Runeflare Trap

Instant — Trap

If an opponent drew three or more cards this turn, you may pay {{R}} rather than pay Runeflare Trap's mana cost.

Runeflare Trap deals damage to target player equal to the number of cards in that player's hand.

Elocutiona on Owling Mirror (Dandân homebrew)

1 month ago

predation We've actually found in playtesting that deciding when to play a Howling Mine is quite a balancing act :)

All else being equal, it's usually better to wait for your opponent to play theirs, since you can bounce it back to their hand, and of course they're the one spending the mana on it. Relic Barrier further reinforces this, since tapping down your own mine means neither player draws a card, while you can tap down theirs such that only they draw a card, making their mine a liability. The best way to use the mines seems to be as finishers once you have the tools to capitalise on it. The ideal turn 5 hand would be something like casting two mines, holding up a red mana for Runeflare Trap on the opponent's turn, dealing huge burst damage out of nowhere. You can get away with casting mines early in the game, but it's a risky play, not to mention that your mana could be spent on playing owls, or even drawing cards deliberately to dig for damage sources before your opponent can find them, since you'll be discarding to hand size anyway.

In sum, it actually tends to become a pretty tense game of chicken, with constant risk vs. reward evaluation on both sides. Waiting for the right time to put your mines on the board has definitely contributed to that :)

keizerbuns on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!

5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion to_regatha_and_beyond! I have already considered using Spiteful Visions as an additional way to deal damage, but the problem I have with it is that it costs slightly too much mana and I don't like that the damage hits me too.

Theoretically it would be a great card to use since I should be out damaging my opponent since I would also be running Ebony Owl Netsuke and Runeflare Trap alongside it, but I feel like having a card that hurts everyone equally with each card draw wouldn't put me ahead of my opponents as much as I would like, and in some circumstances that could cost me the game. I'll try playtesting it though to see if it's better than I think it is.

Thanks again for the suggestion!

legendofa on Bringing Turbo Fog to the …

2 years ago

TL;DR: I want to make Turbo Fog better, but I'm not sure how.

I like the philosophy of Turbo Fog, and I've had some success with it in FNMs and casual tournaments. I'm trying to push it up into at least low-tier competitive, but I think it's gotten left pretty far behind. It hasn't really gotten any new toys recently to get it above casual tables.

Basically, Turbo Fog is a control deck that tries to avoid taking any damage by neutralizing the opponent's attacking creatures and avoiding or removing harmful spells. It's a similar line of thought to Lantern Control or prison decks.

Starting with the Fog part, there are a few ways to go. Spore Frog and Kami of False Hope are cheap creatures that are easily searched and recycled, but there aren't many other creature options. The old-school method is instants like Darkness and Ethereal Haze, but while they have more options, they don't have as many ways to search or recur them, with Isochron Scepter and Snapcaster Mage probably being the best. Finally, there are the enchantments and artifacts. Leyline of Sanctity takes care of a lot of the non-damaging effects, Ghostly Prison is good but offers a workaround, and Ensnaring Bridge needs a little too much dedicated support, in my experience. Turbo Fog isn't big on emptying its hand.

Next up is the Turbo. The traditional draw engines are Howling Mine and Phyrexian Arena, and Stormfist Crusader is a mixture of those two. The Royal Scions and Jace Beleren provide some Planeswalker support. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria does pretty much everything a Turbo Fog deck wants.

For removal, I generally look at all-purpose stuff, like Abrupt Decay, Assassin's Trophy, and Counterspell. The Fog effects provide pseudo-removal against attackers, so it's the utility creatures and other effects that pose problems. All the same, a good Supreme Verdict is always welcome. Engineered Explosives and Nevinyrral's Disk are other mass removal options.

Finally, and most importantly, the win condition. The three main approaches I've seen and/or tried are draw damage, semi-passive mill, and simply attacking with a big creature. For the draw damage, there's cards like Fevered Visions, Runeflare Trap, Fate Unraveler, basically anything that might see use in a Wheels EDH deck. Semi-passive mill comes from symmetrical drawing, while recycling cards through Blessed Respite or Elixir of Immortality. For big creatures, my headliners are Kefnet the Mindful and Sigarda, Host of Herons--5 power, evasive, and hard to kill. Honorable mention goes to Nexus of Fate, just to completely lock out the opponent.

I've poked through a lot of cards and tried a lot of variations, but I'm still not sure I'm not overlooking something. It's very color-heavy, but every color offers a unique option that's hard to replace in at least one category. I'm currently leaning toward or . Of course, it may just be unable to compete at a higher level with the tools it has now. What does Turbo Fog need to get into the competitive boards?

nathanielhebert on

3 years ago

I've been out of the loop for some 20 odd years, but the challenge of putting together a Fog/Burn deck sounds enticing! The "turbo fog" archetype, typically has a card-draw engine in place, and a bunch of fogs to stall out your opponent — as for a burn version, it might make sense to use some direct damage spells that synergize with the extra cards you and your opponents will be holding, due to the draw effect.

Some ideas of cards that play off each other:

DRAW ENGINE: (the card drawing should allow for more consistency, since you'll have more fogs ready for each turn)

Font of Mythos , Howling Mine , Rites of Flourishing

FOGS: (add more fogs, but preferably not "frogs" — they're vulnerable to damage and removal)

Fog , Haze of Pollen , Defend the Hearth , Root Snare , Commencement of Festivities

BURNS: (here's a list of burns that take advantage of the extra cards both you and your opponents will be holding, and punishing the opponent for drawing as well)

Runeflare Trap , Molten Psyche (an interesting burn, since you should have enough artifacts in play, and works with the Runeflare Trap), Spiraling Embers , Sudden Impact , Conflagrate , Fateful Showdown , Gaze of Adamaro

ARTIFACT: (lastly, some artifacts and lands that allow expand your hand size, so you can hit for more with cards like Spiraling Embers and Conflagrate )

Spellbook , Reliquary Tower , Skullcage (another source of damage to punish opponent for holding cards), Elixir of Immortality (so you don't potentially mill yourself)

zamiero on Vial and Ghost!

3 years ago

3> Ahhh I've been wanting to play with Obosh, the Preypiercer and Angrath's Marauders - glad you found a spot for them. While you're at it, you could also consider other "damage doublers" such as Wound Reflection and Fiendish Duo. I've thought about a Vial-Smasher deck with a White partner just to add Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.

3> I see you enjoy big monsters and X-spells here. Oh to be young again... but seriously, this seems like a good deck to play them in as you would be rewarded. Instants are your friend, as you can Smash Vials on everyone's turn! No Comet Storm?

3> I would be worried about Vial-Smasher getting nuked from orbit as soon as your turn passes and it's no longer indestructible. You'll find Heroic Intervention and Slippery Bogbonder will help with targeted Exile removal. You already have Destroy and Sacrifice covered I see.

3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:

3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:

xram666 on Snakes on a Planeswalker - Xyris EDH swarm

3 years ago

Nice deck. +1 from me. I always like token decks. I would include Overrun for Overwhelm. Normaly you want all of your creatures to attack so convoke doesn't help that much and trample is a nice addition. Maybe even Return of the Wildspeaker because it is so flexible.

Wheel and Deal would be an awesome card for the deck.

And maybe Prosperity as a second Minds Aglow

As you have Sudden Impact on your maybe list... Runeflare Trap should be the better card for this deck

Folio of Fancies could be a second win-option for the deck.

ClockworkSwordfish on Nekusar, The Mindrazer

4 years ago

Are you sure about Whispering Madness? You're so low on creatures (which makes Nekusar more of a target, by the way) that I feel you could often not have a target to encode it on. You could run something else that doubles down like Cerebral Vortex, Fevered Visions, Stormfist Crusader or Runeflare Trap.

And since you're so creature-light, what do you think of Breathstealer's Crypt? Too rude?

hungry000 on owling mine help

4 years ago

If you're playing kitchen table magic, an old Modernn Owling Mine deck will work great. I would splash red for Runeflare Trap and Fevered Visions and play 4 Howling Mine, 2-4 Temple Bell, 2 Dictate of Kruphix alongside the 4 Fevered Visions for your draw engine. Then play the usual bounce spells (Boomerang/Eye of Nowhere/maybe Wipe Away), Unsubstantiate in place of Remand, Exhaustion, and Gigadrowse. Vision Skeins is a useful card as well.

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