

You draw X cards and you lose X life, where X is your devotion to black.

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

2 months ago


The Budget for this deck is really weird. It's basically "Whatever I can get my hands on". I used to have Razaketh's Rite in here but I got seduced by the Timmy prospect of the double tutor with Increasing Ambition, I need to replace that soon.

I could see Stinging Study being put in for a flatter power curve. If I get a chance I'll probably replace either Sanguimancy or one of the big demons with it.

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

2 months ago


I've had my eye on a couple of those cards for a while, with the main drawback being that I'm broke. Most of the expensive cards you see I either traded for or pulled from packs. I'm currently trying to get my hands on a Dauthi Voidwalker and I'm looking to try and get the new tutor with Spree from Outlaws, but I'll keep my eyes out for the others you recommended.

This used to be a Anje Falkenrath Precon that I switched over to K'rrik and slowly upgraded over the years, you can still see a few echoes of that, with In Garruk's Wake being one of the last. I never really had a reason to remove it because it got me out of a couple jams but its been on my cutting list for a while if I can get my hands on one of the cards I'm looking for.

I think you're overestimating how much this deck relies on devotion. Tymaret, Chosen from Death and Mogis's Marauder are basically always online just by playing the deck. I've never really had a position where Sanguimancy was a dead draw because of devotion levels, it was more from immediately after a board wipe or when I was low on life, its a bit more niche but I think its a worthwhile include for the wins it can pull by just drawing 10+ cards. And Gary and Nykthos are just really good cards that are efficient even at low devotion levels.

Thanks for the feedback. About the CMC and lack of graveyard hate, its mostly shaped by my specific LGS. I basically never run into graveyards that need hating, and there is a lot higher emphasis on getting threats down early to avoid being overwhelmed. Plus, I'm a bit of a timmy so its hard for me to resist big splashy spells that I can use K'rrik to cheat out early.

Profet93 on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

2 months ago


Beseech the Mirror > Diabolic tutor - It has another black symbol for your commander, can act as a sac outlet and even a potential free spell. Pretty much a strict upgrade.

Cabal stronghold should be cut IMO because it isn't impactful enough. You need 4 basics just to break even and 5 basics just for 1 mana. It doesn't get a benefit from urborg like coffers does. If this was a more basic, budget deck I could see it's inclusion, but I don't feel its impactful enough for a build of this quality. What has your experience been with it? Perhaps swap in a Bojuka Bog and/or a fetchland? Bog is nice given your lack of grave hate (meta dependent). The fetchland is nice because it can bring in bog at instant speed or even witches cottage. Not to mention potential shuffling synergy. None of needed of course, just wanted to offer a potential alternative utility land that could still tap for black (unlike stronghold). Urborg allows you to keep the fetch until you need it too!

Should neither of those lands interest you, perhaps a Deserted Temple to untap coffers/nykthos/crypt + politics?

I notice a lot of your deck is devotion based, how has that been going for you? How often did you need devotion on board for a card like Sanguimancy where it just didn't pan out as needed? I think sanguimancy is a ripe cut, expensive cost and boardstate required.

At the risk of winmore, Alhammarret's Archive?

In Garruk's Wake - 7-9 mana for a wipe is a bit expensive. How has it been? Same idea with Increasing Ambition. 5 mana for a card and then 8 for 2 cards is a bit steep. I think Vampiric Tutor to help you set up draws, cast "for free" and at instant speed is better.

One thing I will say, I love the synergy of the entire deck, seems to flow very nicely without too much fat on it. I know most Krrik decks focus on a lower avg cmc to go with their speedy commander. What made you chose a more midrange approach, the resiliency? Have you thought of cutting down the avg cmc from 4.00 to 3.8 or potentially 3.6? Speeding it up would make this even more deadly!

alechodgin23 on K’rrik, Combo Reanimate

4 years ago

Cool build bro. Definitely a +1 from me!

My only advice is more card draw. You're cheating Mana cost with this deck which means you're playing out your hand faster than most, which in turn means you need more card draw than most to really be consistent and also have those explosive turns this commander is typically so good at.

Luckily for you black has some great options! You are already have 3 of the best BUT Phyrexian Arena , Disciple of Bolas , and Necropotence are the only reliable sources you have. Vilis, Broker of Blood is an incredible card but should not be considered as a reliable source of card draw, but more of a win con for the late game. Bloodgift Demon is also a really cool card but he's a body that your deck won't even use since it doesn't win by combat, and 5 Mana to draw a card next turn isn't worth it. You should have AT LEAST 10 reliable sources that can be viable in the early AND late game!

Here are a few more to consider:

Sanguimancy , Morbid Curiosity , Read the Bones , Dark Prophecy , Ad Nauseam , Smothering Abomination , Syphon Mind , and even Skullclamp

Those are some incredible cards but if you'd like some more ideas, check out this list that some people put together on tapped out: List of EDH Draw Cards

Its a list of all relevant draw cards in EDH.

Hope this helped!

qwikster on May All My Problems Wither Away [Conquest]

4 years ago

alechodgin23 Of that list, Yawgy hadn't come out when I made this (and you are right, it is in need of some updates) and Dark Prophecy both seem like solid additions. Sanguimancy I would avoid because there isn't much way to gain life, so it's not as much of a "resource" as in other decks of mine and my devotion doesn't always hover that high (I draw a lot of hate, very quickly ;P), Morbid Curiosity is great in that it needs sacs (this deck LOVES it) but it requires the sac to have a substantial CMC to be effective, of which tokens really don't apply here, and Reprocess actually seems like a good idea but at Sorcery speed, not so much. If I could Reprocess in response to a board wipe? 100%.

I appreciate the comment though and I'll definitely look into better card draw!

alechodgin23 on May All My Problems Wither Away [Conquest]

4 years ago

Love this deck. Definitely a +1 from me.

My only critique is that there is only 4 forms of card draw. If I was building this deck, I'd definitely include Yawgmoth, Thran Physician , Sanguimancy , Reprocess , Morbid Curiosity , and Dark Prophecy . Green also has plenty of good options to choose from. Either way, I'd definitely include more. I try to have at least 10 forms of draw in each deck.

Silverdrake on

5 years ago

Big daddy Erebos, God of the Dead would be a perfect fit here. Gatekeeper of Malakir and Geralf's Messenger are both high-devotion powerhouses. If you feel like shelling out the cash, Phyrexian Obliterator would be disgusting in here.

You could also use some more efficient and effective removal. Go for the Throat , Victim of Night , Fatal Push , and Hero's Downfall are all great options you have available to you. I'd look to play 6-8 pieces of removal in a deck like this.

If I were you, my changes to the deck would look something like this:
OUT: 1x Abhorrent Overlord , 1x Disciple of Phenax , 2x Korlash, Heir to Blackblade , 2x Squelching Leeches , 1x Barter in Blood , 1x Corrupt , 1x March of the Returned , 1x Mind Rot , 1x Sanguimancy , 1x Quag Sickness , 2x Sinister Possession , 1x Murder , and 1x Sands of Delirium .
IN: 3x Fatal Push , 3x Go for the Throat , 2x Erebos, God of the Dead , 2x Phyrexian Obliterator , 3x Gatekeeper of Malakir , and 3x Geralf's Messenger .

That's my take, anyway. Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun!

alechodgin23 on Bladewing Commander(THIS CATCH’S YOUR ATTENTION)

5 years ago

Hey dude I love this deck. Definitely a +1 from me! It's refreshing to see a dragon deck that's not 5 colors. Recursion is one of my favorite mechanics in Magic. I'm a very seasoned Magic player and I can't express to you how much I love Scroll Rack It would be a great addition. 2 other cards for draw that I absolutely love and that I think are completely underated are Morbid Curiosity and Sanguimancy Also for another way to blink your commander, I'd recommend Conjurer's Closet Last card that I want to mention that is neat, but maybe not a necessary include is Cryptic Gateway

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