Rigging Runner

Creature — Goblin Pirate

First strike

Raid — Rigging Runner enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it if you attacked with a creature this turn.

TheReal_MtGHaystak on Rakdos Pirates Modern

1 year ago

Love the idea! Pirates are one of my favorite MtG tribes and doesn’t get nearly enough support. I’ve also tried making a Pirate list for modern. As fun as it is, tribal decks just aren’t that viable. Some things that could help out though are lowering you mana curve, you’re wanting to build aggro but have lots of creatures with CMC 3 or higher, in aggro that’s just too slow. Firstly, if you can afford them, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer. Arguably one of the strongest red cards in play right now. Dire Fleet Poisoner and Fathom Fleet Captain are both great options to keep around, and I after playing a similar list, I think Rigging Runner out performs Daring Buccaneer. Second, your spells are flavorful but ultimately watered down versions of better cards. You’ve got access to Fatal Push, Lightning Bolt and Unholy Heat as 1 mana removal and Terminate or Dreadbore in 2 mana, to name a few. I’d also look into Kolaghan's Command or Unearth as ways to recycle your pirates in the late game. Some hand disruption will also play well with pirates and you have access to Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. Lastly, while I like Angrath a lot as a planeswalker, I’m not sure a 5 mana walker is the best fit in what wants to be an aggro deck. I think ultimately, by turn 5 you will rather have a definite win-con, and Angrath in here just seems a little “win-more”, without reliably being able to finish the game the turn he is played

lagotripha on Speedy pirates

2 years ago

Echoing wallisface, budget aggro lives or dies by casting 1 mana spells as fast as possible.

If you move to straight rakdos colours, you lose only Daring Saboteur and Frantic Inventory , while your mana becomes a lot more reliable.

With the land set here, I'd go so far as to run almost entirely 1 colour with splashes for higher cmc spells.

A few options; Deadeye Tracker + Grasping Scoundrel + Outcast with a focus on 1 and 2 mana black spells - Kitesail Freebooter in particular is good in a black shell with other sources of discard.

Rigging Runner + Daring Buccaneer + Fanatical Firebrand will work well with a focus on fast damage partucularly spells that deal direct damage and like creatures. I'd look at Captain Ripley Vance and the budget staple Curse of Stalked Prey alongside sources of evasion.

Blue as a primary colour has some neat options if you want to go for a more instant-speed tempo game - Siren Stormtamer , Spectral Sailor , & Brineborn Cutthroat , while opening up sideboard tricks like Crafty Cutpurse and cheap past staples like Mana Leak .

There are a few notable pirates to build combos around - Skyship Plunderer , Timestream Navigator , but they don't have a coherent theme which will make builds awkward.

wallisface on Speedy pirates

2 years ago

I posted some thoughts below. I don't know what your budget is, but i've suggested cards assuming you're after stuff on-par price-wise to what's currently in the deck. If you're looking for some more expensive goodies, let me know.

  • Blade Historian just doesn't seem playable... it requires 4 red, but your deck has only 11 ways to generate that color (or, only 9 if you're not naming Human or Cleric with Unclaimed Territory ). I don't see how you're ever casting it in a game - so i'd suggest ditching it.

  • Buccaneer's Bravado feels cute, but with the power of your creatures, is likely just going to be a complicated Lightning Bolt in 90% of situations. I'm not sure its worth playing

  • It looks like you're plan is to be aggressive and be swinging in with a lot of creatures quickly(ish). In that regard, i'm not sure Frantic Inventory helps you here. Playing it means you're not playing a threat to help you win... its not a particularly helpful card for a deck aiming to apply pressure.

  • You have very few cards at 1cmc - which is going to make it hard to apply early pressure. I'd suggest something like Daring Buccaneer , Siren Stormtamer , Spectral Sailor or Fanatical Firebrand . Other low-cost creatures worth considering are Dire Fleet Captain , Dire Fleet Daredevil , Dire Fleet Poisoner , and Rigging Runner . Generally, if you're wanting to be a fast deck, you want to be as close to the ground as possible. Dire Fleet Captain feels particularly good for ensuring you can hit hard when your board's getting wide.

  • I'd suggest finding a lower-cmc killspell than Hero's Downfall . Replacing it with more Heartless Act should be fine - though I'd personally think something like Bone Shards would work best (you can discard excess lands or bad draws to pay its additional cost).

  • With the above suggested changes, you should be able to go down to around 20 lands. That will help you truly shine as an aggressive deck.

legendofa on Speedy pirates

2 years ago

How reliable is Blade Historian ? It basically costs in a three-color budget deck, which I'm assuming means you're not diving into the shock lands and fetch lands. I also see a very low cost:land ratio, with only seven cards needing even one blue mana, so maybe drop two Island s for another Mountain and Swamp . Bloodline Pretender seems like it takes a while to become a worthwhile threat.

Cards I would recommend are Daring Buccaneer , Rigging Runner , and Storm Fleet Sprinter , Dire Fleet Neckbreaker , and maybe Headstrong Brute .

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on Pioneer Pirate Aggro

4 years ago

I have a couple suggestions- but these are mainly for the current meta, not a game store or an LGS where different decks might be better.

Land Base

I would remove the Unclaimed Territorys because you need colored mana early game for both pushes and seizes.

I would put in a couple Mutavault just because it is a great card in tribal decks and sweeper protection. The downside of it producing neither red nor black can be mitigated by playing more urborgs, which brings me to the next point.

Probably 3 or 4 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. It by itself is a swamp, and the downside of it being legendary is not a huge deal if you only play 3 anyway. This is also necessary when playing with Mutavault


I would recommend taking out Rigging Runner entirely for more Metallic Mimic s, because while playing rigging runner or t2 after a swing is unlikely(but I’m not mathematician) because you only play 4 other one drops.

I will need to think about this some more, because the curve would be very heavy on two drops with these changes so I just need to think about what else could change to put less strain on the curve.


Instead of Rending Volley, Fry would be better because it can also hit walkers. Take out rending volley

Leyline of the Void would also help out in lots of matches like soultai delirium and lotus breach. Take out the glint horns

Pithing Needle almost a strictly better Phyrexian Revoker because it gets hit by less removal. Take out the revokers

Also- although you would have to take out some of the best cards in your deck, Lurrus of the Dream-Den could really help out against removal and sweepers.

SideBae on We have our heading!

4 years ago

So Rishadan Cutpurse, Rishadan Footpad and Rishadan Brigand are all pirates. I've always been successfully annoyed when an opponent plays them against me.

I suggest running 2-drop rocks over 3-drops. I think you should run cards like Rakdos Signet over Obelisk of Grixis. I think Talisman of Indulgence, Talisman of Dominance and Talisman of Creativity are probably better than the signets though.

Snap seems better than Depths of Desire.

Dack Fayden is probably a good fit for this deck. He's powerful and a thief (sorta a land-pirate, I guess).

Ponder and Preordain belong in any blue deck, including this one. Brainstorm is good if you get fetch-lands, but I wouldn't run it unless you have fetch lands.

Spectral Sailor is a good way to sink extra mana. Dockside Extortionist is good for getting mana.

Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora are good draw-engines.

I think Bribery is worth including. Also Coastal Piracy.

The cuts are going to depend on how much you're willing to compromise flavor. Captain's Hook, Prying Blade, Fell Flagship and Dusk Legion Dreadnought seem like good cuts. There're also a bunch of creatures you can cut for better ones or to get down to a hundred cards: Brazen Buccaneers, Crafty Cutpurse, Rigging Runner, Siren Lookout, Slippery Scoundrel and Talas Warrior. I don't think they do enough to be included.

That's all I got -- hope this helped.

Good luck

FlavioFaive on The Devil's Chains

4 years ago

Ok. You were right. My land list wouldn't work on your deck. Captain Lannery Storm don't create many treasure tokens...
Though you always have the mana color you want with your land list, you hardly never can play your spells on the right turn. I mean: a 1-drop on turn 1, a 2-drop on turn 2, to cast 2 cards of 2 CMC on turn 4. For an aggro deck that's really important. Even if you use your bounce lands on basic lands and 2 damage untapped nonbasic lands, if you get 1 tapped land and 2 bounce lands you are screwed. You can't cast Rigging Runner on turn 1, also you can't cast it on turn 2 if the first land was Drowned Catacomb . And you won't be able to cast a 2-drop on turn 3 and a 3-drop on turn 4.
So my suggestion is:

See, all those lands enter untapped. You don't have blue noncreature spells. You only need blue mana untapped lands to cast those cheap blue creatures. From those 11 noncreature spells, only 7 of them can be cast before turn 5. Until turn 5 you've already found one of the 8 missing-mana land. Or cast it on turn 6 like on your land list, but using Unknown Shores . Unknown Shores get good on a deck with only untapped lands... On the worst cenario, starting with an opening hand with 2 Unknown Shores (you should mulligan) you still can cast Rigging Runner on turn 2 and Captain Lannery Storm on turn 3 after drawing one of the 12 red mana lands.

Daveslab2022 on Mr. Steal Yo Bois

5 years ago

Deadeye Quartermaster doesn’t seem to be doing much for you. Same for Ramirez DePietro haha. I know he's flavorful, but you asked for advice lol. Rigging Runner seems underwhelming for EDH. Bedlam seems bad if you’re having issues with creature matches. Pirate's Prize is a fine card I seen to draw cards and give you some treasure. Vandalblast for sure. Other than those, probably just EDH staples like Phyrexian Arena check out EDHRec.com for other ideas! Hope i helped!

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