Resourceful Defense


Whenever a permanent you control leaves the battlefield, if it had counters on it, put those counters on target permanent you control.

: Move any number of counters from target permanent you control to another target permanent you control.

Rhadamanthus on If a Enchantment with counters …

1 month ago

danielgonmar: You need to use double square brackets around the card's name to make the link work - Nine Lives, Resourceful Defense

To answer your question, since Resourceful Defense only moves counters between things you control, the same player has to control both Nine Lives and the Defense in order to use the Defense to move counters off of Nine Lives. If they're controlled by different players, which might be the situation in the original question where things are being moved around with Harmless Offering, then it won't work.

Also, it's much better to post a new question as its own topic rather than respond to a very old one. With the way this site works, adding a new post to a Rules Q&A discussion doesn't move the topic to the top of the list. This topic is about 4 years old, so the only reason I was aware of your comment is because the site auto-subscribed me for notifications on this topic after I originally posted in it. If you had happened to post in a topic where the only people involved in the discussion were no longer active users then no one would have seen your question.

wisegreenbean on A Less Disappointing Boss Fight

2 months ago

feeling suspicious of Bartolome del Presidio and Gift of Immortality, are they just for suntitan combo? you have way less support for combos so it seems hard to assemble and those 2 pieces alone are kinda mid. 3 blood artists, 2 free sacs, 2 enchantments, and 1 sunny T seems tough to get a combo assembled w/ no tutors, so leaning into cards that are only good with your sun titan seems iffy to me.

Scorn-Blade Berserker seems like an alesha holdover

Resourceful Defense seems win-more

Ratadrabik of Urborg is questionable to me, i feel like you're mostly not saccing legends, but instead saccing your fodder

Alharu, Solemn Ritualist is a lil expensive as you have 16x token generators and I feel like that's your sac fodder.

ever 2 or less color black deck luvs Nihil Spellbomb

You might enjoy some combination of the Feign Death, Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Not Dead After All, Undying Malice effects

Last_Laugh on Guff: Copy Everything & Burn Down the City

8 months ago

Pramikon, Sky Rampart makes it a lot easier to protect your planeswalkers (this was my Superfriends commander). Smoke also puts in some serious work in superfriends typically but he does get in the way of your mana dorks if you're tapping for mana. Resourceful Defense is an Ozolith effect that works for planeswalkers, but it is much better if you utilize bounce like Brago, King Eternal to reset your planeswalkers (it also pairs well with Smoke).

SufferFromEDHD on Super Cat

8 months ago

I also have a Jesksai Super Friends list. I fluctuate between Commodore Guff and Leori as the commander. They are both good but Leori leads to surprising and explosive turns were as Guff slowly ramps and feeds the strategy. Just gonna spitball a few ideas:

Resourceful Defense no loyalty wasted.

All Will Be One loyalty now burns.

Flame Fusillade similar tech as Honor-Worn Shaku.

Search for Glory an efficient tutor for the strategy.

Mobilized District a free manland is nifty.

Deserted Temple to filter the three colors but more importantly to reuse Karn's Bastion.

Reject Imperfection > Arcane Denial

Gatewatch Beacon > Fellwar Stone

Norn's Choirmaster > Third Path Iconoclast

And my super secret tech for planeswalkers... Savor the Moment. Wins games.

Last_Laugh on Sisay, Planeswalker Captain- Superfriends Tribal

10 months ago

Resourceful Defense is an Ozolith effect that works with loyalty counters. It's especially broken with blink like Brago.

Smoke is amazing in Superfriends.

Seedborn Muse will let you search with Sisay on everyone's turn instead of once per round.

Pramikon, Sky Rampart helms my Superfriends deck. It makes defending walkers so much easier and should be effective in the 99. You can also Spark Double this guy naming opposite directions and there's no more attacking (admittedly douchey... but effective).

Peacekeeper is another option to shut off combat.

SufferFromEDHD on "I'm Gonna do Their Ultimate"

1 year ago

Great list!

Teferi's Protection is the best at what it does but doesn't Semester's End better fit the decks theme?

Resourceful Defense no loyalty counters ever go to waste.

Honor-Worn Shaku all your planeswalkers become mana rocks!

Staff of Compleation swiss army knife.

Sword of Truth and Justice turns your few creatures into proliferating machines.

Deserted Temple utility.

Mobilized District the best manland for Superfriends.

RCD2023 on Lathiel, Who Blots Out the Sun

1 year ago

rakdosrunner Great additions! :)

Generous Patron on Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons its awesome too!

Lathiel it's a fun good deck, but it's not broked in anyway, so you can keep or mind in peace hahaha .. he usually is based on creatures (that give us valor 1 turn after, and can easyly be removed, counter or controled) and 1-3 speells each turn.

One board wipe and we get back to back to square one xD (even with cards like The Ozolith or Resourceful Defense in play).

I would say that Teferi's Protection it's the only card that it's closest of "Broked" in our deck... one time I was really ahead in the game and one friend casted Farewell and I had Teferi's in hand ... we lough and agree with 'Im was running ahead and they gaved me cocain' hahaha

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