Repel the Abominable


Prevent all damage that would be dealt this turn by non-Human sources.

Nametagg0 on Any advice? (Elspeth Token Surge)

2 years ago

Secure the Wastes is one that might be of interest

Aysen Crusader is another

id probably add a few defensive instants such as Righteousness or Repel the Abominable

DimitarK on Four Color Turbo Fog - Pioneer

4 years ago

I agree with almost everything Magnanimous suggested except Fevered Visions being a poor win condition. Sure, RDW can dump a bunch of burn on us. I'd suggest running a some main deck + some sideboard Swan Songs which would help with that + protect combo pieces vs control and has virtually no downside due to the fogs.

For Fateful Showdown I agree it's a little clunky. This card will sit dead in your hand most games and the double red is really taxing your 4 mana base with no fixing. I'd also consider cutting down on white, save for the Approach of the Second Sun which is easy to splash for at 7CMC. Repel the Abominable can be subbed out for Root Snare/Winds of Qal Sisma, Supreme Verdict for AEtherize which is easier on the mana and it can fill your opponent's hand back up for some Fevered Visions damage.

Also consider subbing out Growth Spiral+some of the fogs for Sylvan Caryatid/Anticipate. The caryatid can block some early aggression so you don't have to waste a fog early and will help with the mana base. Anticipate will help find that 3rd land drop, your combo piece or a fog when needed.

Shameless plug :D : check out my version of the deck running 3 color Day's Undoing, Sphinx's Tutelage, Jegantha, the Wellspring - Fevered Undoing Fog

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Seasons' Approach: How the seasons go by...

5 years ago

xtechnetia: thanks a lot for the comment. I've had some problems with opening TO at the end of march, so I didn't see the notification.

Your first point is totally true. Do you have any ideas on what to use here? I have thought about a transformative sideboard to win by Sylvan Reclamation . Another idea is Aetherflux Reservoir , though that seems too slow. What do you think about those?

Timely reinforcement is interesting. It would even be a great replacement for faith curvewise. The problem I see is twofold: the three tokens, although I'll basically always get them, don't help too much. And the conditionality of the lifegain is problematic as well. I actually do prefer renewed faith here, as the possibility to cantrip with it is very useful.

The third mode on dawn charm actually is worse than Repel the Abominable . The ceiling for dawn charm is somewhere near countering a big Fireball , whereas repel is versatile enough to do that while still negating most combat damage for that turn.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my response. Did I missevaluate anything? Please let me know.

xtechnetia on Seasons' Approach: How the seasons go by...

5 years ago

This is the coolest shell I've seen yet for Approach of the Second Sun . Thank you for sharing this.

Some potential improvements:

  • If someone uses an extraction effect like Lost Legacy or Unmoored Ego on your Approach, you literally have no way to win the game. I would have one alternate win con in the sideboard. Conveniently, Mastermind's Acquisition permits you to directly tutor whatever's in your sideboard...
  • You have a lot of fog effects to blank aggro, but control and combo tend to care less about those. I'd suggest maybe replacing a couple with Duress (or sideboard them, all depends on what you usually play against).
  • If it's not out of budget range, I would suggest Timely Reinforcements . It's better than Renewed Faith as it usually gives you a bunch of chump blockers.
  • Instead of Repel the Abominable , Dawn Charm could possibly work against burn. The second mode isn't really relevant for your deck, but the third mode directly counters a Bolt or similar (it also counters targeted discard effects, lol), and it still provides a fog effect in the first mode if that's what's needed.

Smallfry20uk on Sigarda, Herons Grace EDH

5 years ago

Removed Repel the Abominable , Descendants' Path , Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds . Added in Path to Exile , Decree of Justice , Opal Palace and Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip.

I don't think I have enough creatures to reliably use Descendants' Path without messing up draws of my other spells. Repel the Abominable seems redundant with the other means I have to protect my board state and I feel at only two colours of mana I don't need to fixing as badly as I need lands that enter untapped.

I would like to add in Silverblade Paladin and some form of equipment to provide a backup plan of commanded damage but I'm not sure what to cut or which weapon to add. I'm currently thinking of Frontline Medic being one of the dropped cards.

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