Riftstone Portal


Tap: Add {{1}} to your mana pool.

As long as Riftstone Portal is in your graveyard, lands you control have "Tap: Add {{G}} or {{W}} to your mana pool."

A55Destroyer69 on Legacy lands

3 years ago

Riftstone Portal feels much better than Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth . on-colour mana, plus it's a good target to have in the bin and doesn't give the opponent any sort of leg up, if they're playing turbo depths or anything of the like

Poly_raptor on Ah yes, Enslaved Heaven

4 years ago


If you’re looking to cut a few cards I’d maybe just cut a few basics, your commander helps you ramp + you seem to have a good few ramp cards in the deck too, I tend to run about 35-38 lands per normal list, land matters I’d go 40 max. Since you’re more than then maybe cut 2 forests and a plains? Or look at some of your non basics and see if they need to be there. Personally I’m not a huge fan of Arch of Orazca because I think 5 mana for 1 card is too much, you could run Mikokoro, Center of the Sea instead, yes it gives each opponent a card but your commander does that too. I also don’t think Stirring Wildwood is great, maybe Riftstone Portal would be better for mana fixing.

Also maybe you could run Quest for Renewal or Seedborn Muse to get your commander to activate each turn instead of just on yours.

rychu on BRGW Commander EDH

4 years ago

For myself and others, how to optimally pilot the deck

Philosophy behind the deck, ideally should be played with 2+ other players.

You are a hard to kill end game boss, blue is boring busted and broken and is also expensive. Try to go for cards that will keep your hand healthy since we are not running blue so think how much you can squeeze out of one card for maximum value.



If you are good on mana the first couple of two card instant win combos will both require Heliod, Sun-Crowned. Be sure to use the activated ability on the other combo piece by giving them lifelink Walking Ballista normally played from hand and normally will need to be cast for 4 colorless mana. Heliod, Sun-Crowned can also combo with Triskelion cost 6 colorless mana and can be cast straight from library or graveyard to play without dying unlike Walking Ballista.

Walking Ballista will want cards like Demonic Tutor , Congregation at Dawn better yet Shared Summons

while Triskelion will want cards like Defense of the Heart , Tooth and Nail with the added 2 colorless for entwine (if it's already in hand just pick a different creature and still summon the creatures you want in hand.)

The next big combo piece requires Dockside Extortionist to get the mana engine running if low, if you are netting 4 or more treasure tokens you can go infinite with Eldrazi Displacer if the treasure tokens remain you can stop mostly all creatures as they hit battlefield or are entering combat for a lockdown by blinking the creatures in an early enough response.

A third piece combo to draw your deck with is Korvold, Fae-Cursed King sacrifice enough treasure tokens to draw your whole deck and play Revel in Riches and then Final Fortune.

Other three piece card combo include Oketra's Last Mercy , Felidar Sovereign into Final Fortune, lastly Wall of Blood , Near-Death Experience into Final Fortune.

Oath of Druids Best way to cheat in creatures, take advantage of Forbidden Orchard

Shifting Shadow will still work even if you are trying to destroy an indestructible creature during upkeep reveal the next creature while still keeping the previous one. Can be easily retrieved if no graveyard hate.

Sun Titan can even get a land into play

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord+Wall of Blood if you have higher health than all opponents.

Thespian's Stage or Mirage Mirror+Dark Depths 20/20 flying indestructible legendary token combos with Mayael's Aria , I ended up cutting Vampire Hexmage

Green Sun's Zenith ramp for a single forest zero cmc Dryad Arbor or get rid of a huge threat with Reclamation Sage

Crop Rotation into Glacial Chasm in critical moment before losing the game from combat damage. Exactly 31 life can buy up to 5 turns consecutively (2,4,6,8,10)

Elvish Reclaimer does the same thing, also get Riftstone Portal into graveyard as it helps against Blood Moon

Chromatic Lantern can negate damage lands and lands with downside and can make useless lands useful.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth+Cabal Coffers maximum ramp the reason to try to run less artifacts.

Birthing Pod you can sacrifice zero cmc token creatures for a one drop ect.

BMHKain on One Day until Throne of …

4 years ago

As Throne of Eldraine Spoilers are flowing like a Fairy Tale Epic, I'll try to explain my reasons for things not mentioned for Allied Colors here yet. Before I do, Delay looks great, but how does Suspend work, & how good is it against opponents? I also suppose all ten Ravnica Signets & Talismans are better than Arcane Signet ? I'm intrigued about this; it seems like:

  1. Talismans
  2. Ravnican Signets
  3. Arcane Signet

Is this where the rankings stand for Overall Power for these Mana Rocks? Just checking to be sure.

Finally, I still am guessing there's no substitute for Demonic Tutor unless anyone can say different. For now, though, It's a lost cause. Anyways, the list:

Arctic Flats Snow Taplands

Elfhame Palace / Tranquil Expanse Generic Tap Duals

Gavony Township Innistrad Location Duals

Grasslands Tap Fetches

Horizon Canopy Future-Sighted/Horizon Duals (Missing 4 other allied cards.)

Riftstone Portal Graveyard Duals (Or something...)

Saltcrusted Steppe Storage Duals

Sungrass Prairie The Crappy Fetchlands

Tranquil Garden / Vec Townships Slow Tap Lands

Veldt Duals Utilizing Depletion Counters

Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree Ravnica Location Duals

Anything else as Dual Lands you may already be familiar w/. I just wanted to mention the worst Allied-Only, Nearly awful Allied-Only, & nothing else. Since I'm reduced to a situation where nearly all my cards in my Landbase need to not ETB Tapped, I want your opinions on the worst of the worst. & I'd like your opinions for the ones that didn't get noted that ETB Tapped, but is still good; which bumps off, for instance:

Blossoming Sands / Graypelt Refuge Lifegain Lands

Stirring Wildwood Man Lands

Temple of Plenty Scry Lands

Selesnya Guildgate Guild Lands

If I'm missing out on anything, either:

A: It's a more common Two Color Land than these types.

B: So many use them, there is no point in mentioning them here.

C: Other...

Sorry for the inconvenience for all these kinds of lands. I just want to see as too which ones are worth adding... Thanks in advance.

VietMoneys on Hazezon Muad'Dib: DUNE-Inspired EDH

4 years ago

Hey m_to_the_three, thanks for checking out my baby!

Living Plane is a dastardly card, perfectly at home in a lands shenanigans deck. Nature's revolt is a great budget option that will save you more than a hundred bucks at the expense of a single additional mana. I point this out only because of your comment about infinite combos, but if you didn't know, both of these cards have a pretty brutal effect when your Elesh Norn is in play: murdering all of your opponent's lands.

I really dig your lands-matter take on Hazezon; I think this is the first time I've seen another one before! The new land Lotus Field would be a great addition, comboing nicely with Splendid Reclamation and Riftstone Portal , among other things. Speaking of which, Flagstones of Trokair seems like a must-add for your deck too!

Keep up the good work, friend!

Sylvanrush on Rhys, Lord of Squirrels

5 years ago

Thanks mn6334!

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