Razaketh's Rite


Search your library for a card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your library.

Cycling B (B, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

2 months ago


The Budget for this deck is really weird. It's basically "Whatever I can get my hands on". I used to have Razaketh's Rite in here but I got seduced by the Timmy prospect of the double tutor with Increasing Ambition, I need to replace that soon.

I could see Stinging Study being put in for a flatter power curve. If I get a chance I'll probably replace either Sanguimancy or one of the big demons with it.

Profet93 on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater

2 months ago


I'm not saying the deck relies on devotion, just that you have a lot of devotion related cards, which can make things tricky like after a wipe as you stated. Stinging Study could potentially work similarly. It's instant speed always 7 cards and 7 life. Might be worth it potentially depending on your preference.

Oh, I didn't see any mention of budget in the description, noted. A potential budget consideration for increasing ambition is Razaketh's Rite. While no flashback, it has a built in cycling which can be cast "for free."

Flarhoon13 on Kenrith, the Cycling King

1 year ago

Inaugural game went perfectly. Time of Need got Zirda, the Dawnwaker. An early Fluctuator allowed me to cycle about 7 cards early. Zur the Enchanter got Astral Slide, Escape Protocol and Training Grounds. So, when Kenrith, the Returned King finally came out, all of his abilities were reduced to a single coloured mana. Razaketh's Rite got a Palinchron, probably should've gotten a Herald of the Forgotten. My opponent had been kind enough to mill my Scholar of the Ages so I could search with Razaketh's Rite again, this time for the Dimir House Guard to loop Palinchron via Kenrith, the Returned King for infinite mana and the win.

9-lives on

3 years ago

Liliana Vess, Grim Tutor, Mastermind's Acquisition, and Razaketh's Rite are all good tutor cards for toolboxing! I think I'll add black to use these cards. I searched for Good G or W tutors, and the only ones are Mythos of Brokkos and some that I forgot the name of that search for only enchantments or auras or artifacts.

AjanisLastDan on Mill hard play hard

3 years ago

Mastermind's Acquisition could replace Razaketh's Rite, (since Demonic Tutor will never go down in price) unless your opinion is that the cycling ability is worth the extra mana.

Talisman of Dominance, Coldsteel Heart, and Prismatic Lens are useful, relatively inexpensive artifact ramp.

Tree of Perdition and Undead Alchemist combo off with your commander to mill your opponents and flood your own board with zombies.

Just my two bits.

bushido_man96 on X is greater than Y

3 years ago

DemMeowsephs makes a good point. Some more budget tutors would be Diabolic Tutor and Final Parting, or even Razaketh's Rite.

CyborgAeon on Belzenlok, Godo's Ugly Cousin

3 years ago

Now this might not have occurred to you, but an alternative line to victory is:

1: belzenlok

2: unmask pitching phantasmagorion

3: pitch skirge familiar, any two black cards barring Nightmare Void & Bone Miser

4: cast hollow one, deep wood legate;

5: dread return skirge familiar

6: discard cards to add {b}{b}{b}{b}{b}

7: cast bone miser

8: discard Kozilek, Butcher of Truth (or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre)

9: discard Nightmare Void endlessly for unbounded mana (always dredge thanks to bone miser)

10: cycle Razaketh's Rite/Death Pulse / Stir the Sands for unbounded card draw (if anybody knows of a similarly cyclable noncreature, nonland card without cycling to use in place of these that would work great too).

11: now with unbounded mana and your entire deck available to be cast - you can do anything you wish:

ulamog or Scour from Existence all their permanents,

make unbounded creatures (if you used stir the sands)

Play soul spike 10-billion times, etc.

This version needs: Bone miser, phantasmagorion, nightmare void, belz, dread return, skirge familiar, ulamog, phantasmagorion, deepwood legate, hollow one, unmask, a cyclable instant/sorcery

(12 cards)

Whereas the current combo needs:

Phantasmagorion, belz, dread return, skirge familiar, deepwood legate, hollow one, unmask, konrad, skittles, cinderhaze wretch, necrotic ooze, lotus guardian, dread, endling

(14 cards)

Not only is this 2 cards more efficient, you are able to perform this through more star pieces such as Damping Matrix, hexproof/otherwise troublesome stax that affects activated abilities.

This contains 4 cards outside of the original combo and can likely be reduced further with some ingenuity. Please let me know what you think @Bazzul

blaise_rascal on MagicalHacker - List of All Tutors

3 years ago

Missing Razaketh's Rite. Great budget option

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