Rageblood Shaman

Creature — Minotaur Shaman


Other Minotaur creatures you control get +1/+1 and have trample.

aholder7 on

1 year ago

I'm a big fan of minotaurs as well. The main thing you will need to contend with for minotaurs is that despite being red/black it's not very fast without something like Aether Vial to drop additional threats. And if it's trying to go fast cards like Kragma Warcaller are going to come down way too late. The second big problem you will be fighting is card advantage. I know that you are trying to get the 1 card or less ability on Neheb, the Worthy but every card is a resource and you are throwing yours away with cards like Bone Shards and Bloodrage Brawler. You'll get down to 1 card in hand pretty easily if your curve is lower. Third problem. All of the good creatures are at 3 mana. you have Neheb, the Worthy, Rageblood Shaman, Glint-Horn Buccaneer, Felhide Petrifier, and Ragemonger.

So is all lost for the horned and hooved? I think we can make it work (though if you just like tribal and don't care which tribe, vampires might be a better BR tribe for you). It might shift how the deck feels a bit. Even looking at other minotaurs not in your list there just aren't enough good ones at low CMCs to make this an aggro deck. Territorial Kavu is going to be a 2 mana 5/5 with no downsides for decks that want it. a Bloodrage Brawler just won't compete on speed and power. So i suggest embracing the slowness and trying to fight as a midrange deck where we want the game to go a bit longer.

I think you can utilize cards like Sardian Cliffstomper and Glint-Horn Buccaneer that work well in a grindier game. You could also use a couple discard spells like Inquisition of Kozilek to help fill out the low end of your curve. Neheb, the Worthy also pairs nicely with Felhide Petrifier.

lastly Rakdos Charm is an amazing spell, but it should probably be in your sideboard, not your mainboard.

could end up something like this

-3 Bone Shards -4 Rakdos Charm -4 Bloodrage Brawler -1 Neheb, the Worthy -3 Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion

+4 Inquisition of Kozilek +2 Duress (or whatever other discard spell you like) +4 Sardian Cliffstomper +2 Felhide Petrifier +3 Glint-Horn Buccaneer

IHATENAMES on Mighty Mighty Minotaurs

1 year ago

I'm a big fan of the minotaur tribe. Im unsure what competition your casual meta will have at your lgs. I normally do black red minotaurs so mono reds a little out of my norm but here are a few suggestions.

Generally good minotaurs:

Sethron, Hurloon General 5 drop makes all nontoken Mintotaurs bring a buddy and gives a buff.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion looting with ramp is powerful.

Fanatic of Mogis deals damage on etb. Then is a threatening body.

Rageblood Shaman trample and pump

A one card finisher type card may be helpful. Stormbreath Dragon was my unexpected hasty flier when I had a standard minotaur deck I'm khans of tarkir block long time ago. Some big unexpected spell or creature can help you get the last few points of damage in.

Other notes
Focus your deck. If you want to focus instant and sorcerys run some of the prowess minotaurs. If you want looting you can run the creatures that benefit from that. General minotaur tribal cut down some instant and sorcerys.

Cut your average cmc down. I don't like Dreamshaper Shaman unless it's to combo. Too expensive for what it does. Skophos Maze-Warden is OK as far as minotaurs go but you might as well run the land it mentions.

I'd also suggest going from casual to a more structured format. Pioneer or modern or legacy are my suggestions. Also in order of price low to high. Standard does not currently have a minotaur deck to my knowledge otherwise that may be cheapest. Happy brewing.

TypicalTimmy on What is your favorite tribe, …

1 year ago

I think it's been asked before, but we have many new players and users so I thought it would be nice to go over it again.

Title says it all.

Many users on here may be aware my favorite and most beloved tribe are the Minotaur, but why is this?

When I first began playing, I just went big or went home. Huge creatures, 8+ mana spells, massive combat swings, etc. Then, one of my former co-workers who happens to play competitively wanted to sit down at the table with us.

He brought his Modern Elfball deck, which won 1st place in a local championship. And I lost, again and again and again. At first losing wasn't so bad, but this guy also is not just a sore loser, but he has a bit of a God complex.

What do I mean by this? Any possible chance he gets in life to either put someone down, or prop himself up, he'll take. For example, when I was a machine operator maybe I'll have setup, did the fine-tune and achieved minimum scrap in about 45 minutes before production approval. He would, completely unprovoked, tell you he could have done it in 30 with zero scrap. Just to make you feel bad. Then, when it took him six hours and over 3,000 pounds of material, it was the fault of everyone else. Material suppliers for garbage plastic, engineers for poor tooling design, maintenance for failing machine upkeep, etc.

So anyway, there I am losing over and over. Eventually, I stopped playing Magic. Weeks would pass and he would still loom all of the loses over my head.

  • "Oh yeah, that's cool. But how many games did you win? Oh right, none."

Eventually I had a bit of an epiphany... He's winning with big creatures and fast combat. What if I out paced him, with midrange?

So I went to work. My Rakdos Minotaur deck had 13 (mostly) instant speed kill spells and Minotaur lords by the playset, and ramp.

He dropped an Elf. BOOM Terminate. Another Elf, MURDERED. Elf? Dreadbore. Elf? Unlicensed Disintegration.

Eventually he had a boardstate of a few Elves, and I had just three Minotaur.

Rageblood Shaman, Neheb, the Worthy and Felhide Petrifier.

I move to combat. A 2/3, 2/2 and a 2/3? He shrugs and takes it.

Well, Unlicensed Disintegration. 3 more damage to face. Fugg.

Okay so what he takes 6, so 9 in total? Big whoop.

Nope >:)

Rageblood Shaman gives +1/+1 to the others. And Neheb, the Worthy gives +2/+0 because I just lowered my hand by enough with that last spell!

So really it's a 5/4, a 5/3 and a 5/4.

So 15+3 or 18. Lethal, at this point.

He freaks the F out and puts up blockers despite us having moved to combat damage resolution. Fine.

First strike, deathtouch and trample.

Still lethal.

He sank. His jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it. His 1st place prize winning deck lost.

I may have been beaten a half dozen times, but in this moment I was victorious and it infuriated him.

And that, my friends, is why I love my cows :)

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

A favorite deck of mine was my very old Rakdos Minotaur Modern deck. It was casual and just tribal, but it won a decent number of games. That's the one that won against a local Elfball championship deck because that player had no removal, and got cocky trying to get as much mana online as possible. Through a cluster of Terminate and Dreadbore and Unlicensed Disintegration, I was able to keep him slowed by removing key aspects as I built a boardstate out. I eventually won via a single combat round when I tapped a Rageblood Shaman, Felhide Petrifier and a Kragma Warcaller sideways.

  • 2/3 + +2/+0 = 4/3
  • 2/3 + +1/+1 + +2/+0 = 5/4
  • 2/3 + +1/+1 + +2/+0 = 5/4

That's only 14 damage? And even with deathtouch and trample, each one being blocks removes -3 damage so that's only 11?

;) 14 hits for 11, doublestrike and blockers removed hits for +14 full so 25. Second combat phase = full unblocked 14+14 but it's even more because Kragma Warcaller adds +2/+0 globally the second time, so it's actually 20+20. So 11+14+20+20 or 55 damage to face on three 2/3 bodies. Even with blockers the second round, it'll only slough off 3 damage down to 52.

The deck focused on ramp, removal and cows but it seriously lacked draw. So here's for that, while maintaining the core value of the deck.

Bloodpainter Shaman

Creature - Minotaur Shaman


Whenever you would gain life, you may instead draw a card.

Bloodpainters are the most visceral of their kind, seeking prophetic messages in the carrion of their fallen foes.


The deck ran Whip of Erebos as a reanimator small engine to keep combat flowing, so that combos nicely with this. And with that costed value, it's a mere with Ragemonger.

Wouldn't be a TypicalTimmy post without a book behind it, lol.


TypicalTimmy on Attempting to make the perfect …

2 years ago

Minotaur are a very tricky tribe to play with. They have a good amount of Lords. For just having merely 95 creatures to their tribe in total, they have six Lords. They are:

Now, while this may pale in comparison to the total number of Lords for, say, Vampires or Zombies, you need to consider the population density. Roughly 15.83% of the Minotaur base is tribal, which is quite powerful. Meanwhile, Zombies appear to have 16 true Lords, with 17 being if you include The Scarab God. Those being:

16 Zombies in total that act as true Lords (Being defined as a continual boon to all creatures of that type, not an activated ability for just one of them) out of 522 is only a population density of 0.03%.

So the question is, how do we maximize the potential for Minotaur, despite the lower physical number of Lords - even though they contain more percentage-wise?

Simple: We need to be able to create tokens, tutor or have graveyard effects. This makes Sethron, Hurloon General actually a very well-designed Commander, in terms of tribal support. He can be activated multiple times per turn, has a flexible activation cost, and gives you a token with each successful ETB. But the issue is that he doesn't get you the Lords in play, nor does he assist you once they are removed.

So, we need something that does that as well.

Mortha, Ancestral Shaman

Legendary Creature - Minotaur Shaman

Minotaur you control have haste.

You may cast Minotaur creature spells from your graveyard by paying life equal to their mana value in addition to paying their other costs.

, discard a card: Create a 2/3 red Minotaur Spirit creature token. If that card was a land, create two 2/3 red Minotaur Spirit creature tokens instead.

Exile four cards from your graveyard: Search your library for a Minotaur card and reveal it and put it into your hand. Shuffle your library.


Being a Haste Lord means your Minotaur are always ready to charge in for their attacks. Giving a means to cast from your graveyard is extremely important as you will want to ensure replayability. The token option means you will always have a base ready to fight with, and having the discard payment means you can pitch a Rageblood Shaman to make a 2/3, then pay + 3 life to get the Rageblood Shaman right back and swing with the 2/3, who is now a 3/4 with trample that very same turn. Alternatively, because Rakdos has limited ramp, you are rewarded with an extra 2/3 token if you pitch a land - which objectively sets you back in the game. Finally, you have a means to merely get the Minotaur you are looking for, by paying a very hefty price - exiling four cards from your library. However, her discard cost means you should always have the ability to do this. With instant / sorcery removal as well as combat trick spells, you should always have a full yard, ripe for exploitation.

When her engine is rolling and online, you can do the following:

  • Exile 4 cards to tutor a Cow
  • Pitch the Cow for to get a 2/3 token with Haste
  • Cast the Cow for it's casting cost + life

Each ability feeds into the next ability, and they can be used multiple times per turn. You could actually exile 16 cards and tutor out 4 Lords if you really want to and have the ability to. Then on your end step dump your mana and discard since you're probably above 7. Now you have a bunch of 2/3 tokens. Next turn, bring the lords into play and swing.

It's not a very competitive deck, but Minotaur aren't a very competitive tribe. But what it does do is apply and maintain the pressure at all times, which is something that is important - especially in Rakdos.

TypicalTimmy on Molgrath of the Soulflame

2 years ago

Wendithewendigo, as the cost is a one-time deal at the beginning of the upkeep, I think it's better to cast them. If it were am activated tap ability, sure because then you are "casting" it by paying an activation cost.

For example, paying 3BB, T: to cast from the graveyard is no different from paying 1RR from the graveyard itself, in terms of having to spend mana.

By doing it this way, you get to use him twice per turn (once at the beginning of both upkeeps), which has the benefit of:

Blackgate on Bull-crop warriors (Rakdos minotaur tribal)

2 years ago

Thank you zapyourtumor! Yes they are nasty together it’s a great combo!
Don’t forget Rageblood Shaman - first strike, deathtouch and trample! Super nasty mix of abilities!

Teh_Mammoth on Do Molten Echoes tokens ETB …

3 years ago

1) Lets say I cast a Fanatic of Mogis whilst Molten Echoes is on the field (with Minotaurs named) and for simplicity there are no other non land cards on my side.

Fanatic of Mogis and the token both have the ETB of dealing damage equal to my devotion to red, but will the Echoes token and original Fanatic see each other as they ETB, therefore both seeing a devotion of 4? (2 from Echoes, 1 for each Fanatic)


Does the original Fanatic enter first, its ETB + Molten Echoes trigger, then the token ETB and triggers? (Meaning the original Fanatic trigger sees 3 and the token sees 4)

2) Then to make things more complicated (just to clarify this whole thread), if I used Deathbellow War Cry to bring out 4 cards, lets say Fanatic of Mogis, Neheb, the Eternal, Kragma Warcaller, and Rageblood Shaman

Would the 4 originals plus 4 tokens enter at the same with 2 huge Fanatic of Mogis triggers


The 4 originals enter, Fanatic of Mogis trigger resolves, then 4 tokens enter and 2nd Fanatic of Mogis resolves (followed by the legendary rule to sacrifice token Neheb)?

If I'm completely wrong in both circumstances then please explain further below if you can and I apologise for the lengthy question.

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