Sanctum of Shattered Heights

Legendary Enchantment — Shrine

, Discard a land card of Shrine card: Sanctum of Shattered Heights deals X damage to target creature or planeswalker, where X is the number of Shrines you control.

AjMcGamer on Historic Shrines

3 years ago

Yes Shadowspear is just to remove hexproof and indestructible if needed.

The numbers for shrines has been tweaked to this point and works well, the extra Sanctum of Shattered Heights or any extra shrines either go to the Sanctum of Shattered Heights on the board, or are replacements for if and when an Ugin or two... or three XD, come down... yes I have rebuilt and won through 3 Ugins lol.

I run this "creatureless", I know Fae of Wishes technically breaks that but its in there for Fae of Wishes so whatever lol.

Thanks for taking a look and the feedback, always love seeing how fellow shrine decks differ now that there's more out there.

ImaginitiveRascal on Historic Shrines

3 years ago

is Shadowspear in the sideboard only to remove hexproof and indestructible? There are no creatures that it would really be worth it to equip. I would also suggest an extra Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest and take out a Sanctum of Shattered Heights . The deck is Bant except for a few shrines, co you could do mainly bant lands with pathways to give you black and red. I have also played cards like Nessian Wanderer to hit the land drops. Looks a lot better than my shrines deck!

StuPickles on M21 Shrines and other "Shrines"

3 years ago

Hi there, was looking into building a 5 color shrine deck seeing how there are technically 11 in total now. Honden of Cleansing Fire Honden of Infinite Rage, Honden of Life's Web, Honden of Night's Reach, Honden of Seeing Winds. as well as the new ones from M21 Sanctum of All Sanctum of Calm Waters Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest Sanctum of Shattered Heights Sanctum of Stone Fangs Sanctum of Tranquil Light

Now I pretty much know the answer to this question will be No, but im hopeful regardless because shenanigans. Do cards like Shrine of Boundless Growth Shrine of Piercing Vision Shrine of Limitless Power Shrine of Loyal Legions Shrine of Burning Rage count towards the number of shrines you control? Technically they are shrines and in the enchantments text, looking for "Shrines you control" doesnt specifically state whether it needs to be an enchantment or artifact, only that it is a shrine. I know this is a stretch but are there any other instances of cards that have a similar or relatable technical problem like this that it can be compared to?

AjMcGamer on Shrine of Uro

4 years ago

Hey mikeb388 I left a comment on your deck responding to your query. Thanks for checking our the deck.

Open question: I am considering either Flame Sweep and/or Storm's Wrath and would love to hear what people think.

I was thinking of cutting: 1x Sanctum of Tranquil Light 1x Sanctum of Shattered Heights 1x Shatter the Sky to make room for 2 and 1 respectively.


Epicurus on 9-Shrine

4 years ago

Barbarian_Sun_Pope I think that would work well, yes. Maybe a lot of self-mill or Dredge, and a generous helping of board wipes.

In this deck I have a couple Kethis, the Hidden Hand more just as an answer for enchantment removal, and also for feeding Sanctum of Shattered Heights, but I think he'd be good for what you're talking about too.

Have (1) oyianakis
Want (1) jw560211_magic