Return to Dust

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Return to Dust


Exile target artifact or enchantment. If you cast this spell during your main phase, you may exile up to one other target artifact or enchantment.

Tinnuki on St. Celestine's Tithe Authority

11 months ago

BakingIsPunk13: No problem. Just a couple things I noticed that I thought I'd point out. Commander's Sphere is not something I'd put in a mono color deck. In my opinion, there's better options for mono-colored mana ramp that I'd rather include, stuff like Marble Diamond or the about-to-be-reprinted Pearl Medallion. Not to mention THE most important card in EDH: Sol Ring!

Why is Altar of Dementia here? Is the plan to sacrifice a bunch of angels to mill someone out? I'd think if you have that much power on the board, you should be able to win the old-fashioned way, no?

Unless I'm missing something, I'm not quite sure what Crucible of Worlds is doing in here. In the context of your deck alone, all it does is allow you to re-use Fabled Passage. Was there another use? General note about lands, since so many of your angels are a high mana cost, I'd definitely look into increasing your land count, even with ramp artifacts.

Some other random cards you might like:
Monologue Tax : Since you have Smothering Tithe
Swiftfoot Boots: Since you have Lightning Greaves
Moonsilver Spear + Seraphic Greatsword
Return to Dust + Disenchant
Door of Destinies
Luminarch Ascension
Path to Exile + Generous Gift
Mana Tithe + Rebuff the Wicked

Side note, you don't need to include Brisela, Voice of Nightmares  Meld  Meld as its own creature, since you have the two halves of it in the creature list. After that, I'm only seeing 97 cards + Giada. Might want to double check your list ;)

KarelAkker on Rhys, the Redeemed (first ground-up build)

1 year ago

It is a good list. I am especially scared for Austere Command, as it can slap my poor poor artifacts while killing my board. Cathars' Crusade is also very scary. You might need some protection against blue and red decks which can get to you out of combat, but head-on your deck looks strong. Beware of Lavinia of the Tenth players tho, they will detain you booty and make you unable to do anything with your tokens (God those Azorius players can be a pain to deal with). Maybe get Crush Contraband instead of Return to Dust (easier to cast but slightly more limited). I you want to smake child labor decks like the player above me, run Lashknife Barrier or Orbs of Warding.

yggup on Enchanted Faerie Tail

1 year ago

Can't wait to go against this with my Elminster faerie dragons xD

Love the deck, but maybe add some more removal? Now that you're playing white you could include Swords to Plowshares, Return to Dust, and Path to Exile

Ervefel on Itty Bitty Critty Kitty

1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestions, a couple of the ones you made were in the orginal build but decided against them for one reason or another. Like Skullclamp isn't in the deck because i dont like adding it to decks that i cant abuse it with (like i can in my Chatterfang, Squirrel General deck), as im trying to avoid Balan from dying as much i dont think i could get the full value from the card. Which is why i adding cards like Sword of Fire and Ice, Mask of Memory and Endless Atlas as they would be more reliable forms of draw.

I put Divine Reckoning in the deck over Tragic Arrogance because i wanted to advoid losing all my equipment and having to rebuild again, plus the added bonus of it being reuseable. But i agree with you that Divine Reckoning might not be good enough so i thought that Promise of Loyalty might be a better fit as it gets around indestructible with the sac effect like Tragic Arrogance does but also means i get to keep my equipment and protects me from the creatures that survive.

Steelshaper's Gift was going to be in the deck orginally but i switched it with Enlightened Tutor instead as it gave me more flexibility with being able to search up any artifact or enchantment instead of just equipment. But i do think the deck could do with more tutor effects so i think im going to take your suggestion and add Relic Seeker to the deck and remove Kemba, Kha Regent, like you i feel she doesnt pull her weight like she used to.

Both Crush Contraband and Return to Dust are good cards but i feel that it can be quite situational which is better.

I agree with you that Oblivion Ring should come out the deck and i feel that Grasp of Fate would be a great replacement as i've enjoyed seeing what it can do in my Brago, King Eternal deck.

I also agree with you on Finale of Glory not fitting the deck and even though it pains me to say it that Caged Sun might be to slow for the deck. So im going to take your advice and add Surestrike Trident and Ironsoul Enforcer as they're both interesting cards that i think could fit the deck nicely and i'd love to see how they do.

IHATENAMES on Itty Bitty Critty Kitty

1 year ago

I started edh in mono white forged in stone intro deck so I'm a big fan of balan. I have one I'm going to compare to this one a little later too see if there are any things I'd like to add. However. No Skullclamp ?? This is a tragedy. Seriously though I'm surprised you don't have it in your list. Overall:

Looks reasonable but kinda slow. Maybe a tad short on lands? A few easy swaps/upgrade if you can get the cards. A few cards I think underperform I pointed out below. Vultron ftw.

Few notes:

Divine Reckoning looks alot better then it is in my experience. Letting your opponents choose what they keep can suck. Tragic Arrogance hits your other perms too but you choose.

Steelshaper's Gift 1 drop open the armory. I'd run both.

Relic Seeker equipment tutor

15 equipment might be on the low side. Maybe shoot for 20 by running some less impactful but still great equipment that can make dorks into threats

Oblivion Ring has plenty of easy upgrades. Skyclave Apparition to make it a creature. Grasp of Fate to hit each player. Council's Judgment to make it permanent removal.

Crush Contraband is a better Return to Dust I think.

Finally of glory is kinda meh here. Your goal is Voltron. If you had more token support sure. But your only other token support is Kimba who I've never seen do good in years. You would be better with a alternative wincons like Felidar Sovereign or janky equipmentlike Surestrike Trident to hit face if you were going to stray a tad from the vultron idea.

Caged Sun is fun. But hard to cast here. T6 you play it hope it lasts and then maybe your ok. You can maybe find a few cards to reanimate it and that would make it more valuable but not great. I find when I play vultron you want to be killing someone around turn 5 to 7 to not get overwhelmed by valuey decks like simic and combo.

Ironsoul Enforcer interesting new card I've been trying to force into my deck. No luck yet. Maybe you'd like to try it.

Noholdmine on Garth One Eyed Cheater

2 years ago

Some easy ways to add interaction to this deck would be to add some enchantment and creature removal spells. Krosan Grip, Return to Dust, Rapid Hybridization/Pongify, Arcane Denial to replace Dissolve, Anguished Unmaking, Damn, and Swords to Plowshares/Path to Exile are all clean and efficient methods of interaction. Saryth, the Viper's Fang, Lightning Greaves/Swiftfoot Boots, Shalai, Voice of Plenty, and Veil of Summer/Heroic Intervention are solid protection options for your creatures as well. Right now you're running Anger with only 2 Mountains in the entire deck, so that means either the mana base needs to be reworked or Anger needs to be replaced. Some easy ways to rectify the mana base a bit is to swap out some of your duals for the Red/x options (i.e, Blood Crypt, Stomping grounds, etc.). We can also make the deck more efficient by changing up the ramp so that it has utility or generates more than one color of mana. Cards like Deathrite Shaman, Kiora's Follower, Noble Hierarch/Ignoble Hierarch, Faeburrow Elder, and Birds of Paradise are all decent options. Right now Anger and Chainer, Nightmare Adept are the only cards that can give Garth haste. Since we only have a few creatures that actually benefit from the haste, cards that generate value outside of simply providing haste would be beneficial. Rhythm of the Wild would not only give our creatures haste, but would make it harder for opponents to counter the creatures and combos with the persist creatures in the deck by giving them +1/+1 counters. Temur Ascendancy is another decent option since we can draw cards even when our creatures don't benefit from haste and it synergizes with our Flicker and Undying/Persist effects. An infinite combo option would be Jeskai Ascendancy + Garth One-Eye + Any haster + Deadeye Navigator and even if we're not comboing, we can still generate value from each card individually. I personally feel that cards like Frantic Search and Careful Study are too good to not have in this type of deck, since a good majority of our cards benefit in some way from being in the graveyard or we have easy ways of getting them back. In tandem with this idea, I think that cards like Regrowth (even though Garth One-Eye already has a Regrowth) and Eternal Witness are musts, especially since Eternal Witness generates value with the Flicker effects and other revive effects in the deck. An honorable mention that didn't quite make it into my comment but could be effective is Spark Double since it would allow us to have multiple versions of legendary creatures if we so chose, 2 Muldrotha's could lead to quite the turn! Unfortunately, however, Commander has a deck maximum, which means that cards must be let go to make room for all the new fun stuff we want to play with. For this deck I suggest cutting Diamond Lion, Thespian Stage, Dark Depths, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle, Kitchen Finks, Desperate Ravings, Nim Deathmantle, Harrow, Magus of the Will, Gaea's Will, Scapeshift, Chronozoa, Raving Visionary, Thought Courier, Dissolve, possibly Twilight Shepherd, possibly Rampant Growth, possibly Seize the Spoilsand possibly, Purphoros, God of the Forge. At the end of the day, this deck is yours and you should play it and build it in the way that best suits you! Have fun gayming!

shadow63 on Lae'Zel Master Chef +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

let me just reiterate your card choices aren't wrong. these suggestions are going to be because maybe we have different play styles or different metas. like i really try to keep my removal as flexible as possible and my +1/+1 counter deck is atraxa . Armorcraft Judge its unreliable and is a bad top deck. Avatar of the Resolute it just doesnt scale well to edh. Custodi Soulbinders paying 3 mana just to make a 1/1 is'nt very exciting. Fertilid ive used this one alot and in my games i almost never used it to ramp it was just a vanilla creature.

Return to Dust is just awkward i much pefer Heliod's Intervention. Ruinous Intrusion 4 mana to blow up 1 artifact or enchantment isn't worth it even if does give you a few counters. Lifecrafter's Bestiary with so few creatures its not great. with more creatures in here it could be great. Celestial Judgment there will be games where it will give you the win but there will be games where someone just has something huge out that this just misses or youll have to blow up more of your own stuff then an opponents Hour of Reckoning this is only good in a token deck.

some replacements creatures. Park Heights Maverick, Loyal Guardian, Forgotten Ancient, Walking Ballista, Pir, Imaginative Rascal, Steelbane Hydra, Evolution Sage, Conclave Mentor. non creatures Hardened Scales, Austere Command, Damning Verdict, Tome of Legends, Coalition Relic, Vastwood Surge

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