Risky Move


At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player gains control of Risky Move.

When you gain control of Risky Move from another player, choose a creature you control and an opponent. Flip a coin. If you lose the flip, that opponent gains control of that creature.

SufferFromEDHD on Mono Red Enchantments

9 months ago

I've been brewing this same concept along with mono green enchantment control the past few weeks. I really like what you have going here!

Goblin Chainwhirler and Syr Carah, the Bold seem out of place. Eidolon of the Great Revel and Forgeborn Oreads would be upgrades.

Risky Move and Confusion in the Ranks this janky combo finally has a home.

Grip of Chaos for more chaos.

No Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle???

Flame Fusillade is super secret tech!

SufferFromEDHD on The Ruling Nightmare

10 months ago

Confusion in the Ranks is kind of awesome alongside that janky Risky Move!

Mana Crypt and Krark's Thumb are pricy but on theme.

unwucht on Zndrsplt Okaun Coinflip Tribal

3 years ago

Gelectrode95 gave me quite some inspiration to update my deck, so I went straight towards joining the dark side and implemented Mindslaver, Leyline of Anticipation, Vedalken Orrery and Chandra's Ignition.

After a short consideration I took out Puppet's Verdict, Risky Move, Tides of War and Impulsive Maneuvers. I realized I hardly ever cast those spells before so I wanted to go for an additional wincon and a really hateful combo with Mindslaver and Academy Ruins.

tanman on RNG Rakdos

5 years ago

so seems like a fun deck but I think you should add more rng coin flipping I like the demon imp and devil subtheme but krark's other thumb actually doesn't seem to have a trigger in the deck but here are some cards that flip coins in those colors Aleatory Boompile Chance Encounter Chaotic Goo Chaotic Strike Creepy Doll Crooked Scales Desperate Gambit Fiery Gambit Fighting Chance Game of Chaos Goblin Archaeologist Goblin Bomb Goblin Kaboomist Karplusan Minotaur Mana Clash Planar Chaos Puppet's Verdict Risky Move those are the ones i found and i think you should run at least some of them

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