Ritual of Restoration


Return target artifact card from your graveyard to your hand.

Macaronigrill5150 on Syr Gwyn Fights for her Friends

1 year ago

Thoughts on these, Quest for the Holy Relic decent cheap equipment find, Magnetic Theft this is good for various reasons, for example you can use it on Helm of the Host and get copies of an opponents creature and other things. Trailblazer's Boots one of my favorite equipment. Here some card draw just incase you need more Phyrexian Arena if you can handle the life loss. Some artifact retrieval Remember the Fallen, Ritual of Restoration, Recommission. Hope some of these help!

MethodGorilla on JENARA

6 years ago

Some stuff that I think could be cut because it lingers on +1+1 counter stuff: Vorel of the Hull Clade, Doubling Season, Vastwood Hydra, Citadel Siege -has other use too, but just meh imo.

Equipment is the theme here so getting them and protecting your equipment is good, but there is a bunch so you could make an easy cut there: Open the Vaults -I personally don't like because opponents get their shit too, Darksteel Forge -such a big mana sink and it wont keep your creatures alive, Ghostly Flicker -I'm trying to think of where this would be useful besides ETB effects, it wont save them from artifact destruction spells, Leonin Abunas -gives your artifacts hexproof but is a 4 mana 2/5, super meh imo.

There is also a lot of 'equipment recursion' if you wanna call it that. Think about how much resources you want to dedicate to bringing destroyed equipment back from the graveyard versus counting on drawing or tutoring one of your 17 equipment in the deck. I personally LOVE how many artifact/equipment tutors you have, I personally would gladly run just those INSTEAD of the recursion spells. Ritual of Restoration

Here are other cuts I'd consider: Bred for the Hunt Primeval Bounty Foundry Inspector Auriok Windwalker Dispatch -I would swap with Swords to Plowshares as it is more reliable, or Condemn. Harrow, Kiora, Master of the Depths.

Here are some possible replacements: Sun Titan -VERY GOOD FOR YOUR DECK, Danitha Capashen, Paragon, Bloodforged Battle-Axe, Moonsilver Spear, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Armory Automaton, Balan, Wandering Knight, Blackblade Reforged, Valduk, Keeper of the Flame, Godo, Bandit Warlord, Ajani, Caller of the Pride -bringing him back, Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Austere Command, Elspeth, Knight-Errant.

aurondian on Sickening Storm

6 years ago

If I may offer some suggestions, I don't think storm is the best route for these colors b/c you don't have cantrips or high tide or any of the good shit that makes storm work well in, let's say, grixis. My I would suggest adjusting the deck to incorporate more of the following:

Phyrexian Altar (and to a lesser extent Ashnod's Altar)+Reveillark/Karmic Guide loop generates infinite colorless mana and ETBs. We can get there faster with Buried Alive/Reanimate +our loop and Wall of Omens (probably the only way to competitively do this.) Using Wall of Omens we can draw through our library. Using Blood Artist/Zulaport Cutthroat and our loop we kill our opponents. With infinite mana from the Phyrexian Altar we can cast Torment of Hailfire and kill everyone. You can Sickening Dreams. You can cast Consume Spirit to drain one player to death then Bond of Agony to kill table or Debt to the Deathless (or any other b/w kill spells).

So at a minimum to set this combo off you need 4 which provides you infinite colorless and our entire library with which we can cast Phyrexian Altar, Gemstone Array, or Mycosynth Lattice to turn our infinite colorless into infinite colored mana. Now we win. Having 3 targets for our infinite mana means our opponents better have stopped the combo back when we were reanimating, cause holding up enough counters to stop 3 spells ain't easy. Since black has so many ways to reanimate, this isn't a problem either, throw in Necromancy, Exhume, and Victimize and we have plenty of options open to us.

What do we do if our altars get countered? We have a few options: Buried Ruin, Argivian Find, Mine Excavation, Ritual of Restoration, and maybe some others allow us to get it back and try again.

(Another option that just occurred to me is to have Disciple of the Vault out, buried alive our loop + an artifact creature (preferably one that provides value), won't need the altars, so this costs 1-2 mana less, but requires more and doesn't give you the option of your library+infinite mana).

Things I would highly suggest adding: Street Wraith, Viscera Seer, Phyrexian Arena, Dark Deal, Path to Exile and the other cards I've mentioned

I would take out the Serra Ascendent, Candelabra, Land Tax, Aetherflux, Paradox Engine, Human Frailty and anything else that doesn't help us get there

I would be very interested in what you think of these changes, I will probably put up a build of my own when I get a chance

(I was brought here after being asked to for a competitive build for Orzhov, found your comment on the Lab Maniacs CEDH list. I think this is a good start, but I think it can be improved.)

Bablo on Reach out and Deathtouch

6 years ago

Your strategy of having instant speed and costless equips becomes better when you have many creatures on the field to attack all at once, so you can stack all your pumping equipments onto an unblocked creature. The more walls you have, the fewer creatures you can swing with, making it more difficult to capitalize on your opponent. Also, this combo is very powerful but difficult to assemble all at once.

There's a lot of better equipments to use. Basilisk Collar is better than Gorgon Flail since the additional lifelink can score you health at the expense of the +1/+1 (also, Brigid can kill all attacking/blocking creatures + net you life). You can also sub in Swiftfoot Boots instead of Mask of Avacyn which once again, exchanges the +1/+2 for cheaper cost and haste.

Something I would suggest is to make this a Sigarda's Aid deck, because while the Leonin Shikari and Puresteel Paladin combo is really good, it requires many pieces to make it unstoppable. If you used Sigarda's Aid as a primary tool, it's more easily stopped, but if you built the deck around being good with equipment, you wouldn't need to focus solely on one combo, you can combo it with any of your equipment which allows you to be synergistic and little more consistent. For example, instead of trying to assemble your combo to allow you to switch equipments wherever you want, you can settle with Sigarda's Aid, and hold your equipments in hand and throw them on the field one at a time when you need them (Swiftfoot Boots to cancel targeted spells, Basilisk Collar to trade with a chump block, or even something crazy like Quietus Spike to punish your opponent for not blocking). This way, you can keep your opponent in the dark, forcing them to play around you, giving you an advantage.

Ultimately, switch out some of your current defender creatures for ones that are capable of attacking. Upgrade your equipments for ones that give other utility and/or are stronger/cheaper to use (just in case you can't assemble the combo). Something like Indomitable Archangel could be of use to you just in case your opponent has some artifact removal. Buried Ruin can also replace Ritual of Restoration, freeing up a slot for other spells.

ellie-is on Myrpocolypse

6 years ago

Looks fun! I've always been a big fan of Myr. Any reason for the single Ritual of Restoration? I don't see anything that would let you look for it, and at one copy, maybe it'd be better to just not run it (or to increase it's count)? It being your only white card, removing it would also allow you to simplify your mana base a lot. Consistency is key in these things, and it doesn't seem that great unless there's some interaction I'm missing.

Force_of_Willb on Ashnod's Fridge

7 years ago

This deck also could use Expedition Map to ensure we always find R&D secret lair (don't want to pay for those drinks ourselves. Also consider Paradox Engine with Salvaging Station it goes infinite drinks.

Also Scarecrone is not useful for this deck as she only reoccurs an artifact CREATURE so it can only get the other copy of scarecrone and the 1x Myr Retriever

How committed to Mono Blue are you? white offers alot os assistance: Leonin Squire, Ritual of Restoration, Treasure Hunter, and Auriok Salvagers

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