Robe of Mirrors

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature *(Target a creature as you play this. This card enters the battlefield attached to that creature.) *

Enchanted creature has shroud. (It can't be the target of spells or abilities.)

thefiresoflurve on WIP Control Deck

1 year ago

Hey, there!

First, what's your budget like? 'til I know that, I'll keep suggestions "standard".

Second: Cuts.

Sleep + River's Rebuke - not really an EDH card, since you usually have more than one opponent.

Martial Law - similarly, this is just one creature, and there are bound to be so many more problems than just one on the field at a time.

Invisibility - There are better sources of evasion (getting damage through to other players). Also, getting damage through is something Augustin isn't the best at, so that might not make for a strong win-con.

Robe of Mirrors isn't bad to protect your commander, but for 1 more mana you can use Curator's Ward (because Augustin reduces it) and then get 2 cards if someone uses a boardwipe later. I call that a deal. Diplomatic Immunity is another equally costed option as well, if you find your playgroup runs an obnoxious amount of enchantment removal, since it itself is also untargetable.

Consulate Crackdown - Kind of mediocre for what it does. For just one more mana, you can instead run Farewell or Austere Command, which both produce a much better effect.

Some things traditionally run in Augustin are used to basically slow the game to a crawl, and others are used to tax your opponents while this is going on to create advantages for you while you draw into your win conditions: Cursed Totem, Hushbringer, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Vryn Wingmare, Containment Priest, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip, Hushwing Gryff, Silent Arbiter, Ethersworn Canonist, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Smothering Tithe, Rhystic Study, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Sphere of Resistance, Torpor Orb, Damping Sphere, Static Orb, Karn's Sylex, Meekstone, Crawlspace... not quite an exhaustive list, but it's a really good start, and gets the point across.

There are some weird cards that you can use as win conditions to go with the "stax" style, like Azor's Elocutors.

If you're interested, has some more suggestions as well - in my opinion, it's not a terrible place to start as a new player, although I'd encourage you to switch it up as you and your wallet like from what's listed there. can also be a really good tool if you like to go full nerd and search for alternative cards with similar effects to really expensive cards - I've stumbled across a few hidden gems over time by using it.

Hope that helps, and Happy building!

Dammjan on

2 years ago

Thank you for your advices DreadKhan. Sorry that I am answering so late but I had to learn for my exams the past few weeks. I looked at your suggestions and think Court of Cunning might be a good alternative win con. Slow but steady. But I am not sure which card to remove. Maybe Sun Titan? Diplomatic Immunity and Timely Ward seem to be better alternatives for Robe of Mirrors and Shielded by Faith so I will edit my deck.

DreadKhan on

2 years ago

Diplomatic Immunity is probably a straight upgrade over Robe of Mirrors, offering the same buff, but also protecting itself from removal. If you toss in an Indestructible aura, Zur becomes pretty hard to deal with, requiring a non-destroy wipe, which is lots of fun depending on your power level. I used to run Shielded by Faith, but there is a better option now in Timely Ward, which has upside with flash incase you end up drawing it, it can protect your commander for free, provided he doesn't have Shroud yet.

Balaam__ on Biovisionary

3 years ago

Robe of Mirrors or Aspect of Mongoose seem better than Canopy Cover . You yourself don’t have any spells or abilities that need to target Biovisionary , so you’ll want to give it the cheapest/fastest method of non-interactivity (shroud). As a bonus, the green enchantment can quickly be recast, should it somehow get removed.

Exoflo on Zedruu - The Path to Enlightenment [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Thanks for reply !

Now I understand your point of view. There's many things I didn't think about. You convinced me about the Robe of Mirrors , even more with Tyrite Sanctum . And Soul-Guide Lantern is the perfect card, nice suggestion.

Btw the update made my day. There so much Chaos in this deck, it must be an RNG fiesta every saturday night. Best of luck to you and long live to The Mother Goats.

Exoflo on Zedruu - The Path to Enlightenment [PRIMER]

3 years ago

Hi NetholonTheArchmage !

One year has passed and I'm always in love with your deck.

I was wondering why you were playing Minamo, School at Water's Edge . You've nice synergies, especially with Serra's Sanctum , but that's all the card does.

I spended many time to change some cards of your deck. I find that Pendant of Prosperity , Tolaria West and Dack Fayden fit very well in the deck, as Humility or Land Tax , but you probably already know for those ones.

Arcane Lighthouse and/or Shadowspear are great cards to deal with shroud/hexproof/indestructible, depending your playgroup. It's same for graveyard hate, but I'm still looking for a good card cause I also play with my graveyard.

I considered many time Nine Lives to Phyrexian Unlife , but still prefer the unlife to avoid loss of life cards, like Exsanguinate (where Nine Lives protect only for damage).

Trying to replace Robe of Mirrors (I don't like aura, they vanish with board wipes), I find Spiritual Asylum , wich seems perfect on the spot. But I don't feel confortable with the shroud effect it give. Sure, it protect your creatures and (most important) your lands, but it cancel the Zedruu's ability on lands, wich I'm used to give . Still keeping in mind Lightning Greaves , but it can't be tutored with Wild Research

I'm not a big fan about Illusions of Grandeur when you play Solitary Confinement . Why gaining 20 LP when you can never lose them ? I honestly find the combo unreliable and too much slow.

Finally, thank you for your work. It really make me love Zedruu, and gived me the strength to start building a deck (I mean, ctrl c - ctrl v your deck). Best of luck to you, can't wait for next update

Brutal_B on Interdimensional Initiative

4 years ago

psionictemplar, I've been thinking about your suggestions and I'm keeping green. Hexdrinker, Search for Tomorrow and Wilderness Reclamation proved to be assets when I was playtesting. Plus having access to Abrupt Decay, Blossoming Defense and the sideboarded green cards are just too valuable to leave out.

As far as protecting Bane Alley Broker, I got Blossoming Defense and Robe of Mirrors. The latter conflicts with Magewright's Stone if targeting the same Broker, thus I choose to run 2 of each one.

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