
Creature — Vedalken Wizard

As Realmwright enters the battlefield, choose a basic land type. Lands you control are the chosen type in addition to their other types.

Noahsucks on Bubblegum Crisis [PRIMER]

2 years ago

Grim Lavamancer is fantastic if you can feed him properly if not Wingcrafter might not be bad but after looking at the options for one drops Realmwright doesn’t seem so bad.

Noahsucks on Bubblegum Crisis [PRIMER]

2 years ago

Realmwright is an interesting choice, is there a reason outside of color fixing and having a 1 drop body that you play it?

carpecanum on Sen triplets

2 years ago

One REALLY annoying thing you can do with Sen Triplets is steal LANDS. Especially really fancy lands with special abilities. Boomerang, Capsize, Churning Eddy, Reality Strobe, Tradewind Rider and Eye of Nowhere. (I see you already have two of those in the deck)

Vega, the Watcher is decent card draw

Azor's Gateway  Flip once allowed my son to play every card in the hand of a guy playing Slivers.

Is Realmwright only there to fix mana? I thing you could do better with another Manalith clone like Spinning Wheel, Mana Geode etc. Maybe trade out a couple lands for Transguild Promenade and Rupture Spire.

zapyourtumor on big boi

2 years ago

Definitely needs to be more focused. Right now it's all over the place, and has a ton of singletons which is usually a dead giveaway that the deck is trying to do too much at the same time (I assume this might be because the deck was made up of your paper collection?).

I'd first take out all the cards that definitely don't synergize, and cards that don't do enough. All the artifacts, Traverse the Ulvenwald , Karametra's Acolyte , New Prahv Guildmage , Realmwright , Vorel of the Hull Clade fall under this.

Next you should get rid of the really slow cards: Lavinia of the Tenth , Medomai the Ageless , Mind Control , etc.

Now, what do you want the deck to be? Do you want a bant midrange deck? A bant taxes deck more focused on creatures? A dedicated +1/+1 counter deck? A creature toolbox deck? Knowing what direction you want your deck to go is always the first step to get out of the way before you actually start building it. I doubt you actually want a control deck because a dedicated control deck would have none of these creatures, and a bunch of counterspells and removal (while this deck only has one of each). Once you have that sorted out, it's a lot easier for people to give suggestions on your deck, because right now most people would just be really confused and give up after a few minutes.

Ingraved on You're A Heartbreaker, Dream Maker, Roil Chaser

3 years ago

Tribute Mage can fetch Illusionist's Bracers, goes infinite with Aphetto Alchemist as you can untap himself and another creature.

Realmwright is mana fixing.

Freed from the Real

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Jeez, that's a difficult one to justify. Okay, so, based on Grixis, I can see that.

Bolas' Gnat

Creature - Insect

As an additional cost to cast Bolas' Gnat, return a Swamp you control to your hand.

Flying, First strike, Deathtouch


I think that adequately justifies Izzet Deathtouch. I can legally be played in EDH, btw bc Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, as well as Grixis Illusionist, which would certainly be reprinted along side this beauty. Dream Thrush could actually be with it in a flying matters deck. A fun card in stax, Illusionary Terrain (that plus Urborg or Blood Moon can be rather fun).

Also, Realmwright and Trait Doctoring could finally have use (I know they have some use, but this'd be another.

Can I see an uncommon black flyer or card which grants flying?

Unlife on None

3 years ago

Realmwright was the first foil I ever opened (I love shiny cards), and I loved the effect, when I was starting out it was in a lot of decks.

Phyrexian Unlife before I found out about modern and power levels, I thought the card was such a cool idea (it helped that I was introduced to infect early on and have throughly enjoyed the mechanic ever since) and the artwork on the card was amazing

Borborygmos Enraged he's the commander I've had the longest, and his deck has come a long way from himself and 99 basic forests and mountains when I first started out. Plus its a lot of fun to throw lands at people

Sultai_Sir on Underrated Budget Gem!

3 years ago

My favorite pet card, although I have many, is probably Realmwright. In budget builds, it's a godsend, fixing your mana, and making most of your untapped lands duals. But on EDHREC, it's only in 405 decks. Does anyone know why?

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