Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, you may tap two untapped creatures you control. If you do, draw a card.

: Creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain vigilance until end of turn.

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seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

6 months ago

Icy Crown Familiar

Snow creature - Elemental Bird


Whenever you tap a creature an opponent controls, you may pay . If you do, put X stun counters on that creature.


Not so long ago, I wondered if I'd ever find an azorius commander I'd consider building. Shortly after, I built Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart, Shorikai, Genesis Engine and finally Hylda of the Icy Crown. Your challenge: Either creature a commander for yourself in a colour oder colour combination you usually dislike or create a card for a deck you have in these colours.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

My most current deck that I built from scraps laying around is Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart. It's a token/spellslinger deck that with with either Approach of the Second Sun, Psychosis Crawler or Raff's activated ability, maybe combined with True Conviction. It's a little tuned down regarding raw power, but instead just does some tap/untap shenanigans. Never would I have thought that I enjoy it that much, but it's a hilarious little synergy energy. So, with regards to that:

Awareness Engine


Whenever you cast your second spell each turn, you may untap up to target two creatures you control.


Crow_Umbra on JoJo's Legendary Adventure

1 year ago

I think you could safely cut Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart or Balmor, Battlemage Captain, mostly because I don't think you're running enough of a volume on Instants and Sorceries to consistently. Since you're playing a very creature heavy strat, there are a variety of board protection effects you could run, depending on your budget:

The last 3 options aren't very budget, but Heroic Intervention and Akroma's Will are very helpful cards in EDH. If your play group is cool with it, you could always proxy them before purchasing.

Additionally you could add a couple more removal effects like:

The more you play the deck irl, the more you'll get a feel for what effects you like most and what synergizes well. Playing 5 colors as a new player is a bit ambitious, but kudos to you for taking it on. To make your play experience a bit easier, I'd recommend trying to make as many things in your deck be 1-2 colors as often as possible to reliably cast things.

Welcome to MtG and happy brewing!

legendofa on

1 year ago

If I may offer some feedback:

For Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful, the discard recursion won't be especially useful without either much more draw power or a graveyard subtheme. Monstrous War-Leech would also benefit from a greater graveyard theme. I would save those cards for a different deck.

In general, you have a lot of cards that want you cast a lot of instants and sorceries (Rona, Raff, Weatherlight Stalwart, Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator), but only nine instants and sorceries.

Building off of what PassedPawn said, there's a little bit of graveyard filling and recursion, a little bit of spellslinging with instants and sorceries, and a little bit of life drain. There's potential for at least two, maybe three separate decks here, each with a different focus. If you want to go with life drain, go all in on it. The Sheoldred, the Apocalypses are an excellent build-around card. Cards like Cliffhaven Vampire, Indulging Patrician, and Queza, Augur of Agonies, supported by forced draw effects like Blood Pact, Folio of Fancies, and Reckless Scholar would help develop Sheoldred into a powerhouse.

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