Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest

Legendary Enchantment — Shrine

At the beginning of your precombat main phase, gain X mana of any one colour, where X is the number of Shrines you control.

legendofa on

1 year ago

If you're running the Tron lands in EDH, cards like Crop Rotation, Sylvan Scrying, Elvish Reclaimer, and other land search cards will help pull them out. I'd almost recommend taking them out and replacing them with other lands, so you don't have 7+ cards ultimately dedicated to providing 7 colorless mana.

Pestilence is a repeatable source of life loss that can double as a small board wipes once you get some big creatures out.

How useful are the Sanctums? Sanctum of Stone Fangs is good with your commander, but Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest doesn't seem to add much.

I would also suggest adding some more cheap (2-3 mana) removal.

Epicurus on

2 years ago

Nice list. I was going to suggest Stasis but was pleased to see that it was already there.

I saw that you've omitted some of the Sanctums. The red Sanctum is garbage, but the others are definitely worth including. Sanctum of Calm Waters in my opinion is better than Honden of Seeing Winds, because it costs 1 less, and is a "may" rather than "must" effect, which sometimes matters. I do recognize that that's a matter of personal preference. However, Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest can replace any rock or dork (and eventually supplies all the mana you'll ever need, which is important if you choose not to go infinite), and Sanctum of Tranquil Light is way more brutal than it may seem (especially for a Stax build).

Finally, Zur the Enchanter fetches a lot of the Shrines, as well as a lot of your other enchantments, and should be considered as well.

That's all I got. If I think of anything else, I'll report back later.

Fritzn on

2 years ago

as awesome as having 2 shrine stewards would be, there's your first cut, since commander is supposed to have 1 of each card outside of basic lands. I would probably cut the Mirror Box since you don't have a way to make multiple copies.

if you're going to run shrines, I would recommend at the very least grabbing Go-Shintai of Boundless Vigor. it will let your shared purpose make more spirit tokens. Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest is also nice as you will get some free mana from it and the Sanctum series is still affordable.

I would also recommend some more lands, I usually shoot for around 35-40, Evolving Wilds Terramorphic Expanse do the same thing and can help you get the right mana when you find yourself short of a certain color.

overall, not bad I'd say! Its tough when you start building, there's so much you wanna put in and so few spots to fit it. maybe this build will work fine, run it a few times and see how it goes (once you get it down to 100) and good luck!

Housegheist on Praise the Shrine [Go-Shintai, Go!] [WIP]

2 years ago

First of, thank you for your comment. :)

The main win-condition should come through burn the shrines (either from the shrines like Go-Shintai of Ancient Wars, Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest and Honden of Infinite Rage. Cards like Klothys, God of Destiny and Bastion of Remembrance (refer to plan B) helps with this.

Plan B is the overwhelming token-potential. If the are enough, i wanna swing for lethal.

To come to this point, i found the deck has many interactions with the opponents board to protect itself and to refill our hand. I try to avoid the common pillowfort or infinite-combo. But Combo synergies are okay though.

Immortalys on Reki, the History of Legends

2 years ago

I usually end up winning through sheer numbers, combined with some finisher like Overwhelming Stampede, Triumph of the Hordes, God-Eternal Rhonas or Heroes' Podium.

Reki allows for a lot of continuous card draw, and this deck has a little subtheme of cost reduction with cards like Nylea, Keen-Eyed, Rhonas's Monument, The Immortal Sun, Emerald Medallion and Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma on top of the regular green ramp (aided by creatures like Rishkar, Peema Renegade and Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro who can both have Reki (who should always be on board) and themselves tap for mana and other Legendary cards like Nyx Lotus and Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest), which keeps the engine going even more.

I personally prefer to use Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger as a finisher, but as you might imagine, the people you play him against aren't always happy to see him. Another type of "creature" finisher I like is Kamahl's Druidic Vow. With all the mana you're making with this deck it can quite easily be cast for X = 30+. But in general this deck doesn't have creature finishers (Vorinclex and God-Eternal Rhonas being the exceptions) as instead it tries to create a critical mass of big and tough creatures to hit the opponents hard with, preferably with the aid of some of the cards mentioned above. If you are looking for creature finishers though I would recommend running some of the Eldrazi Titans

legendofa on Too much card draw??

2 years ago

Go easy on the blue shrines, especially since the draw from Honden of Seeing Winds is mandatory. Or run some enchantment removal and use it on yourself as needed--getting one extra mana from Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest isn't worth losing the game.

Alternatively, rejoice in the draw and keep a Thassa's Oracle or Laboratory Maniac on hand.

How much have you tested this? Are you regularly at risk for overdrawing, or is this a pre-testing concern?

ImaginitiveRascal on Historic Shrines

3 years ago

is Shadowspear in the sideboard only to remove hexproof and indestructible? There are no creatures that it would really be worth it to equip. I would also suggest an extra Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest and take out a Sanctum of Shattered Heights . The deck is Bant except for a few shrines, co you could do mainly bant lands with pathways to give you black and red. I have also played cards like Nessian Wanderer to hit the land drops. Looks a lot better than my shrines deck!

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