Riftwing Cloudskate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Riftwing Cloudskate

Creature — Illusion


When Riftwing Cloudskate enters the battlefield, return target permanent to its owner's hand.

Suspend 3— (Rather than cast this card from your hand, you may pay and exile it with three time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When the last is removed, cast it without paying its mana cost. It has haste.)

Oeselbroesel on Very Much Blink

2 years ago

I thought about an Abdel combo deck yesterday and came across this one. Love the budget nature of it and want to suggest some more cards that fit the description:

Inquisitor Exarch: Life gain or life drain? Why not both

Reality Acid:

A card I've dreaded since I have seen brago players use it. This will end the game, as all your opponents permanents will be gone. Riftwing Cloudskate, Spine of Ish Sah do the same trick. Tho the spine is mana intensive

Lavinia of the Tenth: she is an excellent control card that blocks your opponents mana rocks/dorks and many other things. You have plenty of blink cards in this deck, so you can surely do that every turn until you go infinite

Nadaar, Selfless Paladin/Radiant Solar/White Plume Adventurer: infinite dungeon ventures also wins the game

TriusMalarky on Favorite Cube-Card

2 years ago

A lot of the boring stuff, actually -- Riftwing Cloudskate, Ravenous Chupacabra, etc. Just cards that are cool but not quite good enough for, say, Modern.

I'm really enjoying Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor and Fain, the Broker in my cube as part of my artifact-aristocrat theme. They make Ichor Wellspring and Mycosynth Wellspring pretty good. Pair with Oswald Fiddlebender and a couple other tools like Servo Schematic, Implement of Malice, and the all-powerful Deadly Dispute for ALL THE ARTIFACT VALUE!!

Icbrgr on

4 years ago

I definitely wanna pick up 2x more Hinterland Harbor and maybe look into the cycling lands from amonket/fast lands... currently this is the best I have but Im looking to improve the mana base with about anything short of Misty Rainforest in price... Magosi, the Waterveil is an attempt to squeeze in a VERY situational Savor the Moment / Time Warp into the mana base... im not exactly sold on it however if I have open mana/fogs in hand to negate the opponents extra turn sometimes it can end up being a game winning/win more maneuver later....sometimes...but is more often to my determinant with the opponent playing Field of Ruin soon after I give them an extra turn and i just end up giving them a free turn... It just needs to go.

I really love Howling Mine in theory but letting the opponent pick up there deck usually just ensures them coming up with an answer to beat me.... I agree Narset, Parter of Veils might be a much better choice. Im a little bit torn on Explore ... its super powerful but definitly performs better when Im running 24+ lands perhaps I could consider running higher CMC to get better value from it with things like you said like Riftwing Cloudskate ? but otherwise if I have a lower cmc curve as well as a lower mana count it should probably just be a cantrip like Opt .

I do have a few Eternal Witness laying around so maybe with the addition of at least 4 more fogs and 2-3 E.W. I'll have a lot more resilience... but Cryptic Command / Snapcaster Mage /fetches are gonna be just wishful thinking for this deck... dont have any/not willing to buy at this time... some day though... ive spent so much money over the years on cheeky "budget" cards that I could have totally have had a full playset of snappy/command by now :/

nice catch with Spell Queller in the Spirits game...an oversight on my part that has to be addressed... ive ran Raking Canopy in the SB in previous decklists and it worked out pretty good but im not so sure here....thanks a lot for the input! Im gonna keep tinkering with the list!

abbatromebone on

4 years ago
  • Fetchlands can help mana fix as well as thin the deck a little bit (It only gives you a like 1 or two percentage points so do that last).
  • Fast lands and check lands are amazing I would have at least 4 in total between the two. Magosi, the Waterveil doesnt seem like an amazing card to me. You give someone one an extra turn which lets them draw more threats while you don't draw anything. I don't even see UWx Control style decks running it. I would run different lands, maybe some man lands if you want to go that route.
  • Howling Mine is only good if you have a way to tap it, so you can break the symmetry. Look at this way, you are looking for 12-N fogs, they are looking for any threat in there deck. Temple bell isn't great for the same reason. They only way to use those cards are with ways to break the symmetry. Narset, Parter of Veils is a better card in general.
  • Explore is great ramp when you are running more lands. If you want card draw run Opt .
  • Fog Bank is also an amazing creature, being it flys. If you arent playing against bolt affects.
  • Sleep can be pretty damaging and it lets you hold onto fogs longer.
  • Cryptic Command is wayyyy better than whelming wave. Its always a two for 1. Venser, Shaper Savant is also good. Riftwing Cloudskate is also nice due to the fact you cant stall enough turns. Repeal is also good It can bounce anything, plus draw a card.
  • Gigadrowse is an interesting card. I dont fault anyone for taking it. I personally dont like it as much. I think the cards i listed above just do a better job.
  • If you use the blue filtering cards like opt, you wont need as many Kioras being you be able to find them easier, plus itll free up more deck space for other cards.
  • I can see why you want no ETBs now. The Immortal Sun although higher CMC would shut them down hard as well. Id still probably run T. Orb though. Just throwing that out there.
  • Eternal Witness and Snapcaster Mage mages are tempting for you to run being you can recast fogs which makes your deck more powerful. Just having creatures can be ok, because they get you value and can trade which means you dont have to use a fog, and can remove a creature slowing the game. Which are all great things, you can baord them out when you want T. orb.
  • For spirits if they are playing a competive list you should just lose. I dont know how you deal with Spell Queller .

GhostChieftain on None

4 years ago

Im going to go ahead and not assume that you have anything quite yet and go through the common inf mana lines as well as infinite The Chain Veil . Sorry if these are redundant, but I feel like I shouldn't assume.

Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal + at least 3 mana worth of mana rocks= inf mana

Grim Monolith / Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth / Power Artifact = inf colorless mana

Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake / Palinchron / Great Whale = inf land untaps

Grand Architect + Pili-Pala = inf mana

High Tide + Palinchron = inf mana

High Tide + Capsize + Palinchron / Great Whale =inf land untaps

Deadeye Navigator + Deceiver Exarch + Gilded Lotus =inf mana

The Chain Veil + Teferi, Temporal Archmage = infinite pw abilities

The Chain Veil + Teferi, Temporal Archmage + Tezzeret the Seeker = inf pw abilities w/o confusing new players

The Chain Veil + Everflowing Chalice w/at least 4 counters+ Tezzeret the Seeker = inf pw abilities

High Tide + Candelabra of Tawnos + The Chain Veil + Tezzeret the Seeker = $$$inf pw abilities and inf mana

With inf mana, anything that has forced draw x or mill x wins the game.

Another reliable win con is Karn, the Great Creator and Mycosynth Lattice as long as your opponents don't have a board presence.

With inf mana Deadeye Navigator combos, you can add in Deceiver Exarch to any of them and tap down your opponents at upkeep or better yet Riftwing Cloudskate / Venser, Shaper Savant to bounce all of their permanents.

You could also Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir + Knowledge Pool / Omen Machine to lock them out of casting spells

Hopefully at least something here helps!

dahhahm on Help beating the s**t out …

4 years ago

A soul sister deck would give your friend a bit of trouble. If he's using Krovikan Mist , he's got a pretty heavy creature list. Could use more info on his playstyle. I wager he's going straight up aggro using dudes like Phantasmal Bear , Vapor Snag and Phantasmal Dragon but I could also see him doing something more control-like with Riftwing Cloudskate , Draining Whelk , meloku the cloud mirror and Counterspell since it sounds like he's pretty annoying.

A mid-range life gaining deck sounds like it will consistently give you more turns to play bigger threats and overall be winning more games. Blue has a lot of problem solving cards so I wouldn't rely on a single card to win you a game, especially if it can get countered. I'd lean more to redundancy and playing relevant cards.

Strategies that use creatures like Soul Warden , Thragtusk or making a deck around that new card Bishop of Wings since angels can block flyers or Suture Priest or Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Lanzo493 on Blinking Brago

4 years ago

I love Brago. He’s fun. Once you get bouncing he gets crazy value. I do have some suggestions based off my experience with him.

I think card advantage is always great, so I love Mystic Remora , Cloudform , and Lightform . With infinite bounce combos, the form enchantments play your whole deck. Well, if you do decide to run more card advantage, you’ll need more mana rocks to keep up.

Planeswalkers are great, but 2 stand out. Venser, the Sojourner does everything you need it to do and Tezzeret the Seeker gets your best cards.

Here are 2 answer-all creatures: Riftwing Cloudskate and Cavalier of Dawn . You can bounce the resulting token, too. I love Angel of Serenity the most because it bounces three things and can hurt graveyard strategies.

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