Roar of Challenge


All creatures able to block target creature this turn do so.

Ferocious — That creature gains indestructible until end of turn if you control a creature with power 4 or greater. (Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.)

KongMing on legendofa

1 year ago

Taking control of combat with things like Prized Unicorn or Roar of Challenge, being gimmicky with an Apex Altisaur and other fight triggers to kill stuff...

The Beast has three heads, which makes me think hydras would be thematic. I figure also, Trample works well with Fog because it condenses the damage to the opponent and to their creatures into a single damage turn, and Fog only lasts one turn.

There's plenty of Trample hydras out there that could be played effectively at many different points in the game. Since your strategies are limited by only having one color, play into that hard and get the most you can out of it. I feel like ramping mana into Trample hydras while turbofogging is very mono, and will allow you to set the aggro pace of the game.

Total budget, maybe a max of like $500?

multimedia on elyse's vrondiss deck

1 year ago

Hey, for being new to Magic well done upgrading the precon on a budget having a good amount of cards in each area of deck building (lands, ramp, draw, removal).

What makes Vrondiss, Rage of Ancients a scary Commander is when he has indestructible. Then he can take an infinite amount of damage and each instance of damage he takes creates a Dragon.

Anara, Wolvid Familiar is a budget repeatable source of indestructible for Vronn as long as it's your turn. Roar of Challenge and You Look Upon the Tarrasque forces all defending player's creatures to block Vronn who's indestructible. Each creature who blocks does damage to Vronn which is one instance of damage to create a Dragon. This effect creates Dragons equal to the number of creatures who an opponent controls who blocked. Tamiyo's Safekeeping can also protect Vronn from targeted opponent's removal with hexproof.

If Vronn is indestructible then there's a wincon combo here to create infinite Dragons which is infinite damage to each opponent.

When Vronn creates a Dragon then Scourge does damage to an opponent, then Tempest/Outpost/Surge/Ancients does damage to Vronn or vice versa and repeat.

Some budget lands to consider replacing some basic lands:

Good luck with your deck.

Polaris on What happens if you give …

2 years ago

At that point though, the opponent will probably just not block, unless they have big enough creatures to kill it that turn. It's more effective with something like Roar of Challenge.

multimedia on Draconic rage (upgrated)

2 years ago

Hey, pretty good upgrades for the precon, but calling your version competitive is a bit of a stretch.

Because of such a high budget for upgrades then I don't think you need several holdovers that are still here.

  • Temple of the Dragon Queen
  • Wild Endeavor
  • Bag of Tricks
  • Neverwinter Hydra
  • Hoarding Ogre
  • Hoard-Smelter Dragon
  • Shivan Hellkite
  • Colossal Majesty

An interaction with Dragon Spirits that isn't included in the precon is being able to sac the token before it's saced after doing damage. When a Dragon Spirit does any damage it's sac trigger goes to the stack and must resolve for the token to be saced. You can response to this trigger and sac the token for other value. Greater Good is draw 5 cards and Goblin Bombardment is do 1 damage to Vrondiss to create another Dragon Spirit or trigger other enrage such as from Ripjaw Raptor.

Bombardment is also part of a combo as win condition when Vrondiss is indestructible to do infinite damage to all your opponents. Vrondiss who's indestructible + Bombardment + one of Dragon Tempest/Scourge of Valkas/Terror of the Peaks/Outpost Siege.

If you want to utilize this combo then you'll want more ways to make Vrondiss indestructible since Heroic Intervention is currently the only way here.

  • Hammer of Nazahn: when it ETB it equips for free to Vrondiss or any other creature you control.
  • Anara, Wolvid Familiar
  • Roar of Challenge: as long as an opponent has a creature then it can start the combo when opponent's creature does damage to Vrondiss. Without the combo this can wreck an opponents board of creatures and each one who does damage to Vrondiss triggers his enrage to potentially create a lot of Spirit Dragons.
  • Tyrite Sanctum

Good luck with your deck.

brandonplaysmagic on Wulfgar of Icewind Dale

2 years ago

Super fun deck! I have a few suggestions that I think may be fun.

I think one of the more fun mechanics to play with having Wulfgar out is myriad. For instance Caller of the Pack or Warchief Giant or Blade of Selves.

Any cards with Lure effects like Shinen of Life's Roar or Roar of Challenge are fun ways to get extra damage through.

I would also consider some recursion since the deck runs so aggro, like Bala Ged Recovery  Flip or Regrowth to get some of those heavy hitters back.

Super fun deck! Looks like a lot of fun!

multimedia on MEATDOWN

2 years ago

Hey, nice upgrades for the precon and funny deck name.

Goblin Bombardment can do 1 damage to any target for enrage. When Dragon Spirits do damage their sac trigger goes onto the stack and it has to resolve before the Dragon Spirit is saced. When this trigger happens you can response to it by sacing the Dragon Spirit with Bombardment to do 1 damage to Vrondiss to create another Dragon Spirit or target another creature like Ripjaw Raptor. Greater Good is another powerful sac outlet to take advantage of Dragon Spirits sac trigger. In response sac the Dragon Spirit to draw 5 cards.

Cutting Scourge of Valkas from the precon is a mistake. It's a Dragon body that has Dragon Tempest effect and it can trigger Vrondiss enrage the turn it ETB. Scourge of Valkas --> Hydra Omnivore

To really abuse Vrondiss consider more indestructible? You have Heroic Intervention, but consider more ways?

Roar of Challenge can do a lot with Vrondiss for three mana because he has more than 4 power. It makes him indestructible and forces an opponent who has creatures for all them block him which each creature who does this is one instance of damage/enrage to Vrondiss to potentially create a lot Dragon Spirits.

Because you have Stomping Ground, Cinder Glade and Highland Forest than Farseek is an upgrade for Rampant Growth. Karplusan Forest, Fire-Lit Thicket, Rootbound Crag, Jund Panorama are some less expensive lands to consider adding.

Good luck with your deck.

TheVectornaut on Who dat boi - please help

3 years ago

Hey, I saw your comment. Is this an alternate account for twechsler or is this deck just inspired by theirs? Either way, I'll go into greater depth on some possible build paths. libraryjoy is correct in that if you're (mostly) mono-green, your best way to destroy creatures is often to take advantage of the abilities on your own creatures. You already have the deathtouch style shell so I'd just focus on that. But even with deathtouch, there are a fair number of options for guaranteeing that damage gets dealt. There are the bow/staff cards like I use in my artifact commander deck A Pile of Cans with the deathtouch from Sydri, Galvanic Genius . Then there's fight effects which you can see working with Wren's Run Packmaster in my wolfless wolf deck Size of the Fight in the Dog (although this strategy doesn't require DT if your creatures have high enough power). A final approach is forced combat damage. Since it's been mentioned the least, that's what I'll focus on here.

Forced block cards like Lure , Gift of the Deity , Indrik Umbra , Ochran Assassin , Roar of Challenge , Tempting Licid , Provoke , Irresistible Prey , or Tangle Angler are the core of such a deck. Most of these cards are rather costly in terms of CMC, and I'd consequently only recommend such a deck for slower casual play. It should be pretty strong in creature-heavy metas though. If that sounds reasonable, the next thing you have to decide on are the creatures and supporting cards. These choices aren't always obvious because of the many things a deck like this wants. For example, it may be better to play cheap deathtouch creatures like Deathcap Cultivator , Gifted Aetherborn , Narnam Renegade , Wasteland Viper , and Nightshade Peddler so you can start controlling the board sooner. But if all your DT creatures have low power, they'll only be able to kill 1 or 2 things off a big forced block. Thus, it may be better to instead grant deathtouch with other cards like Basilisk Collar , Deadly Allure , Virulent Swipe , Bow of Nylea , Archetype of Finality , or Ohran Frostfang . Then, you could just run creatures with high attack for their cost. Still, I think there's something to be said of looking for other abilities that interact well with deathtouch. First strike and double strike are the most obvious examples because they can let your creatures survive combat to attack all over again on later turns. Viridian Claw , Glissa, the Traitor , and Grappling Hook see play in such decks for this reason. Alternatively, you can learn from the synergy of the Frostfang that abilities triggering on face damage pair well with deathtouch. Only a fool would block your 1/1 DT with their 3/3, but if that 1/1 is drawing you a card, suddenly that trade sounds more appealing. Cold-Eyed Selkie , Dimir Cutpurse , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , Oakhame Adversary , Ohran Viper , Tomebound Lich , Fynn, the Fangbearer , and Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons are some cards that might fill this role.

I know I've just rattled off a lot of cards here. I'll try putting together a casual deck to demonstrate what I'm talking about when I find the time.

As an aside, I see that you've included Novablast Wurm as the only meaningful white spell in this version of the deck. It's too slow to see play in anything but ramp, but it can definitely be built around as a beefy Wrath of God too. Consider using something like Heroic Intervention or a Dauntless Escort sacrifice to break the symmetry on the board wipe. Also, creatures that grant boons on death like Thragtusk or Wurmcoil Engine could find a home in a self-wipe deck, although the Wurm might be outclassed then by something more traditional like Austere Command , Settle the Wreckage , Kindred Dominance , or Phyrexian Rebirth .

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