Reckless Air Strike


Choose one —

  • Reckless Air Strike deals 3 damage to target creature with flying.
  • Destroy target artifact.
EDH 236 / 43
Sulfurous Blast feature for fart tribal
EDH 0 / 0
Goblin Cratermaker feature for Kunko
EDH 0 / 0
Krenko, Mob Boss feature for Gobbly Goos

jozef on Main Gruul Deck

3 years ago

Hello. Here are just a couple of recommendations for upgrades: Vandalblast over Reckless Air Strike . Rancor over Sudden Spinnerets . Banefire over Burn from Within

j0k3rzinhu on fart tribal

3 years ago

completely lost my shit at Reckless Air Strike omg

multimedia on Niv mizzet my problem

4 years ago

Hey, good budget version of Niv.

Ophidian Eye is another combo enchantment to enchant Niv with. Consider cutting Curse of the Bloody Tome for Eye? With the difficult color casting cost of Niv and the less than ideal color fixing in the manabase consider Chromatic Lantern? To stay within the budget consider cutting That Which Was Taken for Lantern?

To help with color fixing in the manabase there's some budget lands to consider adding. Sulfur Falls, Shivan Reef, Wandering Fumarole, Ash Barrens, Grixis Panorama. These lands can help game play a lot more than $9 Caged Sun can. To stay within budget consider cutting Sun for these lands?

Evolve is not a very good mechanic in Commander because you want to consistently cast an Evolve creature early game to evolve as you cast other creatures. Consistently you're not going to have an Evolve creature to cast early and playing one mid/late game is not doing much. Evolve is a mechanic that benefits much with having 4x of same creatures in a deck which is not Commander. Consider cutting some creatures for a few more draw spells? Brainstorm, Opt, Frantic Search, Faithless Looting are budget good draw spells. Consider cutting Cloudfin Raptor, Simic Fluxmage, Petrahydrox, Ral's Staticaster for these draw spells?

Izzet colors at a budget are at a disadvantage for tutors, but there's some good cards that can copy an opponents tutor when cast letting you also tutor. Expansion / Explosion, Reverberate, Dualcaster Mage. These spells could also copy your own spell when you cast it. Consider cutting Wave of Indifference, Sundering Stroke and Reckless Air Strike for these copy spells? Talisman of Creativity and Izzet Signet are good budget two drop mana rocks. They could replace Heraldic Banner and Spinning Wheel.

In Commander you have access to good budget counterspells that don't have a restriction: Counterspell, Wizard's Retort, Arcane Denial. These counterspells could replace Scatter Arc, No Escape, Mystical Dispute.

I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

Miwa0609 on Love and Hate

4 years ago

Cards I would change for others that just seems better IMO.

Hypersonic Dragon (You should replace it by Vedalken Orrery or Leyline of Anticipation ... or even both)

Act of Treason (Put Insurrection instead, cost a lot, but can win you a game)

By Force ( Vandalblast is way better imo)

Reckless Air Strike (again, put something like Shattering Spree )

Courier's Capsule ( Witching Well )

Turn Aside (I understand it only cost one.. but something like Arcane Denial can counter anything and make you draw, which is excellent with any Niv)

Oppressive Will (Again, Mystic Confluence or Dream Fracture is insane)

Cards you can just cut out for others I have proposed

Adaptive Automaton

Loch Dragon

Quicksilver Dragon

Tandem Lookout

Engulfing Eruption

Reminisce (you already have Elixir of Immortality , and with Laboratory Maniac , I don't think you really need a second one)

Trepanation Blade

Pyromancer's Goggles but it's up to you honestly.. just have no good experience with this card personally

Panharmonicon (not sure why you play it tho..)

Izzet Keyrune

If you want to, you can drop the "dragon" part of the deck.. it's original, funny, but I think you don't need that to win.. So cards like Crucible of Fire , Dragon Tempest , Dragon's Hoard , can be replace.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Izzet Is or Izzet Ain't? Ikoria

4 years ago

I understand tinkering with the deck, but I think some of the changes you've made aren't good. Ionize is one of the best spells for Izzet colors, and you've replaced it with two less good counterspells (Negate and Devious Cover-Up). Ionize is cheaper than cover-up, more flexible than negate, and it deals two easy damage on top of that.

The Royal Scions is a great card for this deck, allowing more card filtering and some combat capabilities, and when you work them up to their ult, with the number of cards you're drawing, that can be a game-ender.

And then a couple of cards I like, but need to be kept low (two or less) in the deck. Thousand-Year Storm is good, but you've got a large mana-curve already. I might even make that a one-of. Pretty much the same with Murmuring Mystic, but two would be fine there. Invade the City is good, giving you a beefy blocker to help you stall, but you aren't likely to play it on turn three, since you only have a few instants/sorceries that come out before that turn.

Now, since you seem to have started to refine the maindeck a little, let's work on the sideboard. Fry is an obvious card, given the amount of burn in the maindeck and how often it's used in sideboards. Two or three of those, probably. Aether Gust and Mystical Dispute are both good here. I like the versatility of Reckless Air Strike, and if your local meta has lifegain in it you might try Tibalt, Rakish Instigator.

Waveblaze on Jeskai Merriment

4 years ago

Solar Blaze is another board wipe, but it's more situational.

I would personally replace Justice Strike with Response / Resurgence (or possibly Lava Coil ).

I would also replace Ugin, the Ineffable for Chandra, Fire Artisan or maybe Chandra, Acolyte of Flame . Chandra, Fire Artisan is cheaper and still gets you card advantage and damage. Chandra, Acolyte of Flame gives you damage, can put a counter on The Royal Scions or lets you reuse a spell (ex: Dance of the Manse or Deafening Clarion ). For the same mana cost you could get one of the other Mythic Chandras, but neither of them give you the card advantage.

For the sideboard it really just depends on which decks you think this one will have the most trouble with, and then you sideboard in to deal with those colors. For example, if your deck does fine against aggressive red decks, then there's no need to sideboard in against red but you should sideboard in against, for example, if your deck does bad against control or black decks.

Devout Decree is the one card I want to really point out the value, it's 2 cost to exile a creature or a planeswalker and it gets you a scry, so it's basically a better Prison Realm for Black and Red. Aether Gust has the nice effect of being able to counter, with the downside of them being able to choose to put it on top of their library (at least I believe this is how the card works).

Cavalier of Thorns already has some good removal if you need to get rid of an enchantment or two. So, Disenchant may not be necessary.

Reckless Air Strike is a card to consider if you want artifact removal, but I don't personally think your deck needs it.

Asturonethoriusaline on Pillage Coats Charm Calamity Boom! T1 LD Primer!

4 years ago

Funky, thanks for your comment! Deus of Calamity is awesome. It will replace Goblin Dark-Dwellers .

I would use a card like Shananigans, an or Ancient Grudge , if they werent 2 cmc, and were 1 cmc instead.

If any of my artifact destruction cards are not going to destroy land AND artifacts like Pillage , Acidic Slime , then they have to be 1 cmc.

Why? because a KEY combo play in this deck ia:

T1:Land drop bird if have one.

T2: Land. Either tap bird for 3 mana, then drop Liquimetal Coating , and 1 cmc artifact destroyer, and destroy 1 land. OR remove 1 Simian Spirit Guide , from the game, add 1 red mana, tap 2 lands for 2 more mana, drop Liquid Metal, and 1 cmc artifact destroyer, and destroy 1 land on turn 2.

I cant do that with a 2 cmc artifact destroyer.

Also Reckless Air Strike allows me to destroy a 3/3 flying creature or to destroy a artifact, for 1 cmc.