Raging River

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Raging River


Whenever one or more creatures you control attack, each defending player divides all creatures without flying he or she controls into a "left" pile and a "right" pile. Then, for each attacking creature you control, choose "left" or "right." That creature can't be blocked this combat except by flying creatures and creatures in a pile with the chosen label.

PaulMuadDib on Judge tower

3 months ago

I pulled a few from manaless dredge because they can be confusing.
Narcomoeba -- This is a good one to watch for with the mill effects you have
Salvage Titan -- recurrence from graveyard, could easily be missed
Vengevine -- another classic recurrence from graveyard
Prized Amalgam -- could be easy to miss it leaving graveyard with these other graveyard creatures
Sword of the Meek -- ditto

Raging River -- confusing attack enchantment
Launch the Fleet -- strive targeting effect
Well of Knowledge -- conditional effect plus card draw
Night Soil -- this one exiles the two creatures as a cost, might be worth weirdness
Hoarder's Greed -- choice + draw cards
Vodalian Illusionist -- phasing
Shimmering Efreet -- more phasing
Chandra, Pyromaster -- I noticed you didn't add any planeswalkers, here's a random suggestion
Yawgmoth's Will -- more recurrence from graveyard
Balduvian Shaman -- turns a white enchantment to colorshift and add cumulative upkeep
Tombstone Stairwell -- creates creatures to aid in confusing rules
Panglacial Wurm -- classic judge's tower card, once you search a library you have to cast it
Hexdrinker -- slightly confusing level up ability plus possible "protection from everything" ability

Vasseer on I hope the RC drops …

1 year ago


Even Space Beleren is just Raging River+ and if it showed up in a standard set without the keyword and said piles rather than sectors nobody would care. (Is it really that difficult to keep your creatures in three piles?) Also 0 chance it sees any play in legacy anyways.

Aren't stickers basically just complicated ability counters? They stay on in the graveyard but Skullbriar already held counters across zones so it's not totally new. Attractions take an entire extra deck, why not complain about that?

Also people are shocked about Unfinity stretching the bounds of the game like wizards hasn't made Mutate, Companions, Night/Day, Cleave, or Dungeons in the past three years alone - each of which was radically beyond anything that had been done before...

PartyJ on Old School '99 EDH | Marton Stromgald

1 year ago

Four new cards have been added:

A smoother mana curve and more intense combat options. The speeds of the deck is coming closer to what I am aiming for. Still I prefer to cut some chaff... but it gets harder and harder to bring upgrades.

DevoMelvminster on Are there any old cards …

3 years ago

Raging River may be one of my favorite magic cards, hands down. It also does serious work in an aggro deck. I run it in my Grenzo, Havoc Raiser deck to very good effect.

heinrichgraum on Planeswalkers Perfected

3 years ago

Yeah, the Dual Lands for sure. Frankly any reserved list card I consider out of my budget these days. I did pick up a few many years back, like Grim Monolith for my Jhoira's History Storm (Queen of the Void (Eldrazi EDH) at the time) and a Wheel of Fortune and Raging River for my General Beatdown deck (although wheel has since moved to Fireheart), but theyre not cards I can get anymore and I'll likely never own second copies. When it comes to non-reserved list cards, this deck really doesn't have budgetary concerns or considerations.

CantaPerMe on Grenzo V.2.0 Tokens

4 years ago

Ender666666 Thank you, i like your list, and initially this deck was a goblin tribal like yours. With the time i discovered that tribal it's not the optimal way to win with Grenzo in my playgroup, i had way more consistency like this.

As a fellow red player i would love to play some wacky card like Raging River, it's just out of budget.

CommanderNeyo I had Hanweir Battlements  Flip for almost two years in and i never manage to flip it. Hanweir Garrison it's a removal magnet, my playgroup doesn't really like it to stick on the board. I do think that the haste part can be pretty relevant, but i prefer keeping the synergy with Extraplanar Lens. The manabase it's definitely a work in progress, so i could change my mind.

Ender666666 on Survivor Guilt ☣

4 years ago

If you have one, or can afford it, I'd suggest Raging River and Gauntlet of Might

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