Rummaging Goblin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rummaging Goblin

Creature — Goblin Rogue

, Discard a card: Draw a card.

Kashai on Replicators

1 year ago


I definitely hear what you're saying about the lack of mana and goblins! Lets add a few more lands and some extra mana/token generation with Dockside Extortionist and Wily Goblin.

While we are adding more goblins:

lets switch Counterspell for Goblin Flectomancer

Merchant of the Vale for Rummaging Goblin

and although we cant pump up its toughness, Siege-Gang Commander is not a terrible alternative for Myr Battlesphere

Idol of Oblivion looks super cool I also found Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII for more tokens!

CommanderNeyo on Samurai

1 year ago

Welcome to Magic! I highly recommend watching this deck-building template from The Command Zone, it gives extremely helpful suggestions on how to put a deck together that will run smoothly and do what you want it to do:

Also, you could visit EDHREC to get some suggestions on what cards might be good in your deck based on what other people are playing.

Some suggestions I would make:

Add Boros Signet and Talisman of Conviction to help make sure you get your colors. Because of the extra combat steps, if your budget allows, you could also consider adding Sword of the Animist.

I would consider some cheap removal spells to answer opponents' threats, namely Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, and Wear / Tear.

I would add some more protection, such as Boros Charm and Eerie Interlude.

Card draw is key, and I would consider adding Valakut Exploration and Laelia, the Blade Reforged.

Some cuts I would make:

  • Anointer of Valor, because it is too much mana to use its ability.
  • Norika Yamazaki, the Poet, because you don't have that many enchantments, and its only useful if someone killed one you really needed.
  • Rummaging Goblin, because you could just replace this with card draw or pseudo-card draw.

Idoneity on Kick You Whilst I Dance

3 years ago

Profet93 Alright, allow me to address all of these lovelies.

Endless Atlas costs two mana, thence I backed away from it. It is in consideration, but likely to remain off.

Hedron Archive is just four mana, and this deck does not actually use that much.

Ignite the Future is a lot of mana, and then a lot more mana. No thank you.

Humble Defector involves giving my opponents things, and I am morally against that.

Now, Rings of Brighthearth is one I much like, for it copies the commander and works extraordinarily well with Rummaging Goblin . It then provides card advantage!

Light Up the Stage is fine, but this deck cannot reliably deal damage to reduce its stark cost.

Skullclamp is obscenely broken, but I only have fourteen creatures in this list, none of which yearning to die. Good, yet not here.

Ancient Tomb is always great, yet is tristfully fifty dollars at its cheapest. Lovely at the price of taxes.

Thank you very much for the suggestions! Rings shall definitely find a home.

Idoneity on Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Commander

3 years ago

Ah, I had long-tinkered with an Alesha list for quite the meiny of months, whereupon I have a fair number of suggestions for consideration in your ranks.

Meseems Callous Bloodmage is one of the best cards in the new set for inclusion, as it does three relevant things for any given circumstance. Choose wisely.

Any aristocrats list is incomplete when bereft of Skullclamp . Overplayed? Overrated? Too powerful? Is it too efficient? Perhaps you are tired of acknowledging its existence? Is this jest overlong all for the sake of an ensuing sentence? No, no, yes, maybe, and yes. (Just play it.)

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is a particular powerhouse. He does everything. Maugre the cost of one life, he enables a draw engine and sacrifice outlet. So much for so little.

False Prophet is a most splendid wrath, for, ere his calamitous demise trigger, you may sacrifice your board and ravage all others.

Feldon of the Third Path , however sorrowful his tale, is quite the potent artificer. Bringing back many and wreaking havoc upon all is a brutal combination that can act as a backup version of the commander.

Rummaging effects are perhaps something of which I am too fond, yet here we are. Rummaging Goblin , Anje Falkenrath , Plargg, Dean of Chaos  Flip, Deal Broker , Smuggler's Copter , and Mad Prophet are all ones I would seek to add.

I much enjoy Painful Truths in any multi-coloured Black deck. Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper are equally enjoyable.

Retribution of the Meek is a splendid wrath, typically decimating the opponents' populous.

There are also the intrinsic staples that I may as well proffer by name: Blood Artist , Swords to Plowshares , Despark , Anguished Unmaking , Vindicate , Path to Exile , and Fellwar Stone .

Thus is all, dear folk. But, might all of your foes be met with a despairing shriek as Karmic Guide has her fun casting demise.

Lastly, the deck name could use a little work. Yes, it may be forthright, but, opt for something with flare. Let it be histrionic! Brutal! WONDERFUL!

Thence I leave.

Here is my own list, if you deign to care: Quondam Foes

Grind on Discarding with Windgrace

3 years ago

I would cut arcane encyclopedia in favor of Syphon Mind , Harmonize , Night's Whisper , or Ambition's Cost , or Rummaging Goblin .
And i might run Geier Reach Sanitarium over rix maadi.

X-Factor11105 on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

Hey! I'm happy to share suggestions, as I've thrown out a few ideas and tried to chat about insight so far. You may want to try and isolate cards you're willing to remove - that way you can still feel like the deck is yours, while being open to prospective ideas / outside perspective ya know?

I'll try to make suggestions with budget in mind!

Deal Broker > Azra Oddsmaker

  • Get the same effect with a higher upside and immediately get to discard a Dragon. Non-artifact so it's harder to remove. Mid and late-game card-drawing machine with an evasive Dragon.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion > Terramorphic Expanse

  • This Neheb is too slow and while the synergy is there, it's going to have trouble making a consistent impact. Even an ETB tapped fetch still keeps you getting the color mana you need while (statistically marginally) thinning your deck and cleaning your future draws.

Hollowhead Sliver > Evolving Wilds ,

Rummaging Goblin > Daretti, Scrap Savant ,

Mad Prophet > Chainer, Nightmare Adept

  • Overall, these edits reduce your cumulative curve, provide similar (if not more consistent) discard ability, and much higher ceilings for providing value. Evolving Wilds is your 2nd fetch, so you can keep improving the lands you're getting into play. Daretti lets you move through the deck quicker AND has artifact synergies if you choose to lean into that line of play. Chainer is a discard outlet and haste enabler the turn he comes down, so he's already got the same floor as Mad Prophet with the opportunity to be impactful if he stays on the board.

Ox of Agonas > Drownyard Temple

  • Since you've enjoyed leaning heavily into the discard aspect, Temple makes a lot of sense for you to have access to a mid or late-game land to ramp a bit. With all these expensive Dragons, I'm sure you've had a turn or two with plenty of un-used mana (I have!), so this gives you a way to maximize the discard AND set yourself up to keep having access to mana!

Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded > Myriad Landscape

  • The five-mana CMC for a less-efficient Sneak Attack just feels heavy in this build. Adding Landscape gives you another opportunity to pull lands out of your deck and keep having colors on the battlefield - I'm sure you've noticed but the double and triple-pips of the deck can be VERY challenging at times. Being able to get two Mountains (or your two Swamps) will hugely impact your ability to play relevant spells on time. As far as getting one more haste enabler, even with Chainer already in...

Dragon Tyrant > Dragonlord Kolaghan

  • Tyrant is a win-more and a payoff card. It's a fun ambition, but in a deck chock-full of power and crazy cool Dragons, we don't need this. Instead, big Kolaghan comes down much earlier AND hastes our entire squad.

Thundermaw Hellkite > Hellkite Courser

  • Courser enables shenanigans and fantastic temporary Commander fun. It's effect can be much more impactful than Thundermaw Hellkite's in the long-run, and essentially acts as another reanimation spell. Thundermaw's effect is pretty narrow, while Courser's lets us go into the graveyard for a more toolbox-like approach, depending on what we've been able to get into the graveyard so far.

Stormbreath Dragon > Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge

  • This might be a little bit of personal preference, and with how many ways this deck has to kill opponents' creatures on your turn, I think it provides a great ceiling while also acting as an early-game blocker. Mana that you can do anything with is so precious in this deck, and it happens to synergize nicely with the best addition to this deck in Kaldheim...

Lathliss, Dragon Queen > Goldspan Dragon

Zirilan of the Claw > Feldon of the Third Path

  • This is a different style of play, I'd just rather avoid exiling my Dragons or only getting a single use out of them...for a minimum of 8 mana and two turns. Feldon has more flexibility in coming down quicker and activating sooner. You're packing High Market and Phyrexian Tower here for sac outlets to get rid of the tokens (same as the Dragons from Zirilan realistically), but you're doing it much earlier in the game, or with mana to spare, with no downside of losing a Dragon for the rest of the game.

Hagra Mauling  Flip > Malakir Rebirth  Flip

  • Between all of the Dragon ETB damage and the removal suite available to Rakdos, you don't need more removal, I'm sure you've noticed this! Especially cost-inefficient removal. Having more reanimation effects, especially to act as a or flicker effect? There's WAY more flexibility here for how the Dragon reanimator wants to succeed. I agree that more removal is always good though! With that in mind...

Stolen Strategy > Kolaghan's Command

  • Play faster, and play with more flexibility. Command will give you options based on how the game's playing, and playing at instant-speed ensures you can be more interactive. Along that same line...

Tormenting Voice > Rakdos Charm

  • Flexibility in usage! More than likely this will get rid of a troublesome artifact, and wouldn't you know it that some of the best graveyard hate is on artifacts! The graveyard hosing can also be key and, again, playing at instant-speed gives you more opportunities to disrupt opponents. For a high-curve deck like this, that's really important!

Phyrexian Arena > Valakut Exploration

  • Let's help Rakdos players see that Arena isn't the powerhouse everyone thinks it is! Exploration does EVERYTHING we could need - especially in your build, which has a higher concentration of Dragons, there's a greater likelihood for you to fill your graveyard quicker! Please give this a shot and let me know what you think!

Fractured Powerstone > Exotic Orchard ,

Charcoal Diamond > Swamp ,

Fire Diamond > Swamp ,

Temple of Malice > Wayfarer's Bauble ,

Coldsteel Heart > Hedron Archive

Four of these cards ETB tapped and make you a turn slower, AND they're bad in the late-game since they have little utility. There's no snow synergy here to justify Coldsteel. Having more land ensures you'll hit your drops throughout the game. Wayfarer's lets you keep some ramp (I prefer Expedition Map, but one discussion at a time) while Archive has mana utility and lets you cash in when you have leftover mana. Smooth out your hands, get more consistent draws and turns, and have the ability to draw more cards.

Underworld Connections > Victimize

  • All of these Dragons in the yard are going to go to waste if you can't get them out onto the field! This is my favorite low-cost reanimator aside from the namesake - if you wanted to make a case for Stitch Together I wouldn't argue it. Being able to get two Dragons out, albeit tapped, ensures you can keep some board presence. It also lets you use up some of those Sneak Attack / token creations in an efficient way. I know losing some card draw feels a bit weird, and based on how the deck's built up, and from what you've described about your playstyle, it sounds like you may have an over-abundance of card-draw and not enough interaction. Hopefully this changes things!

Foreboding Ruins > Luxury Suite

Non-budget upgrade, and more likely to consistently come down untapped and provide the same color flexibility. If budget doesn't allow this edit, I'd say the non-budget move could be Path of Ancestry .

I do think you need to find room for one of the game-winning, mass-reanimators like Living Death or Patriarch's Bidding , or the new Kaldheim one, I'm blanking on the name. I'd take out Scourge of Kher Ridges for it to give yourself a win condition out of nowhere!

Hopefully these ideas help, or at least spark some further ideation for you to think about! If you want to chat about Bladewing in real-time over Discord or Reddit I'm on both sites as ThePillowman :)

Idoneity on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

X-Factor11105 - Alright, round two.

So, Hagra Mauling  Flip has been a fantastic card. 'Tis an inefficient kill spell, but it acts as a land if it must. The instant speed makes it hit the only mark I have required in a removal slot, yet, being in a deck with a sparsity of lands, it suffices upon another front. I have been adding it to a lot of my black decks, just for the powerful and relevant utility.

Outpost Siege is a fantastic card that I run in a fair few decks, as it allows me an additional card each turn. Sometimes, it exiles a spell I cannot cast or a card that is inopportune for the time, but it primarily exists for me to hit land drops and have some sort of card advantage. I could run the newly-printed Valakut Exploration, which would put cards in the graveyard, but the Siege exists to find me lands, and Valakut Exploration requires lands to draw cards, thus I can no longer play a mana source for the turn. Overall, it is always fine and almost always gives me something I can play.

Upon the card draw lands, these purely exist for the moments in which I have nothing better to do with my mana, or if I have a sparse number of cards in hand. Being in Rakdos colours and being a player who loves drawing cards leaves me desirousof always have an answer or way of advancing my board. I am a player who likes something to always be happening, and these allow for an effectual use of my mana. Castle Locthwain is the first to go in the wake of better land options (looking at you, Blightstep Pathway  Flip), but I would recommend these for any deck that can suffer having a colourless land in the mana base.

Well, the Ox of Agonas has been severely average. The most typical course of action is it being discarded early in the game, whereupon it moulders in the graveyard until I have two lands in hand. It is fine card advantage when I need it, but can always be pitched with one of my rummaging effects. I must reiterate this point, rummaging allows me to put whatever I need in the bin whilst filtering through my library. The Ox has been perfectly fine, as I just exile all noncreature cards, but is probably better in a deck more centric to self-mill. I like it for the option is provides, more than anything. As for Anje's Ravager, I have tested with it. This deck tends to have five or six cards in hand most of the time, much due to my playstyle, so an aggressive creature that pitches my hand each turn is not exactly optimal. I prefer it in Canadian Highlander.

Ah, you see, I test around 600 cards whenever I build a deck, Azra Oddsmaker being amongst them. I discard a card, you see, target a creature, thereupon the creature dies to a Path. I am personally athwart to card disadvantage, and this card is overwhelmingly subject to it. The card draw only provided once I get a creature through combat, assuming a big idiot exists on the field or that it even survives the high chance of removal. By itself, a 3/3 gets outclassed incredibly quickly, and it cannot always provide advantage by itself. It requires additional support to be good, and Rummaging Goblin, however horrendous its stat line, always does its job. I played the card in a Canadian Highlander aggro list, and it was severely lacking, thus my opinion of it has carried to commander.

Another long comment, but I do hope this sates your queries.

Good day to you.

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