Rampaging Brontodon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rampaging Brontodon

Creature — Dinosaur


Whenever Rampaging Brontodon attacks, it gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each land you control.

Crow_Umbra on Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

10 months ago

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. I hope my suggestions will be helpful, but here are some things I noticed when I took a look at your deck:

If you haven't already, I would recommend checking out EDHREC's page on Smeagol, Helpful Guide, here are the pages for a Sacrifice themed deck and a more Landfall focused deck. These pages can give you an idea of which effects overlap between the two strats, and what might be within your budget.

I hope these suggestions were helpful.

KBK7101 on Wulfgar of Icewind Dale EDH - Extra Attack!

1 year ago

I don't know if Isshin is "better". Different, yes. Better? While Isshin does get you access to more colors, Wulfgar has Melee and access to green. Both are very cool, either way!

Since the deck hinges on attacking, you might want to add in some more haste enablers like Fervor or Tuktuk Rubblefort or something.

Looking through some of green's best attack triggers, thoughts on Pathbreaker Ibex (a bit expensive these days), Rampaging Brontodon, Blossoming Bogbeast and Hans Eriksson?

MuricanSheepdog on I Thought You Were Selesnyan

2 years ago

SpotosThank you so much for commenting! These are super helpful suggestions that I hope to phase in over time. I recently added cards like Rampaging Brontodon and Gigantosaurus in hopes of some big damage, but in my last 3-4 games I haven't even gotten the 5 mana out to cast commander before my friends have all gotten theirs and are swinging wide.

I think the Equipments will be the first to go, but what else would you recommend I cut to make room for your suggestions?

bushido_man96 on Dinosaur Tribal

2 years ago

I originally had more two-drop rocks, but went away from them to go with more land ramp. I'm actually considering dropping some more of the artifacts I have, but have not convinced myself to do so yet. Urza's Incubator and Herald's Horn are good, but once I get Gishath out, they tend to not be quite as useful with Gishath doing all the work to get dinos out. I've been keeping them around because I know there will be times when my Commander won't be an option.

My mana base is pretty good, so I won't be adding Terramorphic or Evolving Wilds. If I didn't have the mana base I have already available, I would probably run them.

Regal Behemoth is out of budge, as is The Great Henge. I own a copy, but it's in another deck for now. The Tarrasque's fight ability could be useful, but it probably won't ever have Ward 10 in this deck. I'm on the fence about it. Rampaging Brontodon is easy beats, for sure.

Monomanamaniac on Dinosaur Tribal

2 years ago

That's fair. Some more suggestions might be Carnage Tyrant is pretty decent stats for the cost. You might consider Arcane Signet and maybe a couple other 2 cost or less mana rocks. rhythm of the wild might not be up your alley, but what about Unnatural Growth? That could probably get you there. A decent budget card might be Thrasta, Tempest's Roar, the Terrasque, or Rampaging Brontodon you could get some serious beaters with them lol. Congregation at Dawn feels extremely solid. Not at all budget but Regal Behemoth is op. I don't normally recommend lands but Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are better than they look. Also not budget but this would be a great deck for The Great Henge.

I know you just worked on lowering your curve but it looks like this deck thrives on having big bombs. I decided I would drop in a few more suggestions because I was just starting to get a better feel for what cards you were already using

YodaVoda on Jurrasic Rampage

2 years ago

Dencoan Yeah i think 2x Garruk's Uprising is fine, as for Rampaging Brontodon maybe have your wife playtest some games with Rampaging Brontodon instead of Ghalta, Primal Hunger to see which one she prefers.

Dencoan on Jurrasic Rampage

2 years ago

YodaVoda I really like the idea of Garruk's Uprising how many are you thinking right now I'm thinking x2? as for Rampaging Brontodon it is definitely a solid option for later game but I'm not sure what I would cut. I was thinking I need to get Gigantosaurus back to x4 especially with Garruk's Uprising handing out trample!

YodaVoda on Jurrasic Rampage

2 years ago

Nice deck! What do you think about Rampaging Brontodon.

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