Rocket Launcher

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rocket Launcher


(2): Rocket Launcher deals 1 damage to target creature or player. Sacrifice Rocket Launcher at end of turn. Play this ability only if you've controlled Rocket Launcher continuously since the most recent beginning of your turn.

Maaloufler on 7 lands? Good!

6 months ago

Cool deck. Some creature options you might want to consider Cultivator Colossus for a beater, Wild-Field Scarecrow can act as a second Armillary Sphere, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can help combo for infinite mana with Magus of the Candelabra.

With all the excess mana you're going to be making Jinxed Choker, Goblin Cannon, Rocket Launcher, and Magma Mine are pretty tempting to one shot an opponent.

Protection for your commander can come in a few forms. You're already running a great one, That Which Was Taken. Tyrite Sanctum, can give your commander indestructible. Heroic Intervention can help as well. If you're worried about targeted exile cards like Tamiyo's Safekeeping, Autumn's Veil, and Veil of Summer can help protect.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Jankest/Worst Artifacts

2 years ago

I can't believe I forgot about Rocket Launcher! It's quite janky, but could technically be a finisher.

Tomahawk-Bang on What is the best card …

3 years ago

Get some style points for oldschool kills with Rocket Launcher.

MagicMarc on What is the best card …

3 years ago

Banefire is one of the best, if X is = or >5, then Banefire cannot be countered and the damage cannot be prevented. Very sneaky and even in casual Commander with all kinds of fort and protection cards in play it can still get a win.
Death Cloud: Honorable mention. Go infinite, Cast it with X of 10000, say "I lost as well, but what a great finisher!"
Death Grasp: You gain as they lose.
Rocket Launcher: Like Goblin Festival or Goblin Cannon.
Molten Disaster: If Kicked it has split second. Very hard to disrupt. But you need support to live through it.
Demonfire: With no cards in hand, it's just like Banefire.
Diabolic Revelation: It lets you get all of your other x cards so you can win with all of them at the same time.
Mindshrieker: This is an odd one, and it's mill, but it gets a +x/+x boost and you can activate it for lethal as well as milling the entire table. It can also win without going infinite if you land on something spicy on an activation.
Golem Artisan: It needs a number of artifact creatures in play equal to your # of opponents, but it cnm grant +X/+X flying, trample and haste to x number of artifact creatures. This can be a game winning blowout very easily.

MagicMarc on

3 years ago

Now that you have a smaller list you can work on rounding out your deck strategy. As well as making adjustments needed to help your deck win games.

First, the elephant in the room; People are not pleased if If you can create infinite mana in a deck, but then cannot win on the turn you can do it. Or worse, don't even have any direct way of using that mana to win the game.

You need to add at least 1 way to win with infinite mana and you need ways to find it reliably every game you play. Infinite mana by itself cannot win a game. So you need to add cards like any of the following:

Winning with Artifacts you can find with Tinker: cards like Walking Ballista, Rocket Launcher, Goblin Cannon, Whetwheel, or using something like Staff of Domination and a creature that taps to damage or mill.

Winning with Blue you can find with Mystical Tutor: Cards like Stroke of Genius, Blue Sun's Zenith, Prosperity, Braingeyser or similar.

Even Ambassador Laquatus.

Just add a couple copies of any of these chards to the deck so that when you find yourself with infinite mana you can win the game immediately.

SynergyBuild on EDH - Casual Daretti - Janky Combos

3 years ago

I love this list! Try Goblin Cannon as another Rocket Launcher, just activate it infinite times in response to itself by holding priority on each trigger!

StarfireAlpha on Brown Magic of Industry

4 years ago

Balaam__ Thanks for the feedback. The reason for the lack of mana rocks primarily due to a theme of keeping to old border cards that are printed in a core set or are not part of a block. I might try running it with a couple of Fellwar Stone to see if runs quicker, though (replacing a couple of Rocket Launcher or the Basalt Monolith).

Capntallon on Naya Archer Tribal

4 years ago

Alright, so hear me out...

Argothian Elder works as a pretty great ramp engine with your commander. It also just so happens to go INFINITE with...

Maze of Ith! This land also can untap one of your archers mid combat to get in one final shot.

But great. Now you have infinite mana with the elder and the maze. What do you do with that mana? Why, use the greatest tool an archer could ask for:

Rocket Launcher.

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