Rage Nimbus

Creature — Elemental

Defender, flying

{{1,R}}: Target creature attacks this turn if able.

JANK-TANK on Deadly Approach

2 years ago

Very clever utilisation of Dragon's Approach! How does this fare in games? Just wondering how you hold up, especially against early game aggression. I know you've not asked for help, but Tuktuk Rubblefort could be a cheap way to defend yourself, or Rage Nimbus.


GrimlockVIII on Attack me, I dare you (Boros Control)

3 years ago

Haha it's cool lol. Your suggestions actually made me look into more viable additions to the deck anyway. Found out about stuff like Rage Nimbus and Curse of the Nightly Hunt , cards that I wouldn't have otherwise knew existed.

SurpriZe on Queen Marchesa: Politics, Aikido, and Control

5 years ago

I've recently stumbled upon Rage Nimbus and instantly thought of how well it could fit in this deck. It seems like a great way to deal with all the utility creatures/commanders that are so abundant in EDH and it has other uses as well, plus it quite suits the theme of the deck. Has it been suggested before? What's your opinion on it?

JuQ on Omnath, Locus of Rage

6 years ago

Hi there!

Omnath is completely commander dependant, after all the goal of the deck is to combo off with him, so there is not much you can do, so you have to work around it. You need to protect him better and get a bit more recursion because Omnath at 7 CMC is expensive enough.
Against removals you can use Sylvan Safekeeper and Heroic Intervention and there is always Asceticism which is a bit more expensive both money and mana wise.
For recursion Seasons Past is one of my favorite cards lately, easilly you get five to seven cards out of it. Greenwarden of Murasa is another no brainer because of the tribal theme. Deadwood Treefolk works similarly, it sacrifices itself and you don't have to exile it, but only brings back creatures. Paleoloth is another creature I though about, the creature by itself is kinda bad, but with Omnath you can trigger it the same turn you cast it.

Against the flyer problem im using (together with the Tornado Elemental) Cloudthresher, Ulvenwald Hydra, Rage Nimbus, Chaosphere (Spidersilk Armor is another good option I run in other decks).

Some creatures are too big to be killed with damage or plainly indestructible, so I run stuff like Scour from Existence and Brittle Effigy. Spitebellows is a damage based removal but you can get a lotta triggers for just three mana.

If your meta has so many counterspells you have stuff like Red Elemental Blast, Burnout, Vexing Shusher and Prowling Serpopard among others.

You should cut Door of Destinies and Vanquisher's Banner, you only have 14 elemental spells (counting Omnath) so you won't be getting enough triggers out of them to make them worth their spot in the deck.

Animist's Awakening is just bad, keep in mind you will be getting about one land for every three mana you spend on the X (there are many other effects taking lands out of the deck). It would be good if were producing limitless mana, but if you already have infinite mana you don't really need so many lands, anyway it's a worse Genesis Wave. Better options are Traverse the Outlands and Boundless Realms or the Genesis Wave.

Stuff like Exploration and Wayward Swordtooth work amazingly in these decks, specially when you combine it with the Oracle of Mul Daya and Courser of Kruphix you already run and Ramunap Excavator if you were to include it (feels like a cheat with cards like Evolving Wilds).

The deck would improve a lot with more card draw Mouth / Feed, Skullclamp, Seer's Sundial and Skullmulcher are good options, even a five card Soul's Majesty or Rishkar's Expertise is a good value.

Coward_Token on Gahiji: Forever War

6 years ago

Marvell: Oh and just to be exhaustive: Cards like Authority of the Consuls(bonus: token gifting synergy! 1 life per turn with Forbidden Orchard wooo) and Imposing Sovereign could also tip the scales in favor of Alliance of Arms'd opponents closer to the left of you, at the expense of all hostile hasty beatdown creatures. Obviously, those don't solve the basic problem of pacifist opponents either and the deck has exhausted pretty much all of the good forced attack options already (although I guess Rage Nimbus with Maybeboarded War's Toll and Grenzo could also be a thing).

awalloftext: Heh, sorry for my longer-than-usual rambling. An akido-ish approach seems like an OK compromise

Trained_Orggasm on Walls

6 years ago

Cool deck, I love walls too! Glyph of Destruction can only be played on a blocking wall. While having cards like Propaganda and Meekstone are good for holding your opponents up from attacking, they don't work well with the glyph. Perhaps use some of these cards to force your opponents to attack: Alluring Siren, Bullwhip, Incite, Rage Nimbus, or even Skin Invasion  Flip. +1 Good luck with the deck!

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