Rayami, First of the Fallen

Legendary Creature — Vampire

If a nontoken creature would be put into the graveyard from the battlefield, exile that card with a blood counter on it instead.

As long as an exiled creature card with a blood counter on it has flying, Rayami, First of the Fallen has flying. The same is true for first strike, double strike, deathtouch, haste, hexproof, indestructible, lifelink, menace, protection, reach, trample, and vigilance.

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Unlife on Tribal Vamping

1 year ago

I think with Strefan, Maurer Progenitor you need a lot of effects like Blood Artist and Bastion of Remembrance paired with some token generators and kill spells so early game you're just draining your opponents a bit and making blood tokens. Later on you can start swinging and dropping big bodies, maybe with Lithoform Engine and Strionic Resonator to double the triggers.

In a slightly different vein you could look at a soul sisters token build with Elenda, the Dusk Rose. Anointed Procession and Mondrak, Glory Dominus doubles your tokens, things like Soul Warden gain you lots of life, if you run tribal effects throw in a copy of Conspiracy so everything's a vamp anyways, and white has a lots of anthems to help boost your boardstate.

On a completly different end of the spectrum is Rayami, First of the Fallen You get black for the good vamps, green for ramp and blue for control, plus plenty of kill spells can suddenly turn your commander into a voltron beatstick.

legendofa on Paying X=0 with cost reduction …

1 year ago

I have Umori, the Collector and Rayami, First of the Fallen out and Stonecoil Serpent in hand. I want to have Stonecoil Serpent enter the battlefield with toughness 0, so it does and gets exiled with Rayami's blood counter. Is the Serpent forced to enter with a +1/+1 counter if I cast if for X=0? Is it possible to cast Serpent with X=(-1)?

Gidgetimer on Rayami, First of the Fallen …

2 years ago

The replacement effect does not use the stack and can not be responded to, and neither does paying a cost. You will be able to give Rayami, First of the Fallen hexproof and no one can respond before he gets it.

Polaris on None

3 years ago

I'm going to refer to the Comprehensive Rules for this, as the Ikoria release notes didn't cover edge cases like this.

721.3c If an effect can find the new object that a merged permanent becomes as it leaves the battlefield, it finds all of those objects. (See rule 400.7.) If that effect causes actions to be taken upon those objects, the same actions are taken upon each of them.

721.3e If a replacement effect applies to a “card” being put into a zone without also including tokens, that effect applies to all components of the merged permanent if it’s not a token, including components that are tokens. If the merged permanent is a token but some of its components are cards, the merged permanent and its token components are put into the appropriate zone, and the components that are cards are moved by the replacement effect.

(emphasis mine)

Going off this, Rayami, First of the Fallen will exile all of the cards in a merged creature when it dies, unless there was a token on top (making the permanent a token). Each of the cards will get a blood counter, and Rayami will get any relevant keyword abilities. This should apply regardless of the number of cards in the merged creature. If there is a token in the merged creature, it will also be exiled with a blood counter, but state-based actions will be checked after it arrives in exile and the token will cease to exist, granting Rayami no abilities.

TheAbstruse on Custom Esper Commander advice?

3 years ago

So based on your suggestion of mimicking Rayami, First of the Fallen maybe I could have an ability like this? As long as a creature other than Daraphim, the Equalizer has flying, each creature you control also has flying. The same is true for first strike, double strike, deathtouch, haste, hexproof, indestructible, lifelink, menace, reach, trample, and vigilance.

Caerwyn on Custom Esper Commander advice?

3 years ago

I think this card has a number of significant problems.

To start, this turns every card with keyword soup (i.e. lots of keywords) into a juggernaut. Many keyword soup cards, particularly in Esper, have access to evasion, meaning your large, powerful creatures are likely to be difficult to block (recall that Esper has access to pretty much every evasion ability--flying, fear, intimidate, horsemenship, sulk, shadow, menace, landwalk, protection).

Likewise, it turns cards that grant keywords into keyword granting abilities with anthem effects slapped on. Heaven forbid someone resolves an Akroma's Memorial or similar multi-keyword card.

Next, this creature is a 5/6 for 4 mana that cannot be removed easily du to hexproof. That alone would be powerful, without its ability to boost itself higher.

A lot of keywords are not redundant, and this would see each instance of various keywords. Take Sublime Archangel, for example. Let's say you have 6 total creatures and this commander. Archangel gives each of them Exalted. This Commander now has 7 instances of exalted. It attacks alone, it gets +14/+14 from the exalted, and another +7+7 from having 7 keyword abilities on it. Instant commander kill.

Finally, you would be conferring a number of abilities to this creature that do nothing other than boost its power. Ninjitsu, mutate, flash, etc.

Unfortunately, I do not think there is a great way to fix this. Its ability is just too powerful to cost effectively--there is a reason effects like this tend to be limited in nature, specifically stating what keywords they can confer (see Rayami, First of the Fallen).

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