Rosheen Meanderer

Legendary Creature — Giant Shaman

Tap: Add (4) to your mana pool. Spend this mana only on costs that contain (X).

Recommendations View more recommendations

Rosheen, Roaring Prophet
Balduvian Hydra
Rock Hydra
Enshrined Memories
Roc of Kher Ridges

Phule451 on Hydra Tribal

1 year ago

Unfortunately Rosheen Meanderer is considered a red card so isn’t under your commander’s color identity. Very surprised you’re not running Evolution Sage as it will do a lot of work for you here.

Maaloufler on Hive Mind! (+1/+1 / Tribal The Swarmlord)

1 year ago

Why not run Ezuri, Claw of Progress? It puts counters on your creatures every combat. Also with the costs you can also run Rosheen Meanderer and Unbound Flourishing

MilesHiles on Send Nids.

1 year ago

Hey Lol_counterspell! I appreciate the suggestions(?) As you'll notice, the deck is Nids tribal and not a specific X deck. To that effect, no, I didn't put in Rosheen Meanderer. However, when I considered something to that effect, it was Thran Dynamo since for the same cost and 1 less mana given, it's not as easy of a target for removal, I can use it the same turn I play it, and I can use it for anything. Genesis Wave doesn't provide any Ravenous triggers when I hit Nids so that was also out. I kept Starstorm over Comet Storm. Finally, I will probably be adding a Stroke of Genius but don't have a foil one yet. I also went back and forth over it since the nature of Nids is card draw on Ravenous but having the extra draw source also doesn't seem bad.

carpecanum on KABLAMza and his big scary boys

1 year ago

Something like Skanos Dragonheart gets a temporary boost that becomes a permanent boost to that Ambitious Dragonborn.

Scepter of Celebration, Sylvan Offering and other token producers would give you more creatures to take advantage of your cards that put counters on everything like Master Chef (and Loyal Guardian and Cathars' Crusade which i see in the maybe board).

I always like Hungering Hydra and Protean Hydra if you have something that pays for the X cost like Hamza (I have a Rosheen Meanderer and Animar, Soul of Elements)

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure that is possible, as when you lose the game, all permanents and spells / abilities you control on the stack merely vanish. They cease to be. It could trigger, suppose like; "The next time you would be dealt lethal damage this turn..." but, once lethal damage is dealt, that trigger vanishes before it ever makes it to the stack. Even if it were something like "This permanent enters the battlefield under another player's control.", it would actually immediately also cease to be, as you are the owner of it and no longer exist within game. So, mechanically, it is technically impossible. But, that would be the "proper" formatting. So, here goes.

The Death Knell of Retribution

Legendary Artifact

When you lose the game, the player who caused you to lose the game loses half of their life and discards half of their hand, rounded up. This ability remains on the stack until it is countered, resolved or the game ends.

"Thuung", the bell tolled. "Thuung", the bell proclaimed. "Thuung", the bell demanded, before falling silent with the rest of the village.

There'd need to be a whole book of new rulings to make this work, but that would likely be the best way to word it.

I found this artwork while making that God I listed above. Using this artwork as inspiration, make a new Rosheen Meanderer

If you need a quick synopsis of her, Rosheen was an Elder Giant who existed on Lorwyn seemingly since the plane was first forged into existence. When the plane descended into Shadowmoor, every single inhabitant other than her lost their minds and went insane. She was the only one to retain her memories of Lorwyn. She would speak of a giant ball of fire that illuminated all of the sky and basked it in eternal fire and warmth, but nobody believed her and regailed her as the "madwoman's ravings", as her flavor text depicts.

So, make Rosheen Meanderer during her stay and / or return to Lorwyn, based on the artwork depicted in the link above.

ILE_Xenu on Goblin’ deez X-Spells

2 years ago

Thanks for the advice carpecanum! I didn’t put Rosheen Meanderer in because in my opinion it would be a bit one dimensional in that it would only aid me if I was about to win, and would lose a lot of its functionality if I was behind.

Copying Mob Rule like that wouldn’t work because when a modal spell is copied, you aren’t given a chance to make new selections for it. The one you chose stays as the default with no option to change it.

The Pyromancer's Goggles are definitely an interesting option though, since they offer the capability to copy every turn with no recurring cost, which could strengthen the deck’s preparatory stages. I’ll have to decide what to cut to open up a spot for it, possibly Dragonlair Spider, as I’ve found it to be a bit slow. Thanks for your help!

VensersJournalist on Cards that getting stronger

2 years ago

Though these aren’t kicker/multikicker cards, they have potential to grow stronger as the game progresses:

The topic is a bit broad, but I feel like cards like this are especially adept at becoming much larger threats with time.

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