Riku of Two Reflections

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

Whenever you cast an instant or a sorcery spell, you may pay . If you do, copy that spell. You may choose new targets for the copy.

Whenever another nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may pay . If you do, create a token that's a copy of that creature.

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Gidgetimer on Will Copying a Spell Cause …

3 weeks ago

None of the scenarios above asked about the -2 and Fork. This scenario would indeed trigger Ral, Storm Conduit 4 times. (casting Lightning Bolt and Fork and copies made from -2 and from Fork).

I'm not sure where you are getting five triggers from. Are you wondering about -2, Fork, and Riku of Two Reflections? Because at that point the best strategic choice is just to copy the Fork instead of the Lightning Bolt with Riku and just make infinite copies by forking your Fork repeatedly.

legendofa on Tiers of card badness

3 months ago

Not all "bad" cards are created equal. As I see it, just like how there's build-around good cards, really good cards, and must-include cards, there's several tiers of cards that don't quite measure up.

At the top, there's the weird cards. These cards have unique effects. They're generally useful and/or interesting, but make lots of demands for deckbuilding and have no redundancy. Spellweaver Helix, Riku of Two Reflections, and Leyline of the Guildpact are some examples. Good for casual play and for "trying to make work".

Next is the draft fodder. Good if you don't have anything better, but easily replaceable. These cards get functionally reprinted a lot, and are usually pretty straightforward. I would put Cancel, Shock, and Alabaster Host Sanctifier as examples. You won't be ashamed to use them in Limited, and they work well as starters for a new collection, but they get outclassed quickly.

Next, and the first tier I would call truly bad cards, are the very inefficient cards and the cards that just don't do anything. They're significantly overcosted, or there's many better options. These cards might still be technically useful, or at least not actively harmful, but they can't compete with anything else. Mudhole, Razor Boomerang, and Aven Trooper go here.

Finally, there's the worst of the worst. The cards that actively hurt you and make it harder to play the game. If you put them in a deck, you're either trying to meme or you're going to Donate them. Alabaster Leech, Soldevi Steam Beast, and Goblin Elite Infantry fall into this group.

This is subjective and a continuum, so there's a lot of room to arrange individual cards. I've been reading Mark Rosewater's articles on bad cards, and designing Nihilist decks (example here), and there's been some forum discussion on what cards are worth using and which aren't. So it's been on my mind recently.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

4 months ago

I have tried to build Riku of Two Reflections so many god damn times that it's not even funny.

The biggest holdup isn't the mana, because Temur is arguably the easiest to ramp into outside of janky CEDH shit. No the problem is card advantage. You end up with a grip of ramp and like 1 or 2 spells that aren't impactful enough to be cast singularly. Soooo.....

Riku of Two Flames

Legendary Creature - Human Wizard

Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery, you may pay . If you do, scry 2.

Whenever a nonland, nontoken permanent enters the battlefield under your control, you may pay . If you do, draw a card.


That's better ^_^

Wild or repeat

legendofa on How Did Riku Lose Popularity?

5 months ago

The original Commander 2011 commanders were as much defining and refining the color space for enemy trios as they were introducing a new product. The last 10+ years have seen a lot of development, and what was exploratory and experimental then is well-established now. If nothing else, there are simply a lot more options--a deck that might have been headed by Riku of Two Reflections could now be Iluna, Apex of Wishes or Xyris, the Writhing Storm or Surrak Dragonclaw. If you were playing before 2019, you had five options: Riku, Surrak, Animar, Soul of Elements, Maelstrom Wanderer, or Intet, the Dreamer. Now, there are more options, and more specialized options. The four years since then have quadrupled the lost of possible commanders for that color set.

I haven't seen a Ruhan of the Fomori or Damia, Sage of Stone deck for a very long time, but those were popular, too.

ouroborobelisk on How Did Riku Lose Popularity?

5 months ago

IMO: Commander has changed so much since 2011 when he came on the scene. Both his abilities are mana intensive & todays EDH games are much more streamlined & have a much lower mana curve in most games. As a big time Riku of Two Reflections player, I love him as a commander & I have 2 different decks with him at the helm. 1 is an OOPS, All Spells & the other is all ramp into huge creature spells. Both are fun to pilot & he still wins me games. That all said,another reason he has fallen off is that people like to play the latest, new & cool things. It's just that simple. I feel you should just play what you want to play & how you want to play, and if people at your LGS give you grief over it, just find new folks to battle with.

DemonDragonJ on How Did Riku Lose Popularity?

5 months ago

In the early days of EDH, Riku of Two Reflections was very popular, but his popularity has declined in recent years, so I am wondering why that is, since I believe that Riku is an amazing general; I understand that there are generals who have better synergy with instants and sorceries than does Riku and that there are generals who have better synergy with creatures than does Riku, but how many generals can do both of those? Or is Riku's decline in popularity due to him not being sufficiently powerful in either area (i.e., him being a "jack of all trades, master of none")?

What does everyone else say about his? How did Riku lose popularity?

CommanderNeyo on

6 months ago

Not sure about your commander choice. Have you considered Riku of Two Reflections?

legendofa on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

For my breakdown here, I'm focusing on characters who are villains in their story arc and characters who don't have much specific backstory. Pretty much any legendary creature can be flavored as a villain in front of the right deck. I'm also not focusing on the Forgotten Realms sets, I'm broadening the net.

What's available:

: Eldrazi or artifacts. Most of the artifacts are either hero-aligned or not an independent threat, like Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut. If you want a challenge, Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate, but I wouldn't, just for lack of depth.

: Villains are oddly centered on Old Kamigawa. Konda, Lord of Eiganjo is a near-immortal emperor and master duelist. Hokori, Dust Drinker is destroying resources and the land. And, of course, there's the apocalyptic, unrelenting evil that is Hazduhr the Abbot.

: Heidar, Rimewind Master is an elementalist fanatic. The manipulations of Orvar, the All-Form or Kami of the Crescent Moon could cause problems, as could a big sea creature like Tromokratis or Charix, the Raging Isle.

: Pretty much everyone. It's easier to count the people who aren't outright villains.

: Relatively few actual villains, but a bunch of manipulators, dragons, and angry people that could fill the role.

: A bunch of wild animals and nature types. No scheming villains, but a good selection of rampaging monsters. Meng Huo, Barbarian King would be a unique choice (if you're willing to.proxy or drop $150+).

: Polukranos Reborn  Flip is the most (only?) villainous character in these colors.

: Lots of options, from the behind-the-scenes manipulation of Lazav, Dimir Mastermind to the illithid Captain N'ghathrod, Gisa and Geralf's necromancer army, whatever Umbris, Fear Manifest is, and a lot more.

: A few options, but lots of depth in them. Insane biologist Momir Vig, Simic Visionary and his magnum opus Experiment Kraj, nature's avenger Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, or maybe Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait is flooding the area.

: A very deep and wide pool for villains. Vampires, demons, dragons, demon dragons, warlords, torturers...

: Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager joins the ranks of the big scary monsters. A more calculating BBEG would probably be one of the death lords like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. Vhati il-Dal or Old Rutstein or probably more storyline villains than BBEG material.

: A very shallow pool. Storvald, Frost Giant Jarl, Rubinia Soulsinger, and maybe Falco Spara, Pactweaver or Katilda and Lier (mostly because of Lier) are the best options for an Archenemy villain. I'd throw Kros, Defense Contractor in, but goading is kind of limited when you're the Archenemy.

: This color set will probably be either a cold, distant, merciless villain or a manipulative puppet master. Raffine, Scheming Seer and Oloro, Ageless Ascetic fall into the first category, and Sen Triplets and The Ever-Changing 'Dane in the second. Varina, Lich Queen is another option for a zombie army.

: Big, angry, and violent, with some good dragons. Xira, the Golden Sting and Vazi, Keen Negotiator break out of this mold, but they strike me as more lieutenant-types, not arc villains by themselves.

: Not much; these tend to be either heroic or big smashy monsters. Uril, the Miststalker could work.

: Queen Marchesa is a classic, as you mentioned, and Edgar Markov is right there, too. Actually, this color set has some good depth and variety for an Archenemy. Some are more overtly villainous, and some are just very martial. My top picks would be Edgar, Licia, Sanguine Tribune, or Tariel, Reckoner of Souls.

: Mostly either weird esotericism or "nature's avenger" types. I don't think any of these are outright villainous in-story, but most of them have loose or vague stories. With the right deck, this could be a unique and interesting villain. Riku of Two Reflections is my top pick.

Four-color sets in general: Any of them would work, except for a couple of the .

: Use this color set if you want a truly apocalyptic feel. saluma mentioned Tiamat, which is a very good choice, and finding a way to get through Progenitus or O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami is a story of epic scale.

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