8. I would also put in some boardwipes like Blasphemous Act because even though you plan to have a lot of creatures on your board sometimes an opponent will have an even bigger board and having a boardwipe to deal with them is important.

I hoped this helped your deckbuilding and if you have any other questions feel free to ask!

ersatz_olorin on Slimefoot's Aristocracy *PRIMER*

6 years ago

you can make as many saprolings as you have cards in your library if you have Saproling Cluster + Fecundity-like effect and a mana sac outlet.

I made a Slimefoot deck if you want to take a look at it:

Slimefoot draws-into win

Commander / EDH* ersatz_olorin


Coward_Token on

6 years ago

Maybe Call the Bloodline over Saproling Cluster? idk if you're managing to trick people into discarding good creatures to reanimate

timefabric on Borby's Boulder Bombs!

7 years ago

Good call on the channeler for titania replacement, I threw that in there quickly from an outdated mtg salvation post regarding infinite combos. I use Titania in several decks and definitely a straight upgrade.

I'm assuming you have experience playing the deckstyle; I haven't gotten the chance to playtest this so I certainly appreciate the time you took to leave feedback.

The reason I have the Wirewood Herald and Elvish Harbinger is to find the Bloodbraid Elf, which would ideally help sift through all the lands in the deck to bring out the plethora of 1, 2 and 3 drop infinite combos.

I'm especially keen on Saproling Cluster + Fecundity + Ashnod's Altar + Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre in the library for infinite mana & card draw, and Bloodbraid certainly helps me get there.

To your point though, sticking with the theme of the deck is important and I may have tried to force one too many combos in that realistically wouldn't happen very often. I'm going to look at swapping the cards in that you suggested.

Thanks dude!

Brefin on The Spirit of EDH (tm)

7 years ago

That is an impressive land count. I'm too spoiled by blue in my populate deck to be able to evaluate the ability of populate here. If you do like populate (And I see you have Growing Ranks here) you may wish to consider Druid's Deliverance and Eyes in the Skies. I'm also surprised by the lack of Rootborn Defenses, regardless of tokens or not.

While I admit Blade of Selves and Mimic Vat are pricey, finding room for a Soul Foundry can be quite amusing. (I suggest using a higher mana slot for it to drop and use it the same turn.)

Saproling related cards that may be useful: Saproling Cluster, Spontaneous Generation, Night Soil. Soil is graveyard answer and generator. Cluster lets anyone turn a card in hand into a saproling. And Generation works best if you have a good number of cards in hand and just goes Fwhoomph! Saprolings! as a one shot.

chilbi on You have tokens? Or not!

8 years ago

Nice one, +1 from me! Might not be too impressive, but Saproling Cluster could help you generate chumpblockers while getting rid of cards not needed. Also, Massacre Wurm?

VampireArmy on All Hail the Gitrog Toad! NEED HELP!

8 years ago

just some stuff I've seen around. Sorry if they've been suggested. I've been typing for a while

Lord of Extinction

Sakura-Tribe Elder

Yavimaya Elder

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Saproling Cluster

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